8/14/2018 - 1:07 PM

Code for description of adding label tags to radio field type items

Code for description of adding label tags to radio field type items


 * Create form label.
 * @since 3.1.7
 * @param array  $args {
 *     @type string $meta_key
 *     @type string $label_text
 *     @type string $type
 *     @type string $class    (optional)
 *     @type string $required (optional)
 *     @type string $req_mark (optional)
 * }
 * @return string $label
function create_form_label( $args ) {
	global $wpmem;

	$meta_key   = $args['meta_key'];
	$label      = $args['label'];
	$type       = $args['type'];
	$class      = ( isset( $args['class']    ) ) ? $args['class']    : false;
	$required   = ( isset( $args['required'] ) ) ? $args['required'] : false;
	$req_mark   = ( isset( $args['req_mark'] ) ) ? $args['req_mark'] : false;

	//$req_mark = ( ! $req_mark ) ? $wpmem->get_text( 'register_req_mark' ) : '*';

	if ( ! $class ) {
		$class = ( $type == 'password' || $type == 'email' || $type == 'url' ) ? 'text' : $type;

	$label = '<label for="' . esc_attr( $meta_key ) . '" class="' . $this->sanitize_class( $class ) . '">' . __( $label, 'wp-members' );
	$label = ( $required ) ? $label . $req_mark : $label;
	$label = $label . '</label>';

	return $label;

 * Create form label.
 * @since 3.1.7
 * @since 3.2.4 Added $id
 * @param array  $args {
 *     @type string $meta_key
 *     @type string $label
 *     @type string $type
 *     @type string $id       (optional)
 *     @type string $class    (optional)
 *     @type string $required (optional)
 *     @type string $req_mark (optional)
 * }
 * @return string $label
function create_form_label( $args ) {
	global $wpmem;

	$meta_key   = $args['meta_key'];
	$label      = $args['label'];
	$type       = $args['type'];
	$class      = ( isset( $args['class']    ) ) ? $args['class']    : false;
	$id         = ( isset( $args['id']       ) ) ? $args['id']       : false;
	$required   = ( isset( $args['required'] ) ) ? $args['required'] : false;
	$req_mark   = ( isset( $args['req_mark'] ) ) ? $args['req_mark'] : false;

	//$req_mark = ( ! $req_mark ) ? $wpmem->get_text( 'register_req_mark' ) : '*';

	if ( ! $class ) {
		$class = ( $type == 'password' || $type == 'email' || $type == 'url' ) ? 'text' : $type;

	$id = ( $id ) ? ' id="' . esc_attr( $id ) . '"' : '';

	$label = '<label for="' . esc_attr( $meta_key ) . '"' . $id . ' class="' . $this->sanitize_class( $class ) . '">' . __( $label, 'wp-members' );
	$label = ( $required ) ? $label . $req_mark : $label;
	$label = $label . '</label>';

	return $label;

case "radio":
	$class = ( 'textbox' == $class ) ? "radio" : $this->sanitize_class( $class );
	$str = '';
	$num = 1;
	foreach ( $value as $option ) {
		$pieces = explode( '|', $option );
		$id = $this->sanitize_class( $id . '_' . $num );
		if ( isset( $pieces[1] ) && '' != $pieces[1] ) {
			$str = $str . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"$name\" id=\"$id\" value=\"" . esc_attr( $pieces[1] ) . '"' . checked( $pieces[1], $compare, false ) . ( ( $required ) ? " required " : " " ) . "> " . esc_html( __( $pieces[0], 'wp-members' ) ) . "<br />\n";
		} else {
			$str = $str . '<span class="div_radio_separator">' . esc_html( __( $pieces[0], 'wp-members' ) ) . "</span><br />\n";

case "radio":
	$class = ( 'textbox' == $class ) ? "radio" : $this->sanitize_class( $class );
	$str = '';
	$num = 1;
	foreach ( $value as $option ) {
		$pieces = explode( '|', $option );
		$id_num = $id . '_' . $num;
		if ( isset( $pieces[1] ) && '' != $pieces[1] ) {
			$label = wpmem_form_label( array( 'meta_key'=>esc_attr( $id_num ), 'label'=>esc_html( __( $pieces[0], 'wp-members' ) ), 'type'=>'radio', 'id'=>esc_attr( "label_" . $id_num ) ) );
			$str = $str . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"$name\" id=\"" . esc_attr( $id_num ) . "\" value=\"" . esc_attr( $pieces[1] ) . '"' . checked( $pieces[1], $compare, false ) . ( ( $required ) ? " required " : " " ) . "> $label<br />\n";
		} else {
			$str = $str . '<span class="div_radio_separator">' . esc_html( __( $pieces[0], 'wp-members' ) ) . "</span><br />\n";
<label for="radio_test" class="radio">Radio Test</label>
<div class="div_radio">
<input type="radio" name="radio_test" id="radio_test_1_2" value="choice_one" > Choice One<br />
<input type="radio" name="radio_test" id="radio_test_1_2_3" value="one_thousand" > 1,000<br />
<input type="radio" name="radio_test" id="radio_test_1_2_3_4" value="1,000-10,000" > 1,000-10,000<br />
<input type="radio" name="radio_test" id="radio_test_1_2_3_4_5" value="last_row" > Last Row<br />
<label for="radio_test" class="radio">Radio Test</label>
<div class="div_radio">
<input type="radio" name="radio_test" id="radio_test_1" value="choice_one" > <label for="radio_test_1" id="radio_test_1" class="radio">Choice One</label><br />
<input type="radio" name="radio_test" id="radio_test_2" value="one_thousand" > <label for="radio_test_2" id="radio_test_2" class="radio">1,000</label><br />
<input type="radio" name="radio_test" id="radio_test_3" value="1,000-10,000" > <label for="radio_test_3" id="radio_test_3" class="radio">1,000-10,000</label><br />
<input type="radio" name="radio_test" id="radio_test_4" value="last_row" > <label for="radio_test_4" id="radio_test_4" class="radio">Last Row</label><br />