1/25/2018 - 11:14 PM

WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator: Redefine the quantity input's pattern to include floating point values to fix the "Please match th

WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator: Redefine the quantity input's pattern to include floating point values to fix the "Please match the requested format" HTML validation error that occurs with the Enfold theme. Please review our guide for adding custom code to WordPress Sites here: https://www.skyverge.com/blog/add-custom-code-to-wordpress/

<?php // only copy this line if needed

 * Filter the quantity input's pattern attribute to fix the "Please match
 * the requested format" HTML validation error that occurs when using
 * WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator with the Enfold theme
 * @props to mensmaximus {@link https://github.com/mensmaximus} for the
 * proposed solution
 * @param string $pattern the value of the input element's pattern attribute
 * @return string the updated pattern to allow floats
function sv_wc_mpc_quantity_input_pattern_enfold_theme( $pattern ) {

	if ( has_filter( 'woocommerce_stock_amount', 'floatval' ) ) {
		$pattern = '^\d*(\.\d*)?$';

	return $pattern;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_quantity_input_pattern', 'sv_wc_mpc_quantity_input_pattern_enfold_theme' );