Setting WPLANG Dynamically in Multilingual Websites
// start the session
// if there's a "lang" parameter in the URL...
if( isset( $_GET[ 'lang' ] ) ) {
// ...set a session variable named WPLANG based on the URL parameter...
$_SESSION[ 'WPLANG' ] = $_GET[ 'lang' ];
// ...and define the WPLANG constant with the WPLANG session variable
define( 'WPLANG', $_SESSION[ 'WPLANG' ] );
// if there isn't a "lang" parameter in the URL...
} else {
// if the WPLANG session variable is already set...
if( isset( $_SESSION[ 'WPLANG' ] ) ) {
// ...define the WPLANG constant with the WPLANG session variable
define( 'WPLANG', $_SESSION[ 'WPLANG' ] );
// if the WPLANG session variable isn't set...
} else {
// set the WPLANG constant to your default language code is (or empty, if you don't need it)
define( 'WPLANG', 'tr_TR' );
// Add to wp-config.php
// require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wp-lang.php' );