8/11/2015 - 2:06 PM

http://w.sharethis.com/button/buttons.js - FCC Admin Share This Button JS

http://w.sharethis.com/button/buttons.js - FCC Admin Share This Button JS

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            if (stlib.data[b] && typeof(stlib.data[b][a]) != "undefined") {
                delete stlib.data[b][a]
stlib.hash = {
    doNotHash: true,
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    shareHash: "",
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        linkedin: "param",
        stumbleupon: "param",
        bebo: "param"
    hashDestination: function(b) {
        if (b == "copy") {
            return "dpuf"
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            if (e.charCodeAt(f) == 122) {
                return "a"
            return String.fromCharCode(e.charCodeAt(f) + 1)
        return a(d, 0) + a(d, 1) + a(d, 2) + a(d, 3)
    getHash: function() {
        var d = false;
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                    if (a[arg].substring(0, 6) == "sthash") {
                        d = true;
                        b = a[arg]
                } catch (f) {}
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                return b
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                return document.location.hash.substring(1)
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            return document.location.hash.substring(1)
    stripHash: function(a) {
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            return ""
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    init: function() {
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                    if (stlib.hash.servicePreferences[b] == "param") {
                        _$d1("Don't use hash, use params");
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                            var f = g.split("?")[1].split("&");
                            var i = false;
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                                if (f[a].split(".")[0] == "sthash") {
                                    i = true
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    updateParams: function(a) {
        var g = stlib.data.get("url", "shareInfo").split("#").shift();
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        var e = /(&)sthash\.[a-zA-z0-9]{8}\.[a-zA-z0-9]{8}/;
        var d = /(\?)sthash\.[a-zA-z0-9]{8}/;
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                    if (b.test(g)) {
                        g = g.replace(b, "&" + stlib.data.pageInfo.shareHash)
        return g
    updateDestination: function(b) {
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            _$d2(stlib.data.pageInfo.shareHash.substring(0, 24));
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                _$d2(stlib.data.pageInfo.shareHash.substring(0, 15));
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    validateHash: function(a) {
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        return f.test(a) || e.test(a) || d.test(a) || b.test(a)
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    logCopy: function(a, b) {
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    selectionModify: function(o, m) {
        o = "" + o;
        _$d1("Copy Paste");
        var n = /^((http|https):\/\/([a-z0-9!'\(\)\*\.\-\+:]*(\.)[a-z0-9!'\(\)\*\.\-\+:]*)((\/[a-z0-9!'\(\)\*\.\-\+:]*)*))/i;
        var h = /^([a-z0-9!'\(\)\*\.\-\+:]*(\.)[a-z0-9!'\(\)\*\.\-\+:]*)((\/[a-z0-9!'\(\)\*\.\-\+:]*)*)/i;
        var f = /^\+?1?[\.\-\\)_\s]?[\\(]?[0-9]{3}[\.\-\\)_\s]?[0-9]{3}[\.\-_\s]?[0-9]{4}$|^[0-9]{3}[\.\-_\s]?[0-9]{4}$/;
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        var k = "";
        var e = "";
        if (typeof(m) == "undefined" && ((n.test(o) || h.test(o)) && !g.test(o.trim()))) {
            _$d2("is Url");
            if (o.match(/#/) == null || stlib.hash.validateHash(o)) {
                k = o.split("#")[0] + i + ".dpuf";
                e = k
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            _$d2("is Not Url");
            if (document.location.hash == "" || (/^#$/).test(document.location.hash) || stlib.hash.validateHash(document.location.hash)) {
                k = b + i + ".dpuf"
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                k = document.location.href
            e = o;
            if (o.length > 50) {
                a = " - See more at: " + k + "";
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                    e += a
        if (o.length > 140) {
            o = o.substring(0, 137) + "..."
