def message(message, tries)
if tries > 0
puts message + " Please try again. You have #{tries} tries remaining."
puts "Game over! :("
min = 1
max = 100
guess = rand(min..max)
tries = 30
#Welcome the player to the game. Let them know who created the game.
print "Welcome to the Secret Number game, created by [redacted]!\n\n"
#Ask for the player's name then personally greet them by printing to the screen, "Hi player_name!"
print "What is your name? "
player_name = gets.strip
print "Hi #{player_name}!\n"
#Let the player know they must guess a number between 1 and 10 and that they only have 3 tries to do so.
print "Please guess a number between #{min} and #{max}. You only have #{tries} tries to do so.\n"
(tries - 1).downto(0) do |tries|
input = Integer(gets.strip) rescue -1
if input > guess
message("Sorry, you've guessed too high! ", tries)
elsif input < guess
message("Sorry, you've guessed too low! ", tries)
elsif input == guess
puts "Congratulations! You have won the game!"