3/14/2019 - 2:02 AM

Salvar Objeto em JSON, CSV, TSV

(function() {
  var br = "\n"
  function extend(o) {
    Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1).forEach(function(source) {
      if (!source) return
      for (var keys = Object.keys(source), i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
        var key = keys[i]
        o[key] = source[key]
    return o
  function unquote(str) {
    var match
    return (match = str.match(/(['"]?)(.*)\1/)) && match[2] || str
  function comments(line) {
    return !/#@/.test(line[0])
  function getValues(line, sep) {
    return line.split(sep).map(function(value) {
      var value = unquote(value);
      var numeric = +value;
      return (numeric === numeric) ? numeric : value; // take advantage of NaN !== NaN
  function Parser(sep, options) {
    var opt = extend({
      header: true
    }, options)
    this.sep = sep
    this.header = opt.header
  Parser.prototype.stringify = function(data) {
    var sep = this.sep,
      head = !!this.header,
      keys = (typeof data[0] === 'object') && Object.keys(data[0]),
      header = keys && keys.join(sep),
      output = head ? (header + br) : ''
    if (!data || !keys) return ''
    return output + data.map(function(obj) {
      var item = keys ? {} : []
      var values = keys.reduce(function(p, key) {
        return p
      }, [])
      return values.join(sep)
  Parser.prototype.parse = function(tsv) {
    var sep = this.sep,
      lines = tsv.split(/[\n\r]/).filter(comments),
      head = !!this.header,
      keys = head ? getValues(lines.shift(), sep) : {}
    if (lines.length < 1) return []
    return lines.reduce(function(output, line) {
      var item = head ? {} : []
      output.push(getValues(line, sep).reduce(function(item, val, i) {
        item[keys[i] || i] = val
        return item
      }, item))
      return output
    }, [])
  // Export TSV parser as main, but also expose `.TSV`, `.CSV` and `.Parser`.
  var TSV = new Parser("\t")
  extend(TSV, {
    TSV: TSV,
    CSV: new Parser(","),
    Parser: Parser
  if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
    module.exports = TSV
  } else {
    this.TSV = TSV

var data = [{
  key: '1',
  name: '胡彦斌',
  age: 32,
  address: '西湖区湖底公园1号'
}, {
  key: '2',
  name: '张学友',
  age: 42,
  address: '西湖区湖底公园1号'

function downloadJSON(a) {
  var json = JSON.stringify(data);
  a.href = "data:application/json;charset=utf-8," + json;

function downloadCSV(a) {
  var csv = TSV.CSV.stringify(data);
  a.href = "data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,\ufeff" + csv;

function downloadTSV(a) {
  var tsv = TSV.stringify(data);
  a.href = "data:text/tsv;charset=utf-8,\ufeff" + tsv;
<p>Table data can be downloaded as JSON, CSV, TSV</p>

<a id="test" download="data.txt" href="data:text/txt;charset=utf-8,内容lalallaala">下载 TXT</a>

<a id="json" onclick="downloadJSON(this)" download="data.json" href="javascript:;">下载 JSON</a>

<a id="json" onclick="downloadCSV(this)" download="data.csv" href="javascript:;">下载 CSV</a>

<a id="json" onclick="downloadTSV(this)" download="data.tsv" href="javascript:;">下载 TSV</a>