Top 50 "most wanted" Drupal 8 contrib modules (by followers in the "contrib_tracker" project)
mysql> SELECT n.nid, n.title, c.count AS followers
-> FROM node n
-> INNER JOIN flag_counts c ON c.entity_id = n.nid
-> INNER JOIN field_data_field_project p ON p.entity_id = n.nid
-> INNER JOIN field_data_field_issue_status s ON s.entity_id = n.nid
-> WHERE p.field_project_target_id = 2573607 /* contrib_tracker */
-> AND s.field_issue_status_value NOT IN (2, 7, 3) /* fixed, closed (fixed), closed (duplicate) */
-> ORDER BY c.count DESC
-> LIMIT 50;
| nid | title | followers |
| 2574683 | [webform] Webform | 119 |
| 2607038 | [backup_migrate] Backup and Migrate | 104 |
| 2591017 | [og] Organic Groups | 97 |
| 2574669 | [commerce] Drupal Commerce | 83 |
| 2604358 | [feeds] Feeds | 83 |
| 2574049 | [redirect] Redirect | 72 |
| 2595163 | [media] Media | 68 |
| 2609628 | [conditional_fields] Conditional Fields | 58 |
| 2574691 | [rules] Rules | 51 |
| 2574777 | [views_bulk_operations] Views Bulk Operations (VBO) | 41 |
| 2596641 | [field_collection] Field Collection | 41 |
| 2578191 | [ubercart] Ubercart | 40 |
| 2578531 | [context] Context | 40 |
| 2614448 | [zen] Zen | 40 |
| 2613810 | [auto_entitylabel] Automatic Entity Label | 36 |
| 2606848 | [better_exposed_filters] Better Exposed Filters | 36 |
| 2592949 | [flag] Flag | 35 |
| 2636918 | [group] Group | 34 |
| 2578231 | [calendar] Calendar | 33 |
| 2615320 | [entityreference_prepopulate] Entityreference prepopulate | 33 |
| 2575439 | [domain] Domain Access | 32 |
| 2573679 | [transliteration] Transliteration | 31 |
| 2574111 | [file_entity] File Entity | 31 |
| 2608648 | [content_access] Content Access | 31 |
| 2598412 | [ldap] Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) | 28 |
| 2605194 | [libraries] Libraries API | 28 |
| 2606490 | [openatrium] Open Atrium | 28 |
| 2574083 | [crm_core] CRM Core | 27 |
| 2578077 | [memcache] Memcache API and Integration | 27 |
| 2624188 | [ip_geoloc] IP Geolocation Views & Maps | 27 |
| 2611516 | [advanced_forum] Advanced Forum | 25 |
| 2574425 | [panels_everywhere] Panels Everywhere | 25 |
| 2606970 | [xmlsitemap] XML sitemap | 25 |
| 2578743 | [field_group] Field Group | 24 |
| 2589671 | [leaflet] Leaflet | 24 |
| 2606944 | [twitter] Twitter | 24 |
| 2607002 | [block_class] Block Class | 24 |
| 2608242 | [deploy] Deploy module | 24 |
| 2606904 | [pathologic] Pathologic | 23 |
| 2607032 | [quicktabs] Quick Tabs | 23 |
| 2609640 | [gmap] GMap Module | 23 |
| 2620300 | [menu_item_visibility] Menu item visibility | 22 |
| 2622398 | [openlayers] Openlayers | 22 |
| 2608930 | [views_data_export] Views data export | 22 |
| 2578085 | [redis] Redis | 21 |
| 2592937 | [message] Message | 21 |
| 2612838 | [hybridauth] HybridAuth Social Login | 21 |
| 2622594 | [commerce_kickstart] Commerce Kickstart | 21 |
| 2611368 | [geocoder] Geocoder | 20 |
| 2613484 | [commerce_paypal] Commerce PayPal | 20 |
50 rows in set (1.51 sec)