The file to customize which allows for customization of ESTK. This is a customized verion made by someone, who I do not have written down anywhere.
* @@@BUILDINFO@@@ 00globals-2.jsx 20-November-2009
* Copyright 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated
* All Rights Reserved.
* NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in
* accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
* If you have received this file from a source other than Adobe, then your
* use, modification, or distribution of it requires the prior written
* permission of Adobe.
// check for BridgeTalk, emulate if not available
if( typeof BridgeTalk == 'undefined' )
function BridgeTalk()
this.sender = ''; = '';
this.timeout = 0;
this.type = '';
this.body = '';
this.headers = {};
BridgeTalk.prototype.send = function(){ return false; }
BridgeTalk.prototype.sendResult = function(){ return false; }
BridgeTalk.prototype.pump = function(){ return false; }
BridgeTalk.launch = function(){}
BridgeTalk.isRunning = function(){ return false; }
BridgeTalk.pump = function(){ return false; }
BridgeTalk.loadAppScript = function(){ return false; }
BridgeTalk.getSpecifier = function(){ return ''; }
BridgeTalk.getTargets = function(){ return []; }
BridgeTalk.getDisplayName = function(){ return ''; }
BridgeTalk.bringToFront = function(){}
BridgeTalk.getStatus = function(){ return ''; } = function(){ return ''; }
BridgeTalk.getAppPath = function(){ return ''; }
BridgeTalk.getPreferredApp = function(){ return ''; }
BridgeTalk.pendingResponses = function(){ return 0; }
BridgeTalk.supportsESTK = function(){ return false; }
BridgeTalk.getOMVDictionaryType = function(){ return false; }
BridgeTalk.getInfo = function(){ return ''; }
BridgeTalk.isInstalled = function(){ return false; }
BridgeTalk.updateConnectorCache = function(){ return false; }
BridgeTalk.appSpecifier = '';
BridgeTalk.appName = '';
BridgeTalk.appVersion = '';
BridgeTalk.appLocale = '';
BridgeTalk.appInfo = '';
BridgeTalk.appInstance = '';
BridgeTalk.appStatus = '';;
BridgeTalk.emu = true;
// set app.resourceFolder and app.requiredFolder
if( $.os.indexOf( 'Windows' ) > -1 )
app.resourceFolder = Folder (Folder.appPackage + "/required");
var f = app.resourceFolder.resolve();
if (f)
app.resourceFolder = f;
app.requiredFolder = app.resourceFolder;
app.resourceFolder += '/icons/';
app.requiredFolder = Folder.appPackage.absoluteURI + '/Contents/SharedSupport/Required/';
app.resourceFolder = Folder.appPackage.absoluteURI + '/Contents/Resources/';
const _win = (File.fs == "Windows");
// the list of all non-document panes
var panes = null;
// document manager
var docMgr = null;
// The list of all document
var documents = [];
// The current document
var document = null;
// All menus, grouped by name (like e.g. menus.file)
const menus = {};
// target manager
var targetMgr = null;
// global broadcaster
var globalBroadcaster = new Broadcaster;
// favorites
var favorites = null;
// workspace visibility
var menuToggleWS = null;
var workspaceVisible = true;
var wsHideOnNextStartup = false;
// in shutdown
var appInShutDown = false;
// A list of predefined HTML colors.
