How to setup the raspi cam. Based on a tutorial by Geek Gurl.
How to setup the raspi cam. Based on a tutorial by Geek Gurl.
to see this youtube video directly on the pi you need to install gnash. Its an open source flash plugin
sudo apt-get install gnash
sudo apt-get install browser-plugin-gnash
Enable Camera in config
sudo raspi-config
Test still image
raspistill -o cam.jpg
Make a sequence
raspistill -o image_%04d.jpg -tl 1000 -t 60000
This will make a picture every second for one minute. Time is caculated in milliseconds. So 1000 is one second.
Now install some video creation tools
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libav-tools
And convert your video to a mp4 like this
avconv -r 10 -i image_%04d.jpg -r 10 -vcodec libx264 -crf 20 -g 15 -vf crop=2592:1458,scale=1280:720 timelapse.mp4
play it with omxplayer
omxplayer timelapse.mp4
Now install pi-mation by russb78 see