'Function fSearchValueInTable( objTable, strValue1, strColumn1,, strValue2, strColumn2,, strValue3, strColumn3)
'Descripcion: This function searchs a row in a table with several values
'objTable = table object where the values are going to be searched
'strValue1 = value of the first column that is going to be searched in the table
'intColumn1 = column number where the first value is going to be searched
'strValue2 = value of the second column that is going to be searched in the table
'intColumn2 = column number where the second value is going to be searched
'strValue3 = value of the third column that is going to be searched in the table
'intColumn3 = column number where the third value is going to be searched
'Return value
'the row number where the values are found or valor no encontrado in case the value is not found
Function fSearchValueInTable( objTable, strValue1, intColumn1, strValue2, intColumn2, strValue3, intColumn3, bolPaginar)
fSearchValueInTable = "no encontrado el valor en la tabla"
Set ObjTableLocal = objTable
bolPaginationButtonClick = False
intRowCount = ObjTableLocal.RowCount
intRowIndex = 1
If strValue1 <> "" Then
strTableValue1 = ObjTableLocal.GetCellData(intRowIndex,intColumn1)
End If
If strValue2 <> "" Then
strTableValue2 = ObjTableLocal.GetCellData(intRowIndex,intColumn2)
End If
If strValue3 <> "" Then
strTableVaue3 = ObjTableLocal.GetCellData(intRowIndex,intColumn3)
End If
If Trim(strTableValue1) = Trim(strValue1) And Trim(strValue2) = "" And Trim(strValue3) = "" Then
fSearchValueInTable = intRowIndex
Exit Do
ElseIf Trim(strTableValue1) = Trim(strValue1) And Trim(strValue2) = Trim(strTableValue2) And Trim(strValue3) = "" Then
fSearchValueInTable = intRowIndex
Exit Do
ElseIf Trim(strTableValue1) = Trim(strValue1) And Trim(strValue2) = Trim(strTableValue2) And Trim(strValue3) = Trim(strTableValue3) Then
fSearchValueInTable = intRowIndex
Exit Do
End If
intRowIndex = intRowIndex + 1
Loop While intRowIndex <= intRowCount
If fSearchValueInTable <> "no encontrado el valor en la tabla" Then
Exit Do
ElseIf Browser("Browser").Page("Page").WebElement("Next 10 >>").Exist(1) And bolPaginar = True Then
Browser("Browser").Page("Page").WebElement("Next 10 >>").Click
bolPaginationButtonClick = True
ElseIf bolPaginar = False Then
Exit Do
End If
Loop While bolPaginationButtonClick = True
End Function
'Function fClosePopupIEWindow()
'Descripcion: This function gets the list of all tthe ie windows
'strParametersTab = Name of the tab where the parameters are stored
Function fClosePopupIEWindow()
fClosePopupIEWindow = "FAILED"
Dim objShell
Dim objShellWind
Dim objIexplorer
Dim objDocument
Dim x
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objShellWind = objShell.Windows
Set objIexplorer = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
strBrowserTitles = "Información|Info|Error|Buscar sociedad|Mantenimiento de perímetro|Advertencia|Los campos marcados de color azul son obligatorios.|Faltan datos de búsqueda.|Alerta|" & _
"The case with the associated dispute transactions will be created."
' Workbooks.Add
x = 1
For Each objIexplorer In objShellWind
On Error Resume Next
Set objDocument = objIexplorer.Document
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
str1 = 1
If LCase(TypeName(objDocument)) = "htmldocument" Then
browserURL = objDocument.URL
browserTitle = objDocument.Title
intLinks = objDocument.Links.length
If InStr(1,strBrowserTitles,browserTitle) <> 0 And browserTitle <> "" Then
Set webelements = objDocument.getElementsByTagName("DIV")
attributeIndex = 0
intAttributesCount = webelements.length
strAttributeValue = webelements(attributeIndex).innerhtml
strText = webelements(attributeIndex).innerText
If InStr(1,strBrowserTitles,browserTitle) <> 0 And browserTitle <> "" And intLinks > 0 Then
For Each lnk In objDocument.Links
If lnk.value = "Ok" Then
fClosePopupIEWindow = "PASSED"
Exit Function
End If
End If
attributeIndex = attributeIndex + 1
Loop While attributeIndex <= intAttributesCount
Set objShell = Nothing
Set objShell = Nothing
Set objShellWind = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
x = x + 1
End If
End If
Set objShell = Nothing
fClosePopupIEWindow = "PASSED"
End Function