9/29/2013 - 3:41 PM

RG Helper Functions // A set of helper functions used by Gravity Forms, cleaned up to better conform with WordPress coding standards.

RG Helper Functions // A set of helper functions used by Gravity Forms, cleaned up to better conform with WordPress coding standards.


if( ! function_exists( 'rgget' ) ) {
    function rgget( $name, $array = null ) {
        if( ! isset( $array ) )
            $array = $_GET;

        if( isset( $array[$name] ) )
            return $array[$name];

        return '';

if( ! function_exists( 'rgpost' ) ) {
    function rgpost( $name, $do_stripslashes = true ) {
        if( isset( $_POST[$name] ) )
            return $do_stripslashes ? stripslashes_deep( $_POST[$name] ) : $_POST[$name];
        return '';

if( ! function_exists( 'rgar' ) ) {
    function rgar( $array, $name ) {
        if( isset( $array[$name] ) )
            return $array[$name];

        return '';

if( ! function_exists( 'rgars' ) ) {
    function rgars( $array, $name ) {
        $names = explode( '/', $name );
        $val = $array;
        foreach( $names as $current_name ){
            $val = rgar( $val, $current_name );
        return $val;

if( ! function_exists( 'rgempty' ) ) {
    function rgempty( $name, $array = null ) {

        if( is_array( $name ) )
            return empty( $name );

        if( ! $array )
            $array = $_POST;

        $val = rgar( $array, $name );

        return empty( $val );


For use with classes.

public function get_base_url() {
    $folder = basename( dirname( __file__ ) );
    return plugins_url( $folder );

public function get_base_path() {
    $folder = basename( dirname( __file__ ) );
    return WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $folder;