1/27/2010 - 8:48 AM



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        #6: OMG what could break???!

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// .add() returns elements in document order.


// .clone(true) now copies events AND data instead of just events.

    .data('saywhattt','ooh yah')
    .data('saywhattt') // 'ooh yah'

jQuery(elem).data() no longer returns an id, it returns the element’s object cache instead.

    .data();        // previously something like 12324789549
                    // now an obj: { 'age' : 12, 'interests' : ['lollipops'] }

jQuery() (with no arguments) no longer converts to jQuery(document).


//.val('name') on an option or a checkbox is no longer ambiguous (it will always select by value now, not by text value). 

 <option value="1">2</option>
 <option value="2">1</option>

$('select').val('1'); // first one set to selected
$('select').val('2'); // first one set to selecteds

//jQuery.browser.version returns engine version for webkit and gecko/mozilla



//Param serialization now happens in the PHP/Rails style by default. You can use jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional = true; to use traditional parameter serialization. You can also set the behavior on a per-request basis by passing traditional: true to the jQuery.ajax method.

// In jQuery 1.3: (or jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional=true)
 $.param( {foo: ["bar", "baz"]} ) === “foo=bar&foo=baz”.

// In jQuery1.4
 $.param( {foo: ["bar", "baz"]} ) === “foo[]=bar&foo[]=baz”.

// jQuery.extend(true, ...) No longer extends non-plain-objects or arrays.

var func = function() {}

var extendee = {hello: func};

$.extend(extendee, {foo: "bar"})

extendee // in 1.3: {foo: "bar", hello: {}}

extendee // in 1.4: {foo: "bar", hello: func }

// If an Ajax request is made without specifying a dataType and it is returned as text/javascript, it will be executed. Previously, an explicit dataType was required. Previously it would have been interpretted as text and remained unexecuted.

// Response header is obeyed if no dataType given:

Content-Type : 'application/json'  // parsed as JSON
// or
Content-Type : 'application/javascript'  // executed as script

// Setting an Ajax request’s ifModified now takes ETags into consideration.

    url         : ajaxurl,
    success     : purplePeopleEaterFn,
    ifModified  : true

//We are now strict about incoming JSON and throw an exception if we get malformed JSON. If you need to be able to evaluate malformed JSON that is valid JavaScript, you can make a text request and use eval() to evaluate the contents.


    "unquotedkeys" : function illegalfuncs(){},
    "invalid"      : true


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     "Y888 888  888 "Y888888 888  888 888  888     "Y88888  "Y88P"   "Y88888  88P 
                                                       888                    8P  
                                                  Y8b d88P                    "   

                            more at:
                            my podcast: