You are given an array of positive and/or negative integers and a value K . The task is to find count of all sub-arrays whose sum is divisible by K?
Examples : Input : arr[] = {4, 5, 0, -2, -3, 1}, K = 5 Output : 7 // there are 7 sub-arrays whose is divisible by K // {4, 5, 0, -2, -3, 1} // {5} // {5, 0} // {5, 0, -2, -3} // {0} // {0, -2, -3} // {-2, -3}
Let there be a subarray (i, j) whose sum is divisible by k
sum(i, j) = sum(0, j) - sum(0, i-1)
Sum for any subarray can be written as q*k + rem where q
is a quotient and rem is remainder
sum(i, j) = (q1 * k + rem1) - (q2 * k + rem2)
sum(i, j) = (q1 - q2)k + rem1-rem2
We see, for sum(i, j) i.e. for sum of any subarray to be divisible by k, the RHS should also be divisible by k. (q1 - q2)k is obviously divisible by k, for (rem1-rem2) to follow the same, rem1 = rem2 where rem1 = Sum of subarray (0, j) % k rem2 = Sum of subarray (0, i-1) % k So if any sub-array sum from index i’th to j’th is divisible by k then we can saya[0]+…a[i-1] (mod k) = a[0]+…+a[j] (mod k). So we need to find such a pair of indices (i, j) that they satisfy the above condition. Here is the algorithm :
Make an auxiliary array of size k as Mod[k] . This array holds the count of each remainder we are getting after dividing cumulative sum till any index in arr[]. Now start calculating cumulative sum and simultaneously take it’s mod with K, whichever remainder we get increment count by 1 for remainder as index in Mod[] auxiliary array. Sub-array by each pair of positions with same value of ( cumSum % k) constitute a continuous range whose sum is divisible by K. Now traverse Mod[] auxiliary array, for any Mod[i] > 1 we can choose any to pair of indices for sub-array by (Mod[i]*(Mod[i] – 1))/2 number of ways . Do the same for all remainders < k and sum up the result that will be the number all possible sub-arrays divisible by K.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int t;
while (t-- >0) {
int n,k;
for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
cin>> a[i];
int b[k]= {0};
int s= 0;
for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
s+= a[i];
b[(s%k + k)%k]++;
for (int i=0;i<k;i++) {
if (b[i]>1) {
s+= (b[i]*(b[i]-1))/2;
s+= b[0];