12/24/2013 - 3:21 AM

Quo Gesture for Ejecta. See and

Quo Gesture for Ejecta. See and

    document.addEventListener("swipe", function(ev){
        console.log("swipe: "+JSON.stringify(ev));
 (function() {
   var CURRENT_TOUCH, EVENT, FIRST_TOUCH, GESTURE, HOLD_DELAY, TAPS, TOUCH_TIMEOUT, _angle, _capturePinch, _captureRotation, _cleanGesture, _distance, _fingersPosition, _getTouches, _hold, _isSwipe, _listenTouches, _onTouchEnd, _onTouchMove, _onTouchStart, _swipeDirection, _trigger;

   TAPS = null;
   EVENT = void 0;
   GESTURE = {};
   FIRST_TOUCH = [];
   TOUCH_TIMEOUT = void 0;
   HOLD_DELAY = 650;

   document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {

   _listenTouches = function() {
     var environment;
     document.addEventListener('touchstart', _onTouchStart);
     document.addEventListener('touchend', _onTouchEnd);
     document.addEventListener('touchmove', _onTouchMove);
   _onTouchStart = function(event) {
     var delta, fingers, now, touches;
     EVENT = event;
     now =;
     delta = now - (GESTURE.last || now);
     TOUCH_TIMEOUT && clearTimeout(TOUCH_TIMEOUT);
     touches = _getTouches(event);
     fingers = touches.length;
     FIRST_TOUCH = _fingersPosition(touches, fingers);
     GESTURE.fingers = fingers;
     GESTURE.last = now;
     if (!GESTURE.taps) {
       GESTURE.taps = 0;
     if (fingers === 1) {
       if (fingers >= 1) { = delta > 0 && delta <= 250;
       return setTimeout(_hold, HOLD_DELAY);
     } else if (fingers === 2) {
       GESTURE.initial_angle = parseInt(_angle(FIRST_TOUCH), 10);
       GESTURE.initial_distance = parseInt(_distance(FIRST_TOUCH), 10);
       GESTURE.angle_difference = 0;
       return GESTURE.distance_difference = 0;
   _onTouchMove = function(event) {
     var fingers, is_swipe, touches;

     EVENT = event;
       touches = _getTouches(event);
       fingers = touches.length;
       if (fingers === GESTURE.fingers) {
         CURRENT_TOUCH = _fingersPosition(touches, fingers);
         is_swipe = _isSwipe(event);
         if (is_swipe) {
           GESTURE.prevSwipe = true;
         if (is_swipe || GESTURE.prevSwipe === true) {
         if (fingers === 2) {
       } else {
     return true;
   _isSwipe = function(event) {
     var it_is, move_horizontal, move_vertical;

     it_is = false;
     if (CURRENT_TOUCH[0]) {
       move_horizontal = Math.abs(FIRST_TOUCH[0].x - CURRENT_TOUCH[0].x) > 30;
       move_vertical = Math.abs(FIRST_TOUCH[0].y - CURRENT_TOUCH[0].y) > 30;
       it_is = (move_horizontal || move_vertical);
     return it_is;
   _onTouchEnd = function(event) {
     var anyevent, drag_direction, pinch_direction, rotation_direction, swipe_direction;

