MVC Action Filter Allow upload of safe files attribute
using System;
using System.linq;
using System.collections.generic;
using System.IO;
using System.web.mvc;
namespace Securitymodule
[Attributeusage (Attributetargets.method, Allowmultiple = false )]
public sealed class Allowuploadsafefilesattribute: Actionfilterattribute
static readonly IList < string > Exttofilter = new List < string > {
". Aspx" , ". Asax" , ". asp" , ". Ashx" , ". aspx," , ". Axd" , ". master" , ". svc" , ". php" ,
". Php3" , ". php4" , ". Ph3" , ". Ph4" , ". php4" , ". Ph5" , ". Sphp" , ". cfm" , ". ps" , ". Stm" ,
". Htaccess" , ". Htpasswd" , ". php5" , ". Phtml" , ". cgi" , ". pl" , ". Plx" , ". py" , ". rb" , ". sh" , ". jsp" ,
". Cshtml" , ". Vbhtml" , ". swf" , ". Xap" , ". Asptxt"
static readonly IList < string > Nametofilter = new List < string > {
"Web.config" , "htaccess" , "Htpasswd" , "web ~ 1.con"
static bool Canupload ( string fileName)
if ( string . Isnullorwhitespace (fileName))
return false ;
fileName = fileName.ToLowerInvariant ();
var name = Path.GetFileName (fileName);
var ext = Path.GetExtension (fileName);
if ( string . Isnullorwhitespace (name))
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "Uploaded file should have a name." );
return ! Exttofilter.contains (ext) &&
! NameToFilter.Contains (name) &&
! NameToFilter.Contains (ext) &&
/ / For "file.asp;. Jpg" files
ExtToFilter.All (item =>! Name.Contains (item));
public override void Onactionexecuting (Actionexecutingcontext Filtercontext)
var files = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Files;
foreach ( string file in files)
var postedFile = files [file];
if (Postedfile == null | | Postedfile.contentlength == 0) continue ;
if (! Canupload (Postedfile.filename))
throw new InvalidOperationException ( string . Format ( "You are not allowed to upload file {0}." , Path.getfilename (Postedfile.filename)));
base . Onactionexecuting (Filtercontext);