        stlib.hash.logCopy(k, o);
        return ((m && m == true) ? a : e)
stlib.pump = function(a, d, e) {
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    this.isIframeSending = false;
    this.getHash = function(f) {
        var g = f.split("#");
        return g.join("#")
    this.broadcastInit = function(f) {
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        _$d1("Initiating broadcaster:");
    this.broadcastSendMessage = function(f) {
        _$d1("Initiating Send:");
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                window.location.replace(window.location.href.split("#")[0] + "#" + f);
                _$d2("child can't communicate with parent");
            _$d2("Iframe to publisher: " + f);
            parent.postMessage("#" + f, document.referrer)
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            _$d2("Publisher to Iframe: " + f);
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                    this.destination.contentWindow.location.replace(this.destination.src + "#" + f);
                    this.isIframeSending = true
            this.destination.contentWindow.postMessage("#" + f, this.destination.src)
    this.receiverInit = function(h, k) {
        _$d1("Initiating Receiver:");
        if (stlib.browser.ieFallback) {
            this.callback = k;
            this.source = h;
            if (h === window) {
                window.location.replace(window.location.href.split("#")[0] + "#");
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                var g = "receiver" + stlib.functionCount;
                stlib.functions[g] = function(m) {
                    if ("" != window.location.hash && "#" != window.location.hash) {
                        var l = window.location.hash;
                        window.location.replace(window.location.href.split("#")[0] + "#")
                var j = "callback" + stlib.functionCount;
                stlib.functions[j] = k;
                setInterval("stlib.functions['" + g + "'](stlib.functions['" + j + "'])", 200)
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            var i = window.addEventListener ? "addEventListener" : "attachEvent";
            var f = i == "attachEvent" ? "onmessage" : "message";
            window[i](f, function(l) {
                if (h == window) {} else {
                    if (l.origin.indexOf("sharethis.com") != -1) {
                        if (l.data.match(/#Pinterest Click/)) {
                        if (l.data.match(/#Print Click/)) {
            }, false);
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        window[i](f, function(l) {
            if (h == window) {
                _$d1("arrived in iframe from:");
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                if (l.origin.indexOf("sharethis.com") != -1) {
                    _$d1("arrived in parent from:");
                    if (l.data.match(/#fragmentPump/) || l.data.match(/#Buttons Ready/) || l.data.match(/#Widget Ready/) || l.data.indexOf("#light") == 0 || l.data.indexOf("#widget") == 0 || l.data.indexOf("#popup") == 0 || l.data.indexOf("#show") == 0 || l.data.indexOf("#init") == 0 || l.data.indexOf("#test") == 0 || l.data.indexOf("#data") == 0) {
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                        if (l.data.match(/#Pinterest Click/)) {
                        } else {
                            if (l.data.match(/#Print Click/)) {
                } else {
                    _$d1("discarded event from:");
        }, false)
    this.receiverInit(d, e)
stlib.json = {
    c: {
        "\b": "b",
        "\t": "t",
        "\n": "n",
        "\f": "f",
        "\r": "r",
        '"': '"',
        "\\": "\\",
        "/": "/"
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        return a < 10 ? "0".concat(a) : a
    e: function(c, f, e) {
        e = eval;
        delete eval;
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            eval = e
        f = eval("" + c);
        eval = e;
        return f
    i: function(d, b, a) {
        return 1 * d.substr(b, a)
    p: ["", "000", "00", "0", ""],
    rc: null,
    rd: /^[0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$/,
    rs: /(\x5c|\x2F|\x22|[\x0c-\x0d]|[\x08-\x0a])/g,
    rt: /^([0-9]+|[0-9]+[,\.][0-9]{1,3})$/,
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    s: function(a, b) {
        return "\\".concat(stlib.json.c[b])
    u: function(a, b) {
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        return "\\u".concat(stlib.json.p[e.length], e)
    v: function(b, a) {
        return stlib.json.types[typeof result](result) !== Function && (a.hasOwnProperty ? a.hasOwnProperty(b) : a.constructor.prototype[b] !== a[b])
    types: {
        "boolean": function() {
            return Boolean
        "function": function() {
            return Function
        number: function() {
            return Number
        object: function(a) {
            return a instanceof a.constructor ? a.constructor : null
        string: function() {
            return String
        "undefined": function() {
            return null
    $$: function(a) {
        function b(f, d) {
            d = f[a];
            delete f[a];
            try {
            } catch (e) {
                f[a] = d;
                return 1
        return b(Array) && b(Object)
    encode: function() {
        var d = arguments.length ? arguments[0] : this,
            a, h;
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            a = "null"
        } else {
            if (d !== undefined && (h = stlib.json.types[typeof d](d))) {
                switch (h) {
                    case Array:
                        a = [];
                        for (var g = 0, e = 0, b = d.length; e < b; e++) {
                            if (d[e] !== undefined && (h = stlib.json.encode(d[e]))) {
                                a[g++] = h
                        a = "[".concat(a.join(","), "]");
                    case Boolean:
                        a = String(d);
                    case Date:
                        a = '"'.concat(d.getFullYear(), "-", stlib.json.d(d.getMonth() + 1), "-", stlib.json.d(d.getDate()), "T", stlib.json.d(d.getHours()), ":", stlib.json.d(d.getMinutes()), ":", stlib.json.d(d.getSeconds()), '"');
                    case Function:
                    case Number:
                        a = isFinite(d) ? String(d) : "null";
                    case String:
                        a = '"'.concat(d.replace(stlib.json.rs, stlib.json.s).replace(stlib.json.ru, stlib.json.u), '"');
                        var g = 0,
                        a = [];
                        for (f in d) {
                            if (d[f] !== undefined && (h = stlib.json.encode(d[f]))) {
