The Most Common WordPress Functions src.:
//Title of the site
<?php bloginfo(‘title of my site’); ?>
//Title of specific post or page
<?php wp_title(); ?>
//The style.css file’s theme location
<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_ url’); ?>
//Pingback URL for the site
<?php bloginfo(‘pingback_url’); ?>
//Location for the site’s theme file
<?php bloginfo(‘template_url’); ?>
//WordPress version for the site
<?php bloginfo(‘version’); ?>
//Atom URL for the site
<?php bloginfo(‘atom_url’); ?>
//Exact URL for the site
<?php bloginfo(‘rss2_url’); ?>
//Name of the site
<?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?>
//Html version of the site
<?php bloginfo(‘html_type’); ?>
//Charset parameter of the site
<?php bloginfo(‘charset’); ?>
//Author of a specific post or page
<?php the_author(); ?>
//ID of a specific post or page
<?php the_ID(); ?>
//Link to edit a specific post or page
<?php edit_ post_link(); ?>
//Links from the blogroll
<?php get_links_ list(); ?>
//Comment.php file’s content
<?php comments_template(); ?>
//List of pages of the site
<?php wp_ list_pages(); ?>
//List of categories for the site
<?php wp_ list_cats(); ?>
//URL to the next post
<?php next_ post_link(‘%link’) ?>
//URL to the previous post
<?php previous_post_link(‘%link’) ?>
//The built-in calendar
<?php get_calendar(); ?>
//List of archives for the site
<?php wp_get_archives() ?>
//Next and previous post link
<?php posts_nav_link(); ?>
//Site’s description
<?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?>
//Content of the posts
<?php the_content();?>
//Checks if there are posts
<?php if(have_posts()) : ?>
//Shows posts if posts are available
<?php while(have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
//Closes the ‘while’ PHP function
<?php endwhile; ?>
//Closes the ‘if’ PHP function
<?php endif; ?>
//Header.php file’s content
<?php get_header(); ?>
//Sidebar.php file’s content
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
//Footer.php file’s content
<?php get_footer(); ?>
//The date in ’06-21-11′ format
<?php the_time(‘m-d-y’) ?>
//Link for the comments on the post
<?php comments_popup_link(); ?>
//Title of a specific post or page
<?php the_title ();?>
//URL of a specific post or page
<?php the_permalink() ?>
//Category of a specific post or page
<?php the_category(‘,’) ?>