     EVENT = event;
     if (GESTURE.fingers === 1) {
       if (GESTURE.taps === 2 && {
       } else if (_isSwipe() || GESTURE.prevSwipe) {
         swipe_direction = _swipeDirection(FIRST_TOUCH[0].x, CURRENT_TOUCH[0].x, FIRST_TOUCH[0].y, CURRENT_TOUCH[0].y);
         _trigger("swipe" + swipe_direction);
       } else {
         if (GESTURE.taps === 1) {
           TOUCH_TIMEOUT = setTimeout((function() {
             return _cleanGesture();
           }), 100);
     } else {
       anyevent = false;
       if (GESTURE.angle_difference !== 0) {
         _trigger("rotate", {
           angle: GESTURE.angle_difference
         rotation_direction = GESTURE.angle_difference > 0 ? "rotateRight" : "rotateLeft";
         _trigger(rotation_direction, {
           angle: GESTURE.angle_difference
         anyevent = true;
       if (GESTURE.distance_difference !== 0) {
         _trigger("pinch", {
           angle: GESTURE.distance_difference
         pinch_direction = GESTURE.distance_difference > 0 ? "pinchOut" : "pinchIn";
         _trigger(pinch_direction, {
           distance: GESTURE.distance_difference
         anyevent = true;
       if (!anyevent && CURRENT_TOUCH[0]) {
         if (Math.abs(FIRST_TOUCH[0].x - CURRENT_TOUCH[0].x) > 10 || Math.abs(FIRST_TOUCH[0].y - CURRENT_TOUCH[0].y) > 10) {
           drag_direction = _swipeDirection(FIRST_TOUCH[0].x, CURRENT_TOUCH[0].x, FIRST_TOUCH[0].y, CURRENT_TOUCH[0].y);
           _trigger("drag" + drag_direction);
     return EVENT = void 0;
   _fingersPosition = function(touches, fingers) {
     var i, result;

     result = [];
     i = 0;
     touches = touches[0].targetTouches ? touches[0].targetTouches : touches;
     while (i < fingers) {
         x: touches[i].pageX,
         y: touches[i].pageY
     return result;
   _captureRotation = function() {
     var angle, diff, i, symbol;

     angle = parseInt(_angle(CURRENT_TOUCH), 10);
     diff = parseInt(GESTURE.initial_angle - angle, 10);
     if (Math.abs(diff) > 20 || GESTURE.angle_difference !== 0) {
       i = 0;
       symbol = GESTURE.angle_difference < 0 ? "-" : "+";
       while (Math.abs(diff - GESTURE.angle_difference) > 90 && i++ < 10) {
         eval("diff " + symbol + "= 180;");
       GESTURE.angle_difference = parseInt(diff, 10);
       return _trigger("rotating", {
         angle: GESTURE.angle_difference
   _capturePinch = function() {
     var diff, distance;

     distance = parseInt(_distance(CURRENT_TOUCH), 10);
     diff = GESTURE.initial_distance - distance;
     if (Math.abs(diff) > 10) {
       GESTURE.distance_difference = diff;
       return _trigger("pinching", {
         distance: diff
   _trigger = function(type, params) {
       params = params || {};
       if (CURRENT_TOUCH[0]) {
         params.iniTouch = (GESTURE.fingers > 1 ? FIRST_TOUCH : FIRST_TOUCH[0]);
         params.currentTouch = (GESTURE.fingers > 1 ? CURRENT_TOUCH : CURRENT_TOUCH[0]);
       var touch = params;
       var originalEvent = EVENT;
       var event, property;

       event = {
         type: type

       if (touch) {
         for (property in touch) {
           event[property] = touch[property];

       if (originalEvent != null) {
         event.originalEvent = originalEvent;

   _cleanGesture = function(event) {
     FIRST_TOUCH = [];
     CURRENT_TOUCH = [];
     GESTURE = {};
   _angle = function(touches_data) {
     var A, B, angle;

     A = touches_data[0];
     B = touches_data[1];
     angle = Math.atan((B.y - A.y) * -1 / (B.x - A.x)) * (180 / Math.PI);
     if (angle < 0) {
       return angle + 180;
     } else {
       return angle;
   _distance = function(touches_data) {
     var A, B;

     A = touches_data[0];
     B = touches_data[1];
     return Math.sqrt((B.x - A.x) * (B.x - A.x) + (B.y - A.y) * (B.y - A.y)) * -1;
   _getTouches = function(event) {
     return event.touches;
   _swipeDirection = function(x1, x2, y1, y2) {
     var xDelta, yDelta;

     xDelta = Math.abs(x1 - x2);
     yDelta = Math.abs(y1 - y2);
     if (xDelta >= yDelta) {
       if (x1 - x2 > 0) {
         return "Left";
       } else {
         return "Right";
     } else {
       if (y1 - y2 > 0) {
         return "Up";
       } else {
         return "Down";
   _hold = function() {
     if (GESTURE.last && ( - GESTURE.last >= HOLD_DELAY)) {
       return GESTURE.taps = 0;