                                a[g++] = '"'.concat(f.replace(stlib.json.rs, stlib.json.s).replace(stlib.json.ru, stlib.json.u), '":', h)
                        a = "{".concat(a.join(","), "}");
        return a
    decode: function(a) {
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            var d = null;
            try {
                if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(a.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, "@").replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, "]").replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ""))) {
                    d = window.JSON && window.JSON.parse ? window.JSON.parse(a) : (new Function("return " + a))();
                    return d
                } else {
                    return null
            } catch (b) {}
try {
    stlib.json.rc = new RegExp('^("(\\\\.|[^"\\\\\\n\\r])*?"|[,:{}\\[\\]0-9.\\-+Eaeflnr-u \\n\\r\\t])+?$')
} catch (z) {
    stlib.json.rc = /^(true|false|null|\[.*\]|\{.*\}|".*"|\d+|\d+\.\d+)$/
stlib.logger = {
    loggerUrl: (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://" : "http://") + "l.sharethis.com/",
    productArray: new Array(),
    version: "",
    lang: "en",
    isFpEvent: false,
    constructParamString: function() {
        var a = stlib.data.pageInfo;
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        for (b in a) {
            if (!stlib.logger.isFpEvent && (b == "ufa" || b == "ufb" || b == "ufc" || b == "ufd")) {
            d += b + "=" + a[b] + "&"
        a = stlib.data.shareInfo;
        for (b in a) {
            d += b + "=" + a[b] + "&"
        return d.substring(0, d.length - 1)
    log: function(f, h) {
        _$d1("Log Event PageInfo:");
        _$d1("Log Event ShareInfo:");
        if (typeof(f) == "undefined") {
            _$de("event does not exist \nFor help, contact support@sharethis.com");
        if (stlib.data.pageInfo == null || stlib.data.shareInfo == null) {
            _$de("stlib.logger does not have enough info to log \nFor help, contact support@sharethis.com");
        if (!stlib.data.get("url", "shareInfo")) {
            _$de("shareThisInfo.url do not exist \nFor help, contact support@sharethis.com");
        if (!stlib.data.get("sessionID", "pageInfo")) {
            _$de("sharePageInfo.sessionID do not exist \nFor help, contact support@sharethis.com");
        if (!stlib.data.get("destination", "shareInfo")) {
            if (f != "pview") {
                _$de("shareThisInfo.destination do not exist \nFor help, contact support@sharethis.com");
        if (!stlib.data.get("buttonType", "shareInfo")) {
            if (f != "pview") {
                _$de("shareThisInfo.type do not exist \nFor help, contact support@sharethis.com");
        if (!stlib.data.get("source", "shareInfo")) {
            _$de("shareThisInfo.source do not exist \nFor help, contact support@sharethis.com");
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foursquareCallback = function(d) {
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        return false
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            stLight.odjs((("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://wd-edge.sharethis.com/button/getAllAppDefault.esi?" + a + f + b + d : "http://wd-edge.sharethis.com/button/getAllAppDefault.esi?" + a + f + b + d), function() {
                esiStatus = "loaded";
                isEsiLoaded = true;
                for (var g = 0; g < stButtons.cbAppQueue.length; g++) {
                stButtons.cbAppQueue = [];
                if (e != null) {
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                        stWidget.options.snapsets = false
            if (e != null) {
    stLight.allDefault = function(a) {
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            if (a.migration) {
            } else {
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            } else {
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        } else {
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            showHoverbarReskinned = a.mobileWidget
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                stShowNewMobileWidget = a.mobileWidget
    stLight.setUserDefinedMobileParameter = function() {
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        } else {
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            } else {
                stShowNewMobileWidget = false
    stLight.usePublisherDefaultSettings = function() {
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            if (switchTo5x == true) {
                stWidgetVersion = "5xa"
        if (typeof(stLight.mobileWidget) != "undefined") {
    stLight.migrationDefault = function(a) {
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            if (stLight.version) {
                stWidgetVersion = stLight.version
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    stLight.snapSetsDefault = function(a) {
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            } else {
                if (stWidget.options.snapsets == null) {
                    stWidget.options.snapsets = a.snapsets
    stLight.cnsDefault = function(a) {
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                stWidget.options.doNotCopy = a.doNotCopy
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                if (stWidget.options.doNotCopy == null) {
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            stlib.hash.doNotCopy = stWidget.options.doNotCopy = (/true/i).test(stWidget.options.doNotCopy) ? true : false
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                stLight.odjs((("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://wd-edge.sharethis.com/button/checkOAuth.esi" : "http://wd-edge.sharethis.com/button/checkOAuth.esi"), function() {
                    if (typeof(userDetails) !== "undefined") {
                        stIsLoggedIn = true;
                        if (userDetails !== "null") {
                            servicesLoggedIn = userDetails
                    esiLoaded = true;
                    if (b != null) {
            } catch (a) {}
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            if (b != null) {
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    stLight.options = function(a) {
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            stLight.version = a.version
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            stLight.mobileWidget = a.mobileWidget
        if (a && a.publisher) {
            stLight.publisher = a.publisher
        if (a && a.loadedFromBar) {
            stLight.loadedFromBar = a.loadedFromBar
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            stLight.clickCallBack = a.clickCallBack
