3/19/2015 - 1:22 AM

Create dynamically generated and sanitized CSS classes as a list from a taxonomy's terms in Wordpress

Create dynamically generated and sanitized CSS classes as a list from a taxonomy's terms in Wordpress


 * Create dynamically generated and sanitized CSS classes as a list from a taxonomy's terms
 * Example: <a class="<?php echo taxonmy_terms_as_css_list('Geographical Locations'); ?>"
function taxonmy_terms_as_css_list($term_name) {
    // get the taxonomy terms
    $get_terms = get_terms($term_name);
    // prepare each taxonomy term as a sanitized CSS class
    // 1. store terms in an array
    // 2. to lowecase
    // 3. replace spaces with dashes (so that spaces can be used in between separate class names)
    // 4. replace any NON alphanumeric, underscore or dash characters with a hyphen
    foreach ($get_terms as $term) {
        $term_list[] = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', preg_replace('/[^\w-]/', '-', $term->name)));
    // join array elements into a single string
    $terms = implode(' ', $term_list);
    // remove trailing hyphen (if it exists)
    $terms = rtrim($terms, '-');
    return $terms;
echo taxonmy_terms_as_css_list('YOUR_TAXONOMY'); ?>