<!-- bold-cart.liquid -->
{% comment %} Last updated 2016-07-18 {% endcomment %}
{% capture bold_cart_liquid %}
{% comment %}
BOLD-CART.LIQUID - Universal Bold Cart Updater
This file creates liquid variables to assist in updating line items in cart.liquid.
USED BY: Product Options, Product Builder, Recurring Orders
REQUIRES: bold-cart-item.liquid, bold.css
To use this file:
* Include this file at the beginning of cart.liquid and before any quick-carts in your template
Example: {% include 'bold-cart' %}
* Make the following replacements.
bold_cart_total_price replaces cart.total_price
bold_cart_item_count replaces cart.item_count
* Follow the install instructions for your app to see where these variables need to be inserted
(See bold-cart-item.liquid for additional installation requirements)
bold_cart_item_count replaces cart.item_count
{{ bold_edit_in_cart }} inserted At the end of cart.liquid
bold_cart_total_price replaces cart.total_price
{{ bold_ro_cart }} inserted Inside the cart form where you would like the Recurring Cart widget to appear
show_paypal inserted Inside "if additional_checkout_buttons" (Becomes "if additional_checkout_buttons and show_paypal")
bold_cart_item_count replaces cart.item_count
bold_cart_item_count replaces cart.item_count
{% endcomment %}
{% if cart %}
{% assign bold_cart = cart %}
{% assign bold_item_list = bold_cart.items %}
{% elsif checkout %}
{% assign bold_cart = checkout %}
{% assign bold_item_list = checkout.line_items %}
{% endif %}
{% assign is_mixed_cart = false %}
{% assign show_paypal = true %}
{% assign bold_cart_total_price = 0 %}
{% assign bold_cart_item_count = 0 %}
{% for bold_cart_item in bold_item_list %}
{% comment %} Apps like Persistent Cart can kill apps like options by stripping out property fields. This is a mini-failsafe to catch most instances where priced options have become visible due to property stripping {% endcomment %}
{% if bold_cart_item.product.type == 'OPTIONS_HIDDEN_PRODUCT' and bold_cart_item.properties.builder_id == blank and bold_cart_item.properties._builder_id == blank %}
{% endif %}
{% include 'bold-cart-item' with bold_cart_item %}
{% if bold_hidden_item %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
{% assign bold_cart_total_price = bold_cart_total_price | plus: bold_item_line_price %}
{% comment %} Update item count. {% endcomment %}
{% assign bold_cart_item_count = bold_cart_item_count | plus: bold_item_quantity %}
{% if is_mixed_cart == false and bold_cart_item.properties.frequency_type_text and bold_cart_item.properties.frequency_num %}
{% assign is_mixed_cart = true %}
{% assign show_paypal = false %}
<style>[name*="goto_"] { display:none !important }</style>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% comment %} Check to see if something went wrong - if we only have priced options left, clear the cart {% endcomment %}
{% if bold_cart_item_count == 0 and bold_cart.item_count > 0 %}<script>window.location.href = '/cart/clear';</script>{% endif %}
{% capture bold_ro_cart %}
{% if shop.metafields.bold_rp.recurring_type == 0 or shop.metafields.bold_rp.recurring_type == 2 %}
<input name="shopify_customer_id" type="hidden" value="{{ customer.id }}" >
<input name="email" type="hidden" value="{{ customer.email }}" >
<input name="address1" type="hidden" value="{{ customer.default_address.address1 }}" >
<input name="address2" type="hidden" value="{{ customer.default_address.address2 }}" >
<input name="city" type="hidden" value="{{ customer.default_address.city }}" >
<input name="company" type="hidden" value="{{ customer.default_address.company }}" >
<input name="country" type="hidden" value="{{ customer.default_address.country }}" >
<input name="first_name" type="hidden" value="{{ customer.default_address.first_name }}" >
<input name="last_name" type="hidden" value="{{ customer.default_address.last_name }}" >
<input name="phone" type="hidden" value="{{ customer.default_address.phone }}" >
<input name="province" type="hidden" value="{{ customer.default_address.province }}" >
<input name="zip" type="hidden" value="{{ customer.default_address.zip }}" >
<div class='product_rp_cart_div'></div>
{% endif %}
{% endcapture %}
{% capture bold_scripts %}
<script async src="//secure.apps.shappify.com/apps/options/bold_cart_handler.php?shop={{shop.permanent_domain}}"></script>
var Bold = Bold || {};
Bold.updateQtyBoxes = function(){
/* First make sure all ratio information is properly set */
jQuery.each(jQuery('[data-bold-ratio]'), function(index, obj){
if(parseInt(jQuery(obj).data('bold-ratio')) != 1){
/* The quantity displayed and the quantity passed to checkout are separate - create a hidden input with the true quantity */
if(jQuery(obj).find('[name="updates[]"]').length && !jQuery(obj).find('.bold-true-quantity').length){