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            stlib.hash.hashAddressBar = a.hashAddressBar
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            stlib.hash.doNotHash = a.doNotHash
        if (a && typeof(a.doNotCopy) != "undefined") {
            stlib.hash.doNotCopy = a.doNotCopy
        for (var b in a) {
            if (b == "shorten") {
                stFastShareObj.shorten = a[b]
            if (stWidget.options.hasOwnProperty(b) && a[b] !== null) {
                stWidget.options[b] = a[b]
    stLight.hasButtonOnPage = function() {
        var g = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
        var e = new RegExp(/^st_(.*?)$/);
        var d = new RegExp(/st_(.*?)_custom$/);
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                if ((g[b].className.match(/st_whatsapp_custom/g) || g[b].className.match(/st_kik_custom/g)) && !(stlib.browser.mobile.isIOs() || stlib.browser.mobile.isAndroid()) && !(iswhatsappCustomButton || isKikCustomButton)) {
                    if (typeof(window.console) !== "undefined") {
                        try {
                            if (g[b].className.match(/st_whatsapp_custom/g)) {
                                console.debug("WhatsApp custom button has support for iOS (iPhone) and android only and it will not work on any other platform.");
                                iswhatsappCustomButton = true
                            } else {
                                if (g[b].className.match(/st_kik_custom/g)) {
                                    console.debug("Kik custom button has support for iOS (iPhone) and android only and it will not work on any other platform.");
                                    isKikCustomButton = true
                        } catch (f) {}
                if (g[b].className.match(d) && g[b].className.match(d).length >= 2 && g[b].className.match(d)[1]) {
                    return true
                } else {
                    if (g[b].className.match(e) && g[b].className.match(e).length >= 2 && g[b].className.match(e)[1]) {
                        return true
        return false
var stButtons = {};
stButtons.smartifyButtons = function(a) {
    if (typeof(a) != "undefined" && a != "undefined") {
        stRecentServices = a;
        for (var b in stRecentServices) {
            stRecentServices[b].processed = false
stButtons.makeButton = function(w) {
    var g = w.service;
    var I = w.text;
    var Z = "";
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        Z = stWidget.options.shorten
    if (I == null && (w.type == "vcount" || w.type == "hcount")) {
        I = "Share";
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            I = "Mail"
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        g = "fblike"
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        h = V
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        w.pinterest_native = w.pinterest_native.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")
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        if (typeof(f) == "string") {
            f = f.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")
        if (typeof(w.image) == "string") {
            w.image = w.image.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")
        f = (w.image) ? w.image : f
    var aa = stWidget.desc ? stWidget.desc : "";
    aa = stWidget.ogdesc ? stWidget.ogdesc : (stWidget.twitterdesc ? stWidget.twitterdesc : stWidget.desc);
    aa = (w.summary && w.summary != null) ? w.summary : aa;
    var s = (w.message && w.message != null) ? w.message : "";
    if (/(http|https):\/\//.test(h) == false) {
        h = decodeURIComponent(h);
        L = decodeURIComponent(L)
    if (/(http|https):\/\//.test(O) == false) {
        O = decodeURIComponent(O)
    var ag = document.createElement("span");
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    ag.className = "stButton";
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        w.element.onclick = function() {
            _$d1("Clicked on a custom button to share");
            stLight.callSubscribers("click", g, h);
            stlib.data.set("url", h, "shareInfo");
            stlib.data.set("short_url", O, "shareInfo");
            stlib.data.set("shorten", Z, "shareInfo");
            stlib.data.set("title", L, "shareInfo");
            stlib.data.set("destination", g, "shareInfo");
            stlib.data.set("buttonType", w.type, "shareInfo");
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                stlib.data.set("pinterest_native", pinterest_native, "shareInfo")
            if (typeof(f) != "undefined" && f != null && f != " ") {
                stlib.data.set("image", f, "shareInfo")
            if (typeof(aa) != "undefined" && aa != null) {
                stlib.data.set("description", aa, "shareInfo")
            if (s != "") {
                stlib.data.set("message", s, "shareInfo")
            if (w.element.getAttribute("st_username") != null) {
                stlib.data.set("refUsername", w.element.getAttribute("st_username"), "shareInfo")
            if (g == "twitter" && w.element.getAttribute("st_via") != null) {
                stlib.data.set("via", w.element.getAttribute("st_via").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""), "shareInfo")
            stlib.sharer.share(null, stWidget.options.servicePopup);
            if (g == "pinterest") {
            if (g == "print") {
        return false
    if (!((g == "email" || g == "sharethis" || g == "wordpress") || (stIsLoggedIn && servicesLoggedIn && typeof(servicesLoggedIn[g]) != "undefined" && ((useFastShare || (!useFastShare && switchTo5x)) && (g == "facebook" || g == "twitter" || g == "yahoo" || g == "linkedin"))))) {
        ag.onclick = function() {
            if (!(stlib.browser.mobile.isIOs() || stlib.browser.mobile.isAndroid()) && ((g == "whatsapp" || g == "kik") && window.location.pathname.indexOf("get-sharing-tools") != -1)) {} else {
                _$d1("Clicked on a regular button to share");
                stLight.callSubscribers("click", g, h);
                var b = this.getElementsByTagName("*");
                for (var a = 0; a < b.length; a++) {
                    if (b[a].className == "stBubble_hcount" || b[a].className == "stBubble_count") {
                        if (!stWidget.options.nativeCount || !stlib.nativeCounts.checkNativeCountServicesQueue(g)) {
                            if (!isNaN(b[a].innerHTML)) {
                                b[a].innerHTML = Number(b[a].innerHTML) + 1
                if (stWidget.options.tracking) {
                    shareLog(g, h)
                var ai = "";
                var ah = stLight.getSource();
                if (ah == "share5x") {
                    ai = "5x"
                } else {
                    if (ah == "share4x") {
