4/30/2014 - 3:09 PM


# Swappable Mixins in CoffeeScript
# ================================

# Many thanks to Hashmal, who wrote this to start.
# https://gist.github.com/803816/aceed8fc57188c3a19ce2eccdb25acb64f2be94e

# Usage
# -----

# class Derp extends Mixin
#  setup: ->
#    @googly = "eyes"

#  derp: ->
#    alert "Herp derp! What's with your #{ @googly }?"

# class Herp
#  constructor: ->
#    Derp::augment this

# herp = new Herp
# herp.derp()

# Mixin
# -----

# Classes inheriting `Mixin` will become removable mixins, enabling you to
# swap them around.

class Mixin

  # "Class method". Augment object or class `t` with new methods.
  augment: (t) ->
    (t[n] = m unless n == 'augment' or !this[n].prototype?) for n, m of this

  # When an object is augmented with at least one mixin, call this method to
  # remove `mixin`.
  eject: (mixin) ->
    (delete this[n] if m in (p for o, p of mixin::)) for n, m of this

  # Implement in your mixin to act as a constructor for mixed-in properties
  setup: ->

# Limitations
# -----------

# * When a class is augmented, all instances of that class are augmented too,
#   and when a mixin is ejected from a class, all instances lose that mixin
#   too.
# * You can't eject a mixin from an object if that mixin was added to the
#   object's class. Eject the mixin from the class instead.