8/20/2017 - 3:01 AM

Toastr Notifications for Laravel , for Creating/Deleting entries

Toastr Notifications for Laravel , for Creating/Deleting entries


1) download the min js and css files

2) include it in header CSS and footer JS in main layouts blade file

3) just before the end of the file where the JS is included:


@if ( Session::has('success') )
    toastr.success("{{ Session::get('success') }}")


4) in your controller where you plan to use Sessions:

use Session;

then in that controller:

 public function store(Request $request)
        $project_new = new Project;
        $project_new->project_name = $request->project;
        $project_new->save() ;
        Session::flash('success', 'Project Created') ;
        return redirect()->back() ;