                        ai = "4x"
                stlib.data.set("url", h, "shareInfo");
                stlib.data.set("short_url", O, "shareInfo");
                stlib.data.set("shorten", Z, "shareInfo");
                stlib.data.set("title", L, "shareInfo");
                stlib.data.set("destination", g, "shareInfo");
                stlib.data.setSource("chicklet" + ai);
                stlib.data.set("buttonType", w.type, "shareInfo");
                if (typeof(pinterest_native) != "undefined" && pinterest_native != null && pinterest_native != " ") {
                    stlib.data.set("pinterest_native", pinterest_native, "shareInfo")
                if (typeof(f) != "undefined" && f != null) {
                    stlib.data.set("image", f, "shareInfo")
                if (typeof(aa) != "undefined" && aa != null) {
                    stlib.data.set("description", aa, "shareInfo")
                if (s != "") {
                    stlib.data.set("message", s, "shareInfo")
                if (w.element.getAttribute("st_username") != null) {
                    stlib.data.set("refUsername", w.element.getAttribute("st_username"), "shareInfo")
                if (g == "twitter" && w.element.getAttribute("st_via") != null) {
                    stlib.data.set("via", w.element.getAttribute("st_via").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""), "shareInfo")
                stlib.sharer.share(null, stWidget.options.servicePopup);
                if (g == "pinterest" && (stlib.data.get("image", "shareInfo") == false || stlib.data.get("image", "shareInfo") == null)) {
                if (g == "print") {
    if (g == "gbuzz") {
        return ag
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        if (g == "fbsub") {
            if (w.element.getAttribute("st_username") != null) {
                h = "http://facebook.com/" + w.element.getAttribute("st_username")
            } else {
                h = ""
        return stButtons.makeFBButton(g, w.type, h)
    if (stlib.nativeButtons.checkNativeButtonSupport(g)) {
        var W = {};
        if (w.element.getAttribute("st_username") != null) {
            W.username = w.element.getAttribute("st_username")
        if (w.element.getAttribute("st_followId") != null) {
            W.followId = w.element.getAttribute("st_followId")
        retObj = stlib.nativeButtons.makeButton(g, w.type, W);
        if (retObj) {
            if (stlib.nativeButtons.checkNativeButtonLogging(g)) {
                retObj.onclick = function() {
                    stlib.nativeButtons.logService(g, h)
            return retObj
        } else {
            if (typeof(window.console) !== "undefined") {
                try {
                    console.debug("Looks like " + g + " is missing some required parameters. Please recheck " + g + " HTML \nFor help, contact support@sharethis.com")
                } catch (ab) {}
            return ag
    if (g == "plusone") {
        stButtons.loadPlusone = true;
        var G = document.createElement("div");
        G.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
        iedocmode = stlib.browser.getIEVersion();
        var x = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 7.0") != -1);
        var i = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") != -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") == -1);
        var Q = "display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;line-height:0px;";
        var D = "overflow:hidden;zoom:1;display:inline;vertical-align:bottom;";
        var E = "overflow:hidden;zoom:1;display:inline;line-height:0px;position:relative;";
        var e = document.createElement("g:plusone");
        var l = h;
        if ((/#sthash/i).test(l)) {
            var n = l.split("#");
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                l = n[0]
        e.setAttribute("href", l);
        if (w.type == "vcount") {
            e.setAttribute("size", "tall");
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            x && G.style.setAttribute ? G.style.setAttribute("cssText", Q + "vertical-align:bottom;width:55px; height:61px;", 0) : null;
            (iedocmode && (iedocmode == 7) && G.style.setAttribute) ? G.style.setAttribute("cssText", E + "vertical-align:bottom;bottom:-8px;width:55px; height:80px;", 0): (null)
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                x && G.style.setAttribute ? G.style.setAttribute("cssText", Q + "position:relative;vertical-align:middle;width:75px; height:21px;", 0) : null;
                (iedocmode && (iedocmode == 7) && G.style.setAttribute) ? G.style.setAttribute("cssText", E + "vertical-align:middle;bottom:2px;width:75px; height:21px;", 0): (null)
            } else {
                if (w.type == "button") {
                    e.setAttribute("size", "medium");
                    e.setAttribute("count", "false");
                    G.setAttribute("style", Q + "position:relative;vertical-align:middle;bottom:0px;width:36px; height:21px;");
                    x && G.style.setAttribute ? G.style.setAttribute("cssText", Q + "position:relative;vertical-align:middle;width:36px; height:21px;", 0) : null;
                    (iedocmode && (iedocmode == 7) && G.style.setAttribute) ? G.style.setAttribute("cssText", E + "vertical-align:middle;bottom:-8px;width:36px; height:39px;", 0): (null)
                } else {
                    if (w.type == "large") {
                        e.setAttribute("size", "large");
                        e.setAttribute("count", "false");
                        G.setAttribute("style", Q + "position:relative;vertical-align:middle;bottom:12px;width:38px; height:27px;");
                        x && G.style.setAttribute ? G.style.setAttribute("cssText", Q + "position:relative;vertical-align:middle;bottom:0px;width:38px; height:30px;", 0) : null;
                        (iedocmode && ((iedocmode == 8) || (iedocmode == 9)) && G.style.setAttribute) ? G.style.setAttribute("cssText", E + "vertical-align:middle;bottom:7px;width:38px; height:39px;", 0): (null);
                        (iedocmode && (iedocmode == 7) && G.style.setAttribute) ? G.style.setAttribute("cssText", E + "vertical-align:middle;bottom:1px;width:38px; height:39px;", 0): (null)
                    } else {
                        e.setAttribute("size", "small");
                        e.setAttribute("count", "false");
                        G.setAttribute("style", Q + "position:relative;vertical-align:middle;bottom:0px;width:36px; height:16px;");
                        x && G.style.setAttribute ? G.style.setAttribute("cssText", Q + "position:relative;vertical-align:middle;width:36px; height:16px;", 0) : null;
                        (iedocmode && (iedocmode == 7) && G.style.setAttribute) ? G.style.setAttribute("cssText", E + "vertical-align:middle;bottom:-12px;width:36px; height:36px;", 0): (null)
