5/18/2017 - 12:15 PM

Use PlantUML within Atom

Use PlantUML within Atom

[Atom] Install PlantUML

Install Graphviz

$ [sudo] apt-get update -qq \
> && [sudo] apt-get install graphviz

The dot executable will be useful later on

Install PlantUML

$ mkdir -p ~/.bin/java \
> && wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/plantuml/files/plantuml.jar/download \
> -O ~/.bin/java/plantuml.jar

Install atom PlantUML plugins

$ apm install \
>   language-plantuml \
>   plantuml-preview

Update plantuml-preview configuration

  • Put the result of which dot in Graphviz Dot Executable.
  • Put ~/.bin/java/plantuml.jar in PlantUML Jar.