const colors = {
AliceBlue : 0xF0F8FF,
AntiqueWhite : 0xFAEBD7,
Aqua : 0x00FFFF,
Aquamarine : 0x7FFFD4,
Azure : 0xF0FFFF,
Beige : 0xF5F5DC,
Bisque : 0xFFE4C4,
Black : 0xdee2e7,
BlanchedAlmond : 0xFFEBCD,
Blue : 0xFF007F,
BlueViolet : 0x8A2BE2,
Brown : 0xECE47E,
BurlyWood : 0xDEB887,
CadetBlue : 0x5F9EA0,
Chartreuse : 0x7FFF00,
Chocolate : 0xD2691E,
Coral : 0xFF7F50,
CornflowerBlue : 0x6495ED,
Cornsilk : 0xFFF8DC,
Crimson : 0xDC143C,
Cyan : 0x00FFFF,
DarkBlue : 0x00008B,
DarkCyan : 0x008B8B,
DarkGoldenRod : 0xB8860B,
DarkGray : 0xA9A9A9,
DarkGreen : 0x006400,
DarkKhaki : 0xBDB76B,
DarkMagenta : 0x8B008B,
DarkOliveGreen : 0x556B2F,
Darkorange : 0xFF8C00,
DarkOrchid : 0x9932CC,
DarkRed : 0x819eaa,
DarkSalmon : 0xE9967A,
DarkSeaGreen : 0x8FBC8F,
DarkSlateBlue : 0x483D8B,
DarkSlateGray : 0x2F4F4F,
DarkTurquoise : 0x00CED1,
DarkViolet : 0x9400D3,
DeepPink : 0xFF1493,
DeepSkyBlue : 0x00BFFF,
DimGray : 0x696969,
DodgerBlue : 0x1E90FF,
Feldspar : 0xD19275,
FireBrick : 0xB22222,
FloralWhite : 0xFFFAF0,
ForestGreen : 0x228B22,
Fuchsia : 0xFF00FF,
Gainsboro : 0xDCDCDC,
GhostWhite : 0xF8F8FF,
Gold : 0xFFD700,
GoldenRod : 0xDAA520,
Gray : 0x808080,
Green : 0x3d4a56,
GreenYellow : 0xADFF2F,
HoneyDew : 0xF0FFF0,
HotPink : 0xFF69B4,
IndianRed : 0x819eaa,
Indigo : 0x4B0082,
Ivory : 0xFFFFF0,
Khaki : 0xF0E68C,
Lavender : 0xE6E6FA,
LavenderBlush : 0xFFF0F5,
LawnGreen : 0x7CFC00,
LemonChiffon : 0xFFFACD,
LightBlue : 0xADD8E6,
LightCoral : 0xF08080,
LightCyan : 0xE0FFFF,
LightGoldenRodYellow: 0xFAFAD2,
LightGray : 0xD3D3D3,
LightGreen : 0x90EE90,
LightPink : 0xFFB6C1,
LightSalmon : 0xFFA07A,
LightSeaGreen : 0x20B2AA,
LightSkyBlue : 0x87CEFA,
LightSlateBlue : 0x8470FF,
LightSlateGray : 0x778899,
LightSteelBlue : 0xB0C4DE,
LightYellow : 0xFFFFE0,
Lime : 0x00FF00,
LimeGreen : 0x32CD32,
Linen : 0xFAF0E6,
Magenta : 0xFF00FF,
Maroon : 0x800000,
MediumAquaMarine : 0x66CDAA,
MediumBlue : 0x0000CD,
MediumOrchid : 0xBA55D3,
MediumPurple : 0x9370D8,
MediumSeaGreen : 0x3CB371,
MediumSlateBlue : 0x7B68EE,
MediumSpringGreen : 0x00FA9A,
MediumTurquoise : 0x48D1CC,
MediumVioletRed : 0x819eaa,
MidnightBlue : 0x191970,
MintCream : 0xF5FFFA,
MistyRose : 0xFFE4E1,
Moccasin : 0xFFE4B5,
NavajoWhite : 0xFFDEAD,
Navy : 0x000080,
OldLace : 0xFDF5E6,
Olive : 0x808000,
OliveDrab : 0x6B8E23,
Orange : 0xFFA500,
OrangeRed : 0xFF4500,
Orchid : 0xDA70D6,
PaleGoldenRod : 0xEEE8AA,
PaleGreen : 0x98FB98,
PaleTurquoise : 0xAFEEEE,
PaleVioletRed : 0x819eaa,
PapayaWhip : 0xFFEFD5,
PeachPuff : 0xFFDAB9,
Peru : 0xCD853F,
Pink : 0xFFC0CB,
Plum : 0xDDA0DD,
PowderBlue : 0xB0E0E6,
Purple : 0x98cc4e,
Red : 0x819eaa,
RosyBrown : 0xBC8F8F,
RoyalBlue : 0x4169E1,
SaddleBrown : 0x8B4513,
Salmon : 0xFA8072,
SandyBrown : 0xF4A460,
SeaGreen : 0x2E8B57,
SeaShell : 0xFFF5EE,
Sienna : 0xA0522D,
Silver : 0xC0C0C0,
SkyBlue : 0x87CEEB,
SlateBlue : 0x6A5ACD,
SlateGray : 0x708090,
Snow : 0xFFFAFA,
SpringGreen : 0x00FF7F,
SteelBlue : 0x4682B4,
Tan : 0xD2B48C,
Teal : 0x008080,
Thistle : 0xD8BFD8,
Tomato : 0xFF6347,
Turquoise : 0x40E0D0,
Violet : 0xEE82EE,
VioletRed : 0xD02090,
Wheat : 0xF5DEB3,
White : 0x1b1e20,
WhiteSmoke : 0xF5F5F5,
Yellow : 0xFFFF00,
YellowGreen : 0x9ACD32
// messageBox(...)