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    var j = ("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ws.sharethis.com/images/" : "http://w.sharethis.com/images/";
    var t = g;

    function o(a) {
        var ah = new Date();
        var b = null;
        var ai = 0;
        do {
            b = new Date();
            if (ai > a) {
        } while (((b - ah) < a) || !esiLoaded)
    if (!esiLoaded && (g == "facebook" || g == "twitter" || g == "linkedin" || g == "yahoo")) {
    if (w.type == "chicklet") {
        var N = document.createElement("span");
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        if (I == null) {
            N.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
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            ag.style.width = "16px"
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        return ag
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            return ag
        } else {
            if (w.type == "basic" || w.type == "circle" || w.type == "brushed" || w.type == "shiny") {
                var N = document.createElement("span");
                N.className = "stLarge";
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                N.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + j + w.type + "/" + w.size + "/" + t + (w.color ? "_" + w.color : "_" + w.type) + ".png')";
                return ag
            } else {
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                    var C = document.createElement("span");
                    var N = document.createElement("span");
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                        N.className = "stSmBar";
                        var j = ("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ws.sharethis.com/images/" : "http://w.sharethis.com/images/";
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                        N.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + j + t + "_32.png')"
                    var u = document.createElement("span");
                    var af = document.createElement("div");
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                        af.className = "stBubbleSmHoriz"
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                    af.style.visibility = "hidden";
                    var X = document.createElement("div");
                    X.className = "stBubble_count_sm";
                    stButtons.getCount2(h, g, X);
                    C.onmouseover = function() {
                        var a = document.getElementById("stBubble_" + w.count);
                        a.style.visibility = "visible"
                    C.onmouseout = function() {
                        var a = document.getElementById("stBubble_" + w.count);
                        a.style.visibility = "hidden"
                    return ag
                } else {
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                        var C = document.createElement("span");
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                        var J = document.createElement("span");
                        J.className = "chicklets " + g;
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                            J.innerHTML = "&nbsp;"
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                                v.className = "stMainServices st-" + g + "-counter2";
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                                            H = 110;
                                            ac = 20;
                                            k = "horizontal"
                                    iedocmode = stlib.browser.getIEVersion();
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                                        var S = document.createElement('<iframe name="stframe" allowTransparency="true" scrolling="no" frameBorder="0"></iframe>')
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                                    ag = Y
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                                    if (g == "facebook") {
                                        return stButtons.makeFBButton("fblike", w.type, h)
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                                        if (g == "linkedin") {}
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                                stButtons.getCount2(h, g, M)
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                                stButtons.getCount2(h, g, M)
    return ag
stButtons.makeFBButton = function(j, l, b) {
    try {
        var i = document.createElement("<div></div>")
    } catch (e) {
        i = document.createElement("div")
    if ((/#sthash/i).test(b)) {
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    return a
stButtons.getCount = function(d, a, e) {
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        while (e.childNodes.length >= 1) {
            try {
            } catch (f) {}
        url: d,
        service: a,
        element: e
    stButtons.getCountsFromService(d, a, e)
stButtons.getCount2 = function(d, a, e) {
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            try {
            } catch (f) {}
    if (stWidget.options.nativeCount && stlib.nativeCounts.checkNativeCountServicesQueue(a)) {
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            if ((/#/).test(d)) {
                d = d.split("#")[0]
            url: d,
            service: a,
            element: e
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            stButtons.countsNativeResp[d] = []
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            stlib.nativeCounts.getNativeCounts(a, d, "stButtons." + a + "CB");
            stButtons.countsNativeResp[d][a] = null
        } else {
            if (stButtons.countsNativeResp[d][a] != null) {
                switch (a) {
                    case "facebook":
                    case "linkedin":
                    case "stumbleupon":
    } else {
            url: d,
            service: a,
            element: e
        stButtons.getCountsFromService(d, a, e)
stButtons.processCB = function(a) {
    if (typeof(a) != "undefined" && typeof(a.ourl) != "undefined") {
        stButtons.countsResp[a.ourl] = a
stButtons.stumbleuponCB = function(a) {
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        ourl: "",
        stumbleupon: null
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            stButtons.countsNativeResp[a.result.url]["stumbleupon"] = a
        b.ourl = a.result.url;
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            b.stumbleupon = a.result.views
    stButtons.processNativeCount(b, "stumbleupon")
