The idea might not be so different, but I tried to optimize the solution as much as I could. In concrete:
Instead of using HashMap, I use a String array to store the character --> String mapping
Instead of trying all combinations, I only try necessary/possible ones.
public boolean wordPatternMatch(String pattern, String str) {
String[] map = new String[26]; // mapping of characters 'a' - 'z'
HashSet<String> set = new HashSet<>(); // mapped result of 'a' - 'z'
return wordPatternMatch(pattern, str, map, set, 0, str.length()-1, 0, pattern.length()-1);
private boolean wordPatternMatch(String pattern, String str, String[] map, HashSet<String> set, int start, int end, int startP, int endP) {
if(startP==endP+1 && start==end+1) return true; // both pattern and str are exhausted
if((startP>endP && start<=end) || (startP<endP && start>end)) return false; // either of pattern or str is exhausted
char ch = pattern.charAt(startP);
String matched = map[ch-'a'];
if(matched!=null) { // ch is already mapped, then continue
int count = matched.length();
return start+count<=end+1 && matched.equals(str.substring(start, start+count)) // substring equals previously mapped string
&& wordPatternMatch(pattern, str, map, set, start+matched.length(), end, startP+1, endP); // moving forward
else {
int endPoint = end;
for(int i=endP; i>startP; i--) {
endPoint -= map[pattern.charAt(i)-'a']==null ? 1 : map[pattern.charAt(i)-'a'].length();
for(int i=start; i<=endPoint; i++) { // try every possible mapping, from 1 character to the end
matched = str.substring(start, i+1);
if(set.contains(matched)) continue; // different pattern cannot map to same substring
map[ch-'a'] = matched; // move forward, add corresponding mapping and set content
if(wordPatternMatch(pattern, str, map, set, i+1, end, startP+1, endP)) return true;
else { // backtracking, remove corresponding mapping and set content
map[ch-'a'] = null;
return false; // exhausted