// Purpose: Global Alert box that is localizable and displays an error title
function messageBox (msg)
var title = app.title + ' ' + app.version;
if (msg [0] == "$")
msg = localize.apply (this, arguments);
alert (msg, title);
// queryBox(...)
// Purpose: Global Confirm box that is localizable and displays the right title
function queryBox (msg)
var title = app.title + ' ' + app.version;
if (msg [0] == "$")
msg = localize.apply (this, arguments);
ret = confirm (msg, false, title);
return ret;
// dsaQueryBox(...)
// Purpose: Global Confirm box that is localizable and displays the right title
// and "don't show again" checkbox
function dsaQueryBox( name, msg )
if( !app.enableStandardUI )
app.writeLog( "NO UI: dsaQueryBox( '"+name+"' , '"+msg+"' )" );
return true;
var ret = false;
var title = app.title + ' ' + app.version;
// localize message string
if( msg[0] == "$" )
var args = [msg];
if( arguments.length > 2 )
for( var i=2; i<arguments.length; i++ )
args.push( arguments[i] );
msg = localize.apply( this, args );
if( name )
// if there's a preference value for this dialog then skip
// the dialog UI and return the preference value instead
if( prefs.DSDialog[name].hasValue() )
ret = prefs.DSDialog[name].getValue( Preference.BOOLEAN );
// create dialog
var dlgRes = """prefdialog { text : '""" + title + """',
orientation : 'column',
properties : { name : '""" + name + """'},
gm : Group
orientation : 'row',
alignment : ['left', 'top'],
image : Image
minimumSize : [32, 32]
gt : Group
orientation : 'column',
alignment : ['left', 'top'],
spacing : 1,
statictext : StaticText
text : "",
alignment : "left",
properties : { multiline : true }
gb : Group
orientation : 'row',
gc : Group
alignment : ['left', 'top'],
dshow : Checkbox
text : "$$$/ESToolkit/Dialog/DontShowAgain=Don't show again",
helpTip : "$$$/ESToolkit/Dialog/htDontShowAgain=Don't show this dialog again."
