Scaffold-DbContext "Server=.\SQLEXPRESS;Database=SOSample;User ID=sa;Password=P@ssw0rd;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Branch -Project circle.EF -Context BranchContext -Tables items,department,transaction,transactionentry
Scaffold-DbContext "Server=; Database=nerp-ksa; User=naseej; Password=P@ssw0rd;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Models -Project CommonTestNg.EntityFrameworkCore -Context CommonTestNgDbContext -Schemas comn
Add-Migration init2 -StartupProject CreativeTicketing.Core -Context CreativeTicketing.Core.Context.CreativeTicketingContext -OutputDir Migrations/TicketMigrations
Add-Migration init2 -Context CreativeTicketing.Core.Context.CreativeTicketingContext -OutputDir Migrations/TicketMigrations
using (var serviceScope = app.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService<IServiceScopeFactory>()
It will implement in our code of api in startup code it will check for Migrate DB every time application startup
Use it in exe app or in Api project
I don't prefer because it good for development for small app or test not enterprise
dotnettool install --global dotnet-ef
and run tools on published version of your app
dotnet ef migrations script --idempotent --output "script.sql" --context MyDbContext
dotnet ef migrations script --idempotent (if you don't know what version the database is at)
or dotnet ef migrations script <from-migration> (to get the changes after from-migration)
dotnet ef database update --startup-project startupAssembly --project migrationsAssembly or dotnet ef migrations script --startup-project startupAssembly --project migrationsAssembly - migrations.sql
this commands create sql file for change it will applied on your db.