12/15/2017 - 3:38 AM

php class

:: ⋅   for static and constant properties–methods;   can be called directly from within the class:

-> ⋅   for instance properties‒methods;   can ONLY be called through an instance:

class Example {                           # new Example("prop1", "prop2")
  public $propOne;
  public $propTwo;
  private $propThree = 'private property!';
  const propFour = 'a constant value!';   # Example::propFour 
  public function __construct($propOne, $propTwo) {
    $this->propOne = $propOne;
    $this->propTwo = $propTwo;
  public static function statMethod(){    # Example::statMethod()
    echo 'static method!';
  public function method(){               # exInstance->method()
    echo 'a method!';
    $prop3 = $this->propThree;            # exInstance->method()->prop3

final   before a property–method prohibits child classes to override that prop–meth:
final public myProperty = "final value!";

How a class works

class myClass {
    public $var;            //public vars are needed to get values for outside use - can ONLY BE USED through 1)making an INSTANCE of a class and ACCESSING with $classn->$var;
    public STATIC $var2;   //STATIC keyword allows to call directly from outside with classn::$var
    private  function privMethod ($a) {
        $privvar = $a;
        return $privvar;
    function pubMethod($a) {
        $pubvar = $this->privMethod($a);    //get priv method value and save to var to pass on
        $this->var = $pubvar;               //$this keyword is needed to set value of vars (as opposed to constants )

$w = new myClass();

$w = classn::$var;    //static var