stButtons.linkedinCB = function(a) {
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        linkedin: null
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            stButtons.countsNativeResp[a.url]["linkedin"] = a
        b.ourl = a.url;
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stButtons.facebookCB = function(a) {
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        ourl: "",
        facebook: null
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            b.facebook = a.data[0].total_count
    stButtons.processNativeCount(b, "facebook")
stButtons.processCount = function(b) {
    if (!(b)) {
    stButtons.storedCountResponse = b;
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                            h = (b.total > 0) ? stButtons.human(b.total) : "New"
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                            h = stButtons.human(b.facebook2)
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                            if (stWidget.options.minShareCount == null || b[f.service] >= stWidget.options.minShareCount) {
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                        } else {
                            if (stWidget.options.minShareCount == null || stWidget.options.minShareCount <= 0) {
                                h = "0"
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                } else {
                    if (/stBubble/.test(f.element.parentNode.className) == true) {
                        f.element.parentNode.style.display = "block"
                f.element.innerHTML = h
            } catch (e) {
                if (!f.element.hasChildNodes()) {
                    var g = document.createElement("div");
                    g.innerHTML = h;
            a = true
stButtons.processNativeCount = function(b, a) {
    if (!(b)) {
    if (!(a)) {
    for (var d = 0; d < stButtons.cbNativeQueue.length; d++) {
        var f = stButtons.cbNativeQueue[d];
        if (b.ourl == f.url || (a == "stumbleupon" && b.ourl.replace(/http:\/\/www\.|http:\/\/|www\./i, "") == f.url.replace(/http:\/\/www\.|http:\/\/|www\./i, ""))) {
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                if (f.service == a) {
                    if (b[a] != null) {
                        if (stWidget.options.minShareCount == null || b[a] >= stWidget.options.minShareCount) {
                            h = stButtons.human(b[a])
                } else {
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                    f.element.parentNode.style.display = "inline-block"
                } else {
                    if (/stBubble/.test(f.element.parentNode.className) == true) {
                        f.element.parentNode.style.display = "block"
                f.element.innerHTML = h
            } catch (e) {
                if (!f.element.hasChildNodes()) {
                    var g = document.createElement("div");
                    g.innerHTML = h;
stButtons.human = function(a) {
    if (a >= 100000) {
        a = a / 1000;
        a = Math.round(a);
        a = a + "K"
    } else {
        if (a >= 10000) {
            a = a / 100;
            a = Math.round(a);
            a = a / 10;
            a = a + "K"
    return a
stButtons.isValidService = function(a) {
    return (typeof(stlib.allServices) === "object" && stlib.allServices.hasOwnProperty(a)) ? true : (typeof(stlib.allOauthServices) === "object" && stlib.allOauthServices.hasOwnProperty(a)) ? true : (typeof(stlib.allNativeServices) === "object" && stlib.allNativeServices.hasOwnProperty(a)) ? true : (typeof(stlib.allOtherServices) === "object" && stlib.allOtherServices.hasOwnProperty(a)) ? true : false
stButtons.locateElements = function(f) {
    var F = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
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    var U = new RegExp(/st_(.*?)_button/);
    var T = new RegExp(/st_(.*?)_large/);
    var S = new RegExp(/st_(.*?)_pcount/);
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    var N = new RegExp(/st_(.*?)_stsmbar/);
    var M = new RegExp(/st_(.*?)_css/);
    var E = new RegExp(/^st_(.*?)$/);
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    var v = new RegExp(/st_(.*?)_circle/);
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    var h = new RegExp(/(st_(.*?)_brushed)|(st_(.*?)_shiny)/);
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    var Y = new RegExp(/(st_(.*?)_shiny)/);
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    var w = {};
    var I = 0,
        J, s, p, a = [],
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        D = true
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                        message: (F[L].getAttribute("st_msg") != null) ? F[L].getAttribute("st_msg") : F[L].getAttribute("st_message"),
                        summary: F[L].getAttribute("st_summary"),
                        text: F[L].getAttribute("displayText"),
                        type: typeName
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                            message: (F[L].getAttribute("st_msg") != null) ? F[L].getAttribute("st_msg") : F[L].getAttribute("st_message"),
                            summary: F[L].getAttribute("st_summary"),
                            text: F[L].getAttribute("displayText"),
                            type: Z,
                            size: F[L].className.split("$")[1],
                            color: F[L].className.split("$")[2]
                        F[L].setAttribute("st_processed", "yes")
                } else {
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                                service: J,
                                element: F[L],
                                url: F[L].getAttribute("st_url"),
                                short_url: (F[L].getAttribute("st_short_url") != null) ? F[L].getAttribute("st_short_url") : "",
                                title: F[L].getAttribute("st_title"),
                                image: (F[L].getAttribute("st_img") != null) ? F[L].getAttribute("st_img") : F[L].getAttribute("st_image"),
                                pinterest_native: F[L].getAttribute("st_native"),
                                message: (F[L].getAttribute("st_msg") != null) ? F[L].getAttribute("st_msg") : F[L].getAttribute("st_message"),
                                summary: F[L].getAttribute("st_summary"),
                                text: F[L].getAttribute("displayText"),
                                type: Z,
                                size: F[L].className.split("$")[1]
                            F[L].setAttribute("st_processed", "yes")
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                                p = true;
