9/26/2018 - 7:46 PM




function custom_die($args=false,$h1=false,$show_header=true,$show_footer=true) {
	//note: if $args comes in as a string, it is actually $args['error']
	//this lets you access the function in shorthand
	if (!is_array($args)) { $args = array('error'=>$args); }

	//get all the options set
	if (!array_key_exists('h1',$args)) { $args['h1'] = $h1; }
	if (!array_key_exists('show_header',$args)) { $args['show_header'] = $show_header; }
	if (!array_key_exists('show_footer',$args)) { $args['show_footer'] = $show_footer; }
	if (!array_key_exists('error',$args)) { $args['error'] = false; }
	if (!array_key_exists('class',$args)) { $args['class'] = false; }
	if (!array_key_exists('message',$args)) {
		if ($args['error']) { $args['message'] = 'Error! '.$args['error']; }
		else { $args['message'] = false; }
	if (!$GLOBALS['ip']['error_class']) { $GLOBALS['ip']['error_class'] = 'alert'; }

	//display the page header, if there is one. note: you'll want to include a line within page_header() preventing it from running twice
	if (($args['show_header']) && function_exists('page_header')) { echo page_header(); }
	if (($args['h1']) && is_string($args['h1'])) { echo '<h1>'.$args['h1'].'</h1>'; }

	//display the error (or message) itself
	if ($args['message']) {
		if ($args['class']) { $class = ' class="'.$args['class'].'"'; }
		elseif ($args['error']) { $class = ' class="'.$GLOBALS['ip']['error_class'].'"'; }
		else { $class = ' class="status"'; }
		echo '<p'.$class.'>'.$args['message'].'</p>';

	//display the page footer, if there is one.
	if (($args['show_footer']) && function_exists('page_footer')) { echo page_footer(); }

//custom header and footer functions are needed for this
//these are obviously pretty basic, just to show the idea
function page_header() {
	if (array_key_exists('header_displayed',$GLOBALS) && ($GLOBALS['header_displayed'])) { return ''; } //if already displayed, don't display again
    $GLOBALS['header_displayed'] = true;
    return '<html><body>';

function page_footer() {
	if (array_key_exists('footer_displayed',$GLOBALS) && ($GLOBALS['footer_displayed'])) { return ''; } //if already displayed, don't display again
    $GLOBALS['footer_displayed'] = true;
    return '</body></footer>';
