1/6/2017 - 3:04 PM

If something went wrong with the HP SmartArray disks this script will send an error email

If something went wrong with the HP SmartArray disks this script will send an error email

#If something went wrong with the HP SmartArray disks this script will send an error email 
if [ `/usr/sbin/hpacucli controller slot=2 physicaldrive all show | grep -E '(Failed|Rebuilding)'| wc -l` -gt 0 ]
   msg="RAID Controller Errors"
   #echo $msg
   /usr/sbin/hpacucli controller slot=2 ld all show detail > /tmp/hpacucli.log
   mail -s "$HOSTNAME [ERROR] - $msg" "" < /tmp/hpacucli.log
   rm -f /tmp/hpacucli.log
  #echo "Everything Good"