gt : Group
alignment : ['right', 'top'],
orientation : 'row',
btOK : Button
properties : { name : 'ok' },
text : '$$$/CT/ExtendScript/UI/Yes=&Yes'
btCancel : Button
properties : { name : 'cancel' },
text : '$$$/CT/ExtendScript/UI/No=&No'
var dlg = new Window( dlgRes ); = msg; = ScriptUI.newImage( 'SystemQueryIcon' );
// show dialog
ret = ( == 1 );
// if "don't show again" was checked then store the return
// value of the dialog in the preferences
if( )
prefs.DSDialog[name] = ret;
queryBox( msg );
return ret;
// Custom prompt dialog
function smartPrompt( text, value )
var ret = value;
var title = app.title + ' ' + app.version;
var dlgname = encodeURI( title );
if( text[0] == "$")
text = localize.apply( this, arguments );
var dlg = new Window(
"prefdialog { text : '" + title + "', \
orientation : 'column', \
properties : { name : '" + dlgname + "' }, \
grp1 : Group \
{ \
orientation : 'row', \
alignment : ['fill', 'top'], \
spacing : 10, \
grp11 : Group \
{ \
orientation : 'row', \
alignment : ['left', 'top'], \
text : StaticText \
{ \
alignment : 'left', \
text : '" + text + "' \
}, \
} \
grp12: Group \
{ \
orientation : 'column', \
alignment : ['right', 'top'], \
btOK : Button \
{ \
text : '$$$/CT/ExtendScript/UI/OK=&OK', \
properties :{ name : 'ok' } \
}, \
btCancel : Button \
{ \
text : '$$$/CT/ExtendScript/UI/Cancel=&Cancel', \
properties :{ name : 'cancel' } \
} \
}, \
}, \
grp2 : Group \
{ \
spacing : 0, \
value : EditText \
{ \
alignment:'fill', \
text : '" + value + "', \
characters : 40, \
}, \
} \
}" );
dlg.onShow = function()
{ = true;
value = ( == 1 ? dlg.grp2.value.text : null );
return value;
// error box
function errorBox( head, details )
function escapeText( str, ignoreLE )
var ret = "";
for( var i=0; i<str.length; i++ )
if( str[i] == "\n" )
if( !ignoreLE )
ret += "\\n";
if( str[i] == "\\" )
ret += "\\";
if( str[i] == "\"" )
ret += "\\";
ret += str[i];
return ret;
// setup text
var headText = escapeText( head, true );
var msgText = head;
for( var i=1; i<arguments.length; i++ )
msgText += "\n" + arguments[i];
msgText = escapeText(msgText);
// write error to log
app.writeLog( msgText );
if( app.enableStandardUI )
// create dialog window
var title = app.title + ' ' + app.version;
var w = new Window( """dialog {
properties :
resizeable : true
text : """" + title + """",
orientation : "column",
content : Group
alignment : ["fill","fill"],
orientation : "row",
image : Image
alignment : ["left","top"],
minimumSize : [32, 32]
right : Group
alignment : [ "fill","fill"],
orientation : "column",
head : StaticText
alignment : ["fill","top"],
text : """" + headText + """"
grSwitch : Group
margins : 0,
spacing : 4,
orientation : "row",
alignment : ["left","top"],
btnSwitch : Image
alignment : "left",
minimumSize : [10,10],
properties : { style : 'toolbutton' }
static : StaticText
text : "$$$/ESToolkit/Dialogs/Details=Details"
details : EditText
alignment : ["fill","fill"],
visible : false,
preferredSize : [1,1],
properties :
multiline : true,
readonly : true
text : """" + msgText + """"
btnOK : Button
alignment : ["center","bottom"],
properties : { name : 'ok' },
text : "OK"
}""" );
// setup window
if( _win )
w.minimumSize = [260, 120];
w.minimumSize = [260, 130];
w.content.image.icon = ScriptUI.newImage( 'SystemStopIcon' );
w.content.right.grSwitch.btnSwitch.iconExpand = ScriptUI.newImage( 'SystemExpand' );
w.content.right.grSwitch.btnSwitch.iconCollapse = ScriptUI.newImage( 'SystemCollapse' );
w.content.right.grSwitch.btnSwitch.icon = w.content.right.grSwitch.btnSwitch.iconExpand;
w.content.right.grSwitch.btnSwitch.expanded = false;
const minDetailHeight = 150;
var font =;
var fontNew = font;
if( _win )
fontNew = ScriptUI.newFont( "", "BOLD", font.size+1 );
fontNew = ScriptUI.newFont(, "BOLD", font.size+2 );
catch( exc )
fontNew = font;
} = fontNew;
// expand/collapse details
