bulk-export run data from Garmin Connect
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
## disconnect
# ./disconnect.rb -u yourusername
# This is a command-line utility for the bulk-downloading of run data from
# the connect.garmin.com web application, which has lackluster export
# capabilities.
# Using this code is a matter of your own relationship with Garmin Connect
# and their TOS. I can't imagine this being very destructive to their service,
# and it's just filling in a hole in their existing service.
# It's built against Garmin Connect as of July 22, 2011. It's a scraper:
# thus if Garmin changes, this **will break**.
# This script requires all of the utilities on the line below: install them
# with rubygems
%w{rubygems json fileutils mechanize choice highline/import}.map{|x| require x}
LOGIN_PAGE = "https://connect.garmin.com/signin"
ACTIVITIES_SEARCH = "http://connect.garmin.com/proxy/activity-search-service-1.0/json/activities?_dc=1220170621856&start=0&limit=1000"
GPX_EXPORT = "http://connect.garmin.com/proxy/activity-service-1.1/gpx/activity/%d?full=true"
KML_EXPORT = "http://connect.garmin.com/proxy/activity-service-1.0/kml/activity/%d?full=true"
TCX_EXPORT = "http://connect.garmin.com/proxy/activity-service-1.0/tcx/activity/%d?full=true"
Choice.options do
header ''
header 'Specific options:'
option :user, :required => true do
short '-u'
long '--user=USER'
desc 'connect.garmin.com username. Required'
option :dir do
short '-o'
long '--output-dir=OUTPUT'
desc 'the directory to save .tcx files'
default 'tcx'
password = ask("Enter your password: " ) { |q| q.echo = "*" }
def login(agent, user, password)
page = agent.get(LOGIN_PAGE)
login_form = page.form('login')
login_form['login:loginUsernameField'] = user
login_form['login:password'] = password
page = agent.submit(login_form, login_form.buttons.first)
raise "Login incorrect!" if page.title().match('Sign In')
def download_run(agent, id)
print "."
# This downloads TCX files: you can swap out the constant, or add
# more lines that download the different kinds of exports. I prefer TCX,
# because despite being a 'private standard,' it includes all data,
# including heart rate data.
agent.get(TCX_EXPORT % (id).to_i).save_as(File.join(Choice[:dir], "%d.tcx" % id))
def activities(agent)
j = agent.get(ACTIVITIES_SEARCH)
search = JSON.parse(j.content)
runs = search['results']['activities'].map {|r|
# Get each activity id to insert into the download URL
}.map {|id|
# Download a run.
download_run(agent, id)
agent = Mechanize.new
# One needs to log in to get access to private runs. Mechanize will store
# the session data for the API call that cames next.
home_page = login(agent, Choice[:user], password)
FileUtils.mkdir_p(Choice[:dir]) if not File.directory?(Choice[:dir])
puts "Downloading runs..."