wyattades of Rootid
1/14/2019 - 11:39 PM

Testing Information for Rootid's Top 15 sites

For a given site, we list properties for each path, as well as a path $all that contains tests that would be applicable on any path

Each path can have the following properties:

  • text: Given a hierarchy of elements/text, assert that the elements/text exists. If it is associated with a url, assert the clicking it redirects the user to that url and the page has no error code e.g. 404
  • visualreg: elements to run visual regression tests on (TODO). Maybe just run on whole page and ignore certain elements???
  • visualreg_ignore: elements to ignore when running visual regression. By default, all iframes are ignored
  • forms: form selector : expected outcome after submitting test data
  • misc: description of miscellaneous tests
# #################################################
# Testing Information for Rootid's Top 15 sites

# For a given site, we list properties for each path, as well as a path $all that contains tests that would be applicable on any path
#   Each path can have the following properties:
#     - text: Given a hierarchy of elements/text, assert that the elements/text exists. If it is associated with a url, assert the clicking it redirects the user to that url and the page has no error code e.g. 404 
#     - visualreg: elements to run visual regression tests on (TODO). Maybe just run on whole page and ignore certain elements???
#     - visualreg_ignore: elements to ignore when running visual regression. By default, all iframes are ignored
#     - forms: form selector : expected outcome after submitting test data
#     - misc: description of miscellaneous tests

# https://www.teensource.org
      .block-43: # social menu
        .facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teensource
        .twitter: https://twitter.com/teensource
        .youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/teensource
        .instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teensourceorg/
      .sf-main-menu: # main nav menu
        Find a Clinic: /find-a-clinic
        Birth Control: /birth-control
        STDs: /std
        Relationships: /relationships/relationships
        Blogs: /blog
        Know Your Rights: /know-your-rights
      .block-3: # nav footer
        About Us: /about-us
        Contact: /contact
        Resources: /resources
        Privacy Policy: /privacy-policy
        Terms of Use: /terms-of-use
        Guest Posting Policy: /get-involved-teensource
      "#logo": / # Logo image goes to Home Page
        Hookup Tip of the Week: true
      "#views-exposed-form-site-seach-page": should go to /search?keys=my-test-query and display search results # search form
      - Test all the menu dropdowns when mouse hover # ??? TODO
  /: # Home page
        Twitter: true
    visualreg: true
      - .view-blog-home # blog preview
      - .view-homepage-buttons # the sliding thing with those big buttons
      - "#quicktabs-homepage_social" # twitter feed
      "#views-exposed-form-clinics-map-page-3": confirm results on /find-a-clinic # Find a Clinic form
      Sign Up for Hookup: goes to https://secure.mcommons.com/profiles/join
        Did you visit a clinic near you?: true
      "#views-exposed-form-clinics-map-page-3": confirm results on /find-a-clinic # Find a Clinic form
      main: About Us
      "#cap-step-1-entityform-edit-form": either end up on /condoms/free/not-applicable or confirm results on /condoms/free/pick-up-map
      "#views-exposed-form-free-condoms-map-page-4": confirm results on /condoms/free/pick-up-map
      "#webform-client-form-7461": email form
      - Shows new blog post after creating a test blog post

# The above hierarchy is a prototype for how we potentially format test information.
# For the rest of the sites, I just made notes of some general things to test on each page:

# https://www.essentialaccess.org/
    - Header Social links
    - Donate button
    - Footer links
    - Footer search bar
    - Nav menu links and dropdown links
    - Sign up for Newsletter form
    - Events calender link
    - Calender
    - Share and print links
    - Contact form
    - Request a Private Training form

# https://www.americanrivers.org/
    - Footer Social links
    - Donate button
    - Footer links
    - Header search bar
    - Nav menu links and dropdown links
    - CONNECT WITH US form
    - LATEST FROM OUR BLOG dynamic content
    - EXPLORE OUR WORK dynamic content
    - Test filter results form
  $all - /: # This means all pages minus home page
    - STAY UP TO DATE footer form
    - DONATE NOW footer form
  /threats-solutions/energy-development/mining-oil-fracking: # An example of a page that has these things:
    - DONATE NOW main content form
    - RELATED POSTS dynamic content
    - RELATED POSTS read more link

# https://www.contracosta.edu/
    - Main menu nav links and dropdown
    - Social links
    - Footer nav menu links
    - Search form
    - Quick Links nav menu that slides out
    - header Register Now link
    - footer Take a Tour link
  $all - /:
    - footer News dynamic content
    - Various big button links
    - Slider dynamic content
    - Apply Now and More Info links
    - How to Apply accordian content
    - Dynamic content
    - Dynamic content

# https://live-midpen-open-space.pantheonsite.io/
    - Main menu nav links and dropdown
    - Social links
    - Footer nav menu links
    - Search form
    - footer FOLLOW US email form
    - WHAT'S NEW? dynamic content
    - UPCOMING ACTIVITIES dynamic content
    - big button links
    - Test filter feature
    - Dynamic content

# https://www.pacificenvironment.org/
    - Main menu hamburger, nav links, social links, and dropdowns
    - Social links
    - Footer nav menu links
    - Search form
    - footer donation buttons
    - footer Stay Up to Date email form
    - footer CLICK TO TWEET button
    - footer RELATED NEWS dynamic content and links
    - Main image slider
    - HELP PROTECT THE PACIFIC RIM donation form
    - GET UPDATES email form
    - Our Key Issues dynamic content
    - Contact form
    - Dynamic content
  # ... a bunch of other pages with dynamic content

# https://www.nhlp.org/
    - Main menu nav links and dropdown
    - Social links
    - Footer nav menu links
    - Search form
    - Sign Up For Our Newsletter email form
    - THE LATEST dynamic content
    - THE LATEST search form that goes to /advanced-search
    - Dynamic content
  # many pages have sidebar menu
  # many pages have accordian content

# https://www.peoplepowermedia.org/
    - Main menu hamburger, nav links, and dropdowns
    - Social links
    - Footer nav menu links
    - Search form
    - STAY UP TO DATE email form and social links
    - Search form
  # /donate:

# https://www.perpetuallineup.org/
    - Main menu nav links and dropdown
    - Social links
    - Footer nav menu links
    - Search form

# https://www.airportfacescans.com/
    - Main menu nav links and dropdown
    - Social links
    - Footer nav menu links
    - Search form

# https://www.aspca.org/
    - Main menu nav links and dropdown
    - Social links
    - Footer nav menu links
    - Search form

# https://naturemed.org/
    - Main menu nav links and dropdown
    - Social links
    - Footer nav menu links
    - Search form

# https://ellabakercenter.org/
    - Main menu nav links and dropdown
    - Social links
    - Footer nav menu links
    - Search form

# http://live-nosl.pantheonsite.io/
    - Main menu nav links and dropdown
    - Social links
    - Footer nav menu links
    - Search form

# https://live-lccrights.pantheonsite.io/
    - Main menu nav links and dropdown
    - Social links
    - Footer nav menu links
    - Search form