9/17/2015 - 3:36 PM

Reusable Chart component for D3 - using prototypes and factories

Reusable Chart component for D3 - using prototypes and factories

(function() {
  // Based on article @
  // Publish a factory method for Chart instances
  // @usage:
  //     var runningChart = BarChart.instanceOf( {barPadding : 2 } );
  //     var weatherChart = BarChart.instanceOf()
  //                                .fillColor('coral');
  window.BarChart = {
    instanceOf : function (options) {
        // Publish instance
        return new Chart(options);
  // ***************************************************
  // Define Chart class and methods
  // ***************************************************

   * Define Chart Class
  function Chart(options) {

      // Special draw `selection` method used by D3
      this.render = drawSelection.bind(this);
      this.options = initialize(options);

   * Build and assign prototype methods
  Chart.prototype = {
      width       :, this.options, 'width'),
      height      :, this.options, 'height'),
      barPadding  :, this.options, 'barPadding'),
      fillColor   :, this.options, 'fillColor')

  // ***************************************************
  // D3 Render method
  // ***************************************************

   * Define the D3 callback to render bar chart within the specified
   * selection DOMs
  function drawSelection(selection) {
      selection.each(function(data) {
          var barSpacing = this.height / data.length;
          var barHeight = barSpacing - this.barPadding;
          var maxValue = d3.max(data);
          var widthScale = this.width / maxValue;

            .attr('height', this.height)
            .attr('width', this.width)
            .attr('y', function(d, i) {
                return i * barSpacing
            .attr('height', barHeight)
            .attr('x', 0)
            .attr('width', function(d) {
                return d * widthScale
            .style('fill', this.fillColor);

  // ***************************************************
  // Utility methods
  // ***************************************************

   * Build a chainable property accessor AND mutator function
  function makeAccessor(fields, key) {

      return function() {
          if (!arguments.length) return fields[key];
          fields[key] = value;

          return this;

   * Clone options data and initialize with defaults (if needed)
  function initialize(options) {
      return extend({
          width: 900,
          height: 200,
          barPadding: 1,
          fillColor: 'steelblue'
  function extend(dst) {
    for (var i = 1, ii = arguments.length; i < ii; i++) {
      var obj = arguments[i];
      if (obj) {
        var keys = Object.keys(obj);
        for (var j = 0, jj = keys.length; j < jj; j++) {
          var key = keys[j];
          dst[key] = obj[key];
    return dst;