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                                    service: J,
                                    element: F[L],
                                    url: F[L].getAttribute("st_url"),
                                    short_url: (F[L].getAttribute("st_short_url") != null) ? F[L].getAttribute("st_short_url") : "",
                                    title: F[L].getAttribute("st_title"),
                                    image: (F[L].getAttribute("st_img") != null) ? F[L].getAttribute("st_img") : F[L].getAttribute("st_image"),
                                    pinterest_native: F[L].getAttribute("st_native"),
                                    message: (F[L].getAttribute("st_msg") != null) ? F[L].getAttribute("st_msg") : F[L].getAttribute("st_message"),
                                    summary: F[L].getAttribute("st_summary"),
                                    text: F[L].getAttribute("displayText"),
                                    type: "vcount",
                                    ctype: O
                                F[L].setAttribute("st_processed", "yes")
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                                    var O = "";
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                                        service: J,
                                        element: F[L],
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                                        title: F[L].getAttribute("st_title"),
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                                        message: (F[L].getAttribute("st_msg") != null) ? F[L].getAttribute("st_msg") : F[L].getAttribute("st_message"),
                                        summary: F[L].getAttribute("st_summary"),
                                        text: F[L].getAttribute("displayText"),
                                        type: "hcount",
                                        ctype: O
                                    F[L].setAttribute("st_processed", "yes")
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                                        p = true;
                                        J = F[L].className.match(U)[1];
                                            service: J,
                                            element: F[L],
                                            url: F[L].getAttribute("st_url"),
                                            short_url: (F[L].getAttribute("st_short_url") != null) ? F[L].getAttribute("st_short_url") : "",
                                            title: F[L].getAttribute("st_title"),
                                            image: (F[L].getAttribute("st_img") != null) ? F[L].getAttribute("st_img") : F[L].getAttribute("st_image"),
                                            pinterest_native: F[L].getAttribute("st_native"),
                                            message: (F[L].getAttribute("st_msg") != null) ? F[L].getAttribute("st_msg") : F[L].getAttribute("st_message"),
                                            summary: F[L].getAttribute("st_summary"),
                                            text: F[L].getAttribute("displayText"),
                                            type: "button"
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stWidget.addEntry = function(a) {
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stWidget.createFrag = function(a, j) {
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stWidget.positionWidget = function(a) {
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}, stWidget.hideWidget = function() {
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stWidget.pageSize = function() {
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stWidget.closetimeout = null;
stWidget.stClose = function(a) {
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stWidget.stCancelClose = function() {
    stWidget.buttonClicked = true;
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        stWidget.buttonClicked = false
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stWidget.closeWidget = function() {
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stWidget.hideEmbeds = function() {
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stWidget.showEmbeds = function() {
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stWidget.sendEvent = function(a, d) {
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stWidget.getMetaTags = function() {
stWidget.getOGTags = function() {
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stWidget.getTwitterTags = function() {
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function shareLog(a, b) {
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                            stButtons.publisherTracker._trackEvent("ShareThis", a, b)
stButtons.completeInit = function() {
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plusoneCallback = function(a) {
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stButtons.trackFB = function() {
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stButtons.trackTwitter = function() {
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stButtons.trackTwitterEvent = function(a) {
    stButtons.trackShare("twitter_" + a + "_auto")
stButtons.trackShare = function(a, d) {
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stLight.processSTQ = function() {
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        return false
stLight.onDomContentLoaded = function() {
stLight.onDomContentLoadedLazy = function() {
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stLight.messageReceiver = function(b) {
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stLight.subscribe = function(b, a) {
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stLight.callSubscribers = function(e, a, b) {
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stLight.gaTS = function(d, a, b) {
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stButtons.onReady = function() {
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stLight.domReady = function() {
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stButtons.goToInit = false;
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stButtons.queue = [];
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stButtons.cbNativeQueue = [];
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stButtons.publisherTracker = null;
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stButtons.xfbmlLoaded = false;
stButtons.xfbmlLoading = false;
stButtons.fbTracked = false;
stButtons.twitterTracked = false;
stButtons.pumpInstance = null;
stButtons.messageQueueInstance = null;
stButtons.countsResp = [];
stButtons.countsNativeResp = [];
stLight.clickSubscribers = [];
stLight.nonClickSubscribers = [];
var __stPubGA;
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