Steps to set up a new Rails app, initialize a git repo, push to Github and deploy to Heroku
Navigate to the directory in which you want the new app created using 'change directory' (cd).
Use the 'make directory' (mkdir) command if you want to create a new directory, such as rails_projects (Note: Rails will automatically create a directory for all your app files)
$ cd <correct_directory>
Create a new app. It's good practice to append your new app name with '_app' so that it will not be confused with any classes you create later.
The 'rails new' command will create the default Rails file structure inside a directory with the name you gave in the command above
$ rails new <new_app>
Navigate to the newly created directory using 'cd'
$ cd <new_app>
Initialize a new git repository locally
(This initializes a repository in the current
working directory, so ensure you are in the correct one.)
$ git init
Add everything in the current directory to the repository
$ git add .
OPTIONAL - Check git status to show you what is currently in the 'staging area'
$ git status
Commit all the changes in the 'staging area' to the LOCAL git repository and add a comment
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
OPTIONAL - Check the log to show a list of commit messages
$ git log
Create a new GitHub repository
# Log in to GitHub
# Select 'New repository' or navigate to
# Add a Repository name that matches your app name (<new_app>)
# Deselect 'Initialize this repository with a README.
Tell git to add Github as the origin for the 'master' branch
$ git remote add origin<username>/<new_app>.git
Push the local repository up to Github (the remote repository)
$ git push -u origin master
Open README.rdoc in textmate
$ mate README.rdoc
# Replace default info with info relevant to your app
Commit all (-a) modifications with a comment (-m)
about what was changed
[Use 'git add' first if new
files were created]
$ git push
Push locally commited changes to Github
[Can skip 'origin master' b/c one push was done above]
$ git commit -a -m "Improve the README file"
Create a new app with subdomain at Heroku
$ heroku create --stack cedar
Push the app to Heroku
$ git push heroku master
Open the app in the browser
(Subdomain is listed in the terminal
after the 'heroku create' command)
$ heroku open
These are the initial changes recommended by Hartl
gem 'jquery-rails', '2.0.0'group :development do gem 'sqlite3', '1.3.5' end
group :assets do gem 'sass-rails', '3.2.4' gem 'coffee-rails', '3.2.2' gem 'uglifier', '1.2.3' end