jQuery(obj).find('[name="updates[]"]').addClass('bold-display-quantity').removeAttr('name').parent().append('<input type="hidden" name="updates[]" class="bold-true-quantity">');
/* Now loop through all rows that have nonstandard quantity behaviour and set the correct quantity */
jQuery.each(jQuery('[data-bold-ratio], .bold-master'), function(index, obj){
var multiplier = parseInt(jQuery(obj).data('bold-ratio')) || 1;
/* Find the base quantity value that we're basing the update on */
var baseQty;
baseQty = parseInt(jQuery(obj).find('.bold-display-quantity').val());
baseQty = parseInt(jQuery(obj).find('[name^=updates]').val());
if(isNaN(baseQty)) return; /* Abort this round if there's no base quantity to be found */
/* Loop through all matching builder IDs to update. The name=updates will always hold the true quantity, a display-quantity (if it exists) will hold a 'faked' quantity based on the ratio */
var components = jQuery(obj).closest('form').find('[data-bold-id=' + jQuery(obj).data('bold-id') + ']');
jQuery.each(jQuery(components), function(cindex, component){
var multiplier = parseInt(jQuery(component).data('bold-ratio')) || 1;
jQuery(component).find('[name*="updates"]').val(multiplier * baseQty);
/* No builder ID, so we just have to worry about the multiplier ratio on this line */
jQuery(obj).find('[name*="updates"]').val(multiplier * baseQty);
var update_qty_builder = Bold.updateQtyBoxes;
function remove_product_builder(builder_id){
jQuery('[data-bold-id="'+ builder_id +'"] [name*="updates"]').val(0);
function trigger_qty_update(){
setTimeout(function(){jQuery('.bold-master [name*="updates"]').trigger('change');}, 100);
if(typeof(jQuery)!='undefined' && typeof(Bold)=='object' && typeof(Bold.updateQtyBoxes)=='function')
jQuery(document).on('submit', 'form[action*="cart"]', Bold.updateQtyBoxes);
if(typeof(jQuery)!='undefined' && typeof(Bold)=='object' && typeof(Bold.updateQtyBoxes)=='function')
jQuery(document).on('change', '[name*="updates"]', Bold.updateQtyBoxes);
{% endcapture %}
{% comment %} Output variables for Rivets-based carts {% endcomment %}
{% assign bold_rivets_row_data = ' rv-class-bold-hidden="item.is_hidden" rv-class-bold-master="item.is_master" rv-data-bold-id="item.builder_id" rv-data-line="item.line" rv-data-bold-ratio="item.qty_ratio" ' %}
{% assign bold_rivets_item_properties = '<div rv-html="item.formatted_properties"></div>' %}
{% assign bold_rivets_recurring_desc = '<div rv-html="item.formatted_recurring_desc"></div>' %}
{% capture bold_rivets_script %}
{{ bold_scripts }}
if(typeof(BOLD)==='object' && BOLD.helpers && typeof(BOLD.helpers.rivetsInit)==='function')
{% endcapture %}
{% capture bold_edit_in_cart %}
{{ bold_scripts }}
<div class="modal fade" style="display: none;" id="bold-cart-modal" aria-labelledby="boldcartmodal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="bold-image"></div>
<div class="bold-title"></div>
<div class="bold-price"></div>
<div class="bold-desc"></div>
<div class="bold-options"></div>
{% endcapture %}
{% capture bold_cart_quantity_check %}
/* Control quantities for variant-swapping apps */
var Bold=Bold || {};
Bold.updateQtyMax = function(){
jQuery.each(jQuery('[data-bold-inventory-policy="deny"][data-bold-base-variant]'), function(index, obj){
var total = jQuery(obj).data('bold-inventory-quantity');
/* Find number in the cart, remembering that multiple lines may have the same base variant */
var current = 0;
jQuery.each(jQuery('[data-bold-base-variant="' + jQuery(obj).data('bold-base-variant') + '"] [name^="updates"]'),function(qtyIndex,qtyObj){
current += parseInt(jQuery(qtyObj).val());
var remaining = total - current;
/* Update maximums for cart quantity boxes */
/* Each line's quantity box maximum is the current line quantity plus the number remaining */
var max = parseInt(jQuery(obj).find('[name^="updates"]').val()) + remaining;
jQuery(obj).find('[name^="updates"]').attr('max', max);
/* Update maximums for product-page quantity boxes */
else if(jQuery(obj).attr('name').indexOf('quantity') != -1){
jQuery(obj).attr('max', max);
/* Run function when updating the quantity box */
jQuery(document).on('change', '[data-bold-inventory-policy="deny"] [name*="updates"], [data-bold-inventory-policy="deny"][name*="quantity"]', function(){
var precheck = parseInt(jQuery(this).val());
var max = parseInt(jQuery(this).attr('max'));
if(precheck > max){
/* Force the box down to the maximum value if a user manages to input a larger number */
qty_error_message(max, precheck);
jQuery('[data-bold-inventory-policy="deny"] [name*="updates"]').trigger('change');
{% endcapture %}
<script>window['mixed_cart'] = {{ is_mixed_cart }};</script>
{% endcapture %}{{ bold_cart_liquid | strip_newlines }}