Perl: Convert Apache access log to CSV
# @file
# Converter tool, from Apache Common Log file to CSV.
# All code is released under the GNU General Public License.
# See COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt.
if ("$ARGV[0]" =~ /^-h|--help$/) {
print "Usage: $0 access_log_file > csv_output_file.csv\n";
print " Or, $0 < access_log_file > csv_output_file.csv\n";
print " Or, $0 < access_log_file > csv_output_file.csv 2> invalid_lines.txt\n";
%MONTHS = ( 'Jan' => '01', 'Feb' => '02', 'Mar' => '03', 'Apr' => '04', 'May' => '05', 'Jun' => '06',
'Jul' => '07', 'Aug' => '08', 'Sep' => '09', 'Oct' => '10', 'Nov' => '11', 'Dec' => '12' );
print STDOUT "\"Host\",\"Log Name\",\"Date Time\",\"Time Zone\",\"Method\",\"URL\",\"Response Code\",\"Bytes Sent\",\"Referer\",\"User Agent\"\n";
$line_no = 0;
while (<>) {
if (/^([\w\.:-]+)\s+([\w\.:-]+)\s+([\w\.-]+)\s+\[(\d+)\/(\w+)\/(\d+):(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s?([\w:\+-]+)]\s+"(\w+)\s+(\S+)\s+HTTP\/1\.\d"\s+(\d+)\s+([\d-]+)((\s+"([^"]+)"\s+")?([^"]+)")?$/) {
$host = $1;
$other = $2;
$logname = $3;
$day = $4;
$month = $MONTHS{$5};
$year = $6;
$hour = $7;
$min = $8;
$sec = $9;
$tz = $10;
$method = $11;
$url = $12;
$code = $13;
if ($14 eq '-') {
$bytesd = 0;
} else {
$bytesd = $14;
$referer = $17;
$ua = $18;
print STDOUT "\"$host\",\"$logname\",\"$year-$month-$day $hour:$min:$sec\",\"GMT$tz\",\"$method\",\"$url\",$code,$bytesd,\"$referer\"\,\"$ua\"\n";
} else {
print STDERR "Invalid Line at $line_no: $_";