============ INTERFACES ============
- interfaces can only have public methods, unlike abstract classes
- can not have variables
- can have Constants
// General Form
interface interafaceName {
// abstract methods
class Child implements interfaceName {
// Defines the interface methods
// and may have its own methods
// Example
interface Car {
public function setModel( $name ) ;
public function getModel() ;
class miniCar implements Car {
private $model ;
public function setModel( $name ) {
$this->model = $name ;
public function getModel() {
return $this->model;
// implementing more than one interface
interface Car {
public function setModel( $name ) ;
public function getModel() ;
interface Vehicle {
public function setHasWheels($bool) ;
public function getHasWheels() ;
class miniCar implements Car, Vehicle {
private $model;
private $hasWheels;
public function setModel($model) {
$this->model = $model ;
public function getModel() {
return $this->model ;
public function setHasWheels($bool) {
$this->hasWheels = $bool ;
public function getHasWheels() {
return ($this->hasWheels) ? "has wheels" : "no wheels" ;
/* ********** EXERCISE ********************
- Create a User class with a protected $username property and methods that can set and
get the $username.
- Create an Author interface with the following abstract methods that can give the user an array of authorship privileges. The first method is setAuthorPrivileges(), and it gets a parameter of $array, and the second method is getAuthorPrivileges().
- Create an Editor interface with methods to set and get the editor’s privileges.
- Now, create an AuthorEditor class that extends the User class, and implements both the Author and the Editor interfaces.
- Create in the AuthorEditor class the methods that it should implement, and the
properties that these methods force us to add to the class.
- Create an object with the name of $user1 from the class AuthorEditor, and set its username to “Balthazar”.
- Set in the $user1 object an array of authorship privileges, with the following privileges: "write text”=", “add punctuation”.
- Set in the $user1 object an array with the following editorial privileges: “edit text”, “edit punctuation”.
interface Author {
public function setAuthorPriviledges( array $array) ;
public function getAuthorPriviledges() ;
interface Editor {
public function setEditorPriviledges( array $priv) ;
public function getEditorPriviledges() ;
class User {
protected $username;
public function setUsername ($uname) {
$this->username = $uname ;
public function getUsername() {
return $this->username;
class AuthorEditor extends User implements Author, Editor {
private $authorPriviledgesArray = [] ;
private $editorPriviledgesArray = [] ;
public function setAuthorPriviledges( array $arr ) {
$this->authorPriviledgesArray = $arr ;
public function getAuthorPriviledges() {
return $this->authorPriviledgesArray ;
// ---------------------------------------------------
public function setEditorPriviledges(array $priv) {
$this->editorPriviledgesArray = $priv ;
public function getEditorPriviledges() {
return $this->editorPriviledgesArray;
$user1 = new AuthorEditor() ;
$user1->setAuthorPriviledges(['write text', 'add punctuation']) ;
$user1->setEditorPriviledges (['edit text', 'edit punctuation'] ) ;
// get user1 name and priviledges
$userName = $user1->getUsername() ;
// merge the 2 arrays priviledges
$userPriviledges = array_merge( $user1->getAuthorPriviledges() , $user1->getEditorPriviledges() ) ;
echo $userName . ' has the following priviledges: ' ;
foreach ( $userPriviledges as $privilege ) {
echo "{$privilege}, " ;
echo '.' ;