Small routine to loop all documents of the batch, deleting specific pages based on certain criteria.
Public Sub SeparatorPageDelete(ByVal pXRootFolder As CASCADELib.CscXFolder)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
OutputDebugString "Scansation.SeparatorPageDelete"
Dim i As Long
Dim oXdoc As CscXDocument
Dim lPageIndex As Long
If Project.ScriptVariables.ItemByName("SeparatorPageDelete").Value = "True" Then
OutputDebugString "Scansation.Separator page removal enabled, deleting seperator pages..."
' Here, we're assuming that the separator page is the last page of the document having been moved to the end during KTM Server Batch_Open
For i = 0 To pXRootFolder.DocInfos.Count - 1
OutputDebugString "Scansation.Document: " & CStr(i=1)
Set oXdoc = pXRootFolder.DocInfos.ItemByIndex(i).XDocument
' Double check the page contains the separation barcode before deleting it
If oXdoc.Fields.ItemByName("SepPageBarcode1").PageIndex = oXdoc.CDoc.Pages.Count - 1 Then
lPageIndex = oXdoc.CDoc.Pages.Count - 1
oXdoc.DeletePages(lPageIndex, 1)
End If
End If
Exit Sub
LogError(Err.Number, "SeparatorPageDelete", Err.Description)
End Sub
Public Sub SeparatorPageDetection(ByVal pXRootFolder As CASCADELib.CscXFolder)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
OutputDebugString "Scansation.SeparatorPageDetection"
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim oXdoc As CscXDocument
Dim lBarcodeCount As Long
Dim sBarcodeValue As String
Dim sRegex As String
Dim lNewPageIndex As Long
If Project.ScriptVariables.ItemByName("SeparatorPageDetection").Value <> "True" Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Loop through all documents, checking for the existence of a separator page (1st page only) by accessing Kofax Capture CSS
' Inspect available barcodes to verify the separation barcode is present
' When detected, move the page to the end of the document so that is can still be used for extraction purposes but does not cause problems for classification
sRegex = Project.ScriptVariables.ItemByName("SeparatorPageDetectionRegex").Value
OutputDebugString "Scansation.SeparatorPageDetectionRegex: " & CStr(sRegex)
Select Case Project.ScriptExecutionMode
Case CscScriptModeServer
If Project.ScriptExecutionInstance = 1 Then
Select Case pXRootFolder.Fields.ItemByName("BatchType").Text
' The first document is skipped as this is assumed to be the batch header (starting index is 1 instead of 0)
For i = 1 To pXRootFolder.DocInfos.Count - 1
OutputDebugString "Scansation.Document: " & CStr(i=1)
Set oXdoc = pXRootFolder.DocInfos.ItemByIndex(i).XDocument
If oXdoc.XValues.ItemExists("AC_CSS_PAGE1_Kofax.Capture.Barcodes.Count") = True Then
lBarcodeCount = CLng(oXdoc.XValues.ItemByName("AC_CSS_PAGE1_Kofax.Capture.Barcodes.Count").Value)
OutputDebugString "Scansation.Barcode Count: " & CStr(lBarcodeCount)
If lBarcodeCount > 0 Then
For j = 1 To lBarcodeCount
OutputDebugString "Scansation.Checking Barcode: " & CStr(j)
sBarcodeValue = CStr(oXdoc.XValues.ItemByName("AC_CSS_PAGE1_Kofax.Capture.Barcodes." & CStr(j) & ".Value").Value)
If IsRegexMatch(sRegex, sBarcodeValue, True, False, False) = True Then
OutputDebugString "Scansation.Separator Page Detected, moving separator to end of document"
lNewPageIndex = oXdoc.CDoc.Pages.Count - 1
oXdoc.MovePage(0, lNewPageIndex)
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
Case "SFTP"
End Select
End If
Case CscScriptModeValidation
' Do nothing
Case Else
' Project Builder (DocReview)
For i = 0 To pXRootFolder.DocInfos.Count - 1
OutputDebugString "Scansation.Document: " & CStr(i=1)
Set oXdoc = pXRootFolder.DocInfos.ItemByIndex(i).XDocument
OutputDebugString "Scansation.Separator Page Detected, moving separator to end of document"
lNewPageIndex = oXdoc.CDoc.Pages.Count - 1
oXdoc.MovePage(0, lNewPageIndex)
End Select
Exit Sub
LogError(Err.Number, "SeparatorPageDetection", Err.Description)
End Sub