w.content.right.grSwitch.btnSwitch.addEventListener( "mousedown", function(e) {; }, false );
w.content.right.grSwitch.btnSwitch.onClick = function()
this.expanded = !this.expanded;
if( this.expanded )
this.icon = this.iconCollapse;
this.icon = this.iconExpand;
this.parent.parent.details.visible = !this.parent.parent.details.visible;
if( this.parent.parent.details.visible )
var dh = 0;
if( prefs.ErrorDlg.detailheight.hasValue( Preference.NUMBER ) )
dh = prefs.ErrorDlg.detailheight.getValue( Preference.NUMBER );
if( dh < minDetailHeight )
dh = minDetailHeight;
if( this.window.size.height <= dh )
this.window.size.height = dh;
prefs.ErrorDlg.detailheight = this.window.size.height;
this.window.size.height -= this.parent.parent.details.size.height;
w.onResize = function()
w.onShow = function()
var w = this.size.width;
var h = this.size.height;
var x = this.location.x;
var y = this.location.y;
if( prefs.ErrorDlg.width.hasValue( Preference.NUMBER ) )
var pw = prefs.ErrorDlg.width.getValue( Preference.NUMBER );
if( pw > w )
w = pw;
if( prefs.ErrorDlg.height.hasValue( Preference.NUMBER ) )
var ph = prefs.ErrorDlg.height.getValue( Preference.NUMBER );
if( ph > h )
h = ph;
if( prefs.ErrorDlg.posx.hasValue( Preference.NUMBER ) )
x = prefs.ErrorDlg.posx.getValue( Preference.NUMBER );
if( prefs.ErrorDlg.posy.hasValue( Preference.NUMBER ) )
y = prefs.ErrorDlg.posy.getValue( Preference.NUMBER );
this.size.width = w;
this.size.height = h;
if( x > 0 )
this.location.x = x;
if( y > 0 )
this.location.y = y;
if( prefs.ErrorDlg.details.hasValue( Preference.BOOLEAN ) &&
prefs.ErrorDlg.details.getValue( Preference.BOOLEAN ) != this.content.right.details.visible )
w.onClose = function()
prefs.ErrorDlg.width = this.size.width;
prefs.ErrorDlg.height = this.size.height;
prefs.ErrorDlg.posx = this.location.x;
prefs.ErrorDlg.posy = this.location.y;
prefs.ErrorDlg.details = this.content.right.details.visible;
if( this.content.right.details.visible )
prefs.ErrorDlg.detailheight = this.size.height;
// A little modeless dialog floating in the middle of the window
// This dialog displays short, one-line messages. Use an empty message
// or no arguments to hide the dialog. The message may take additional
// arguments, and it is passed to localize().
// If cancelCB is supplied, the floatingMessage has a Cancel button,
// and if that button is clicked, cancelCB (userData) is called.
var floatDlg = null;
var floatDlgCB = null;
function floatingMessage (msg)
// Hide any callback floater
if (floatDlgCB && floatDlgCB.visible)
floatDlgCB.maxWidth = 0;
if (!floatDlg && msg)
floatDlg = new Window ("palette { msg: StaticText { } }");
floatDlg.text = app.title + ' ' + app.version;
floatDlg.maxWidth = 0;
if (msg)
if (msg [0] == "$")
msg = localize.apply (this, arguments);
var uiMsg = floatDlg.msg;
uiMsg.text = msg;
var size = (msg);
if (size.width > floatDlg.maxWidth)
floatDlg.maxWidth = size.width;
uiMsg.size = size;
floatDlg.layout.layout (true);
} (Window.children[0]);;
else if (floatDlg)
floatDlg.maxWidth = 0;
// Same as above; additional arguments to the message follow the userData argument.
// The floatingMessage has a Cancel button, and if that button is clicked,
// cancelCB (userData) is called.
// IMPORTANT: while processing, call app.pumpEventLoop() to enable the Cancel button!
function floatingMessageCB (msg, cancelCB, userData)
// Hide any non-callback floater
if (floatDlg && floatDlg.visible)
floatDlg.maxWidth = 0;
if (!floatDlgCB && msg)
floatDlgCB = new Window (
"palette { msg: StaticText { },\
btn: Button { text:'$$$/CT/ExtendScript/UI/Cancel=&Cancel', properties:{name:'cancel'} } }");
floatDlgCB.text = app.title + ' ' + app.version;
floatDlgCB.btn.onClick = function()
this.cancelCB (this.userData);
if (msg)
floatDlgCB.btn.cancelCB = cancelCB;
floatDlgCB.btn.userData = userData;
if (msg [0] == "$")
var args = [msg];
for (var i = 3; i < arguments.length; i++)
args.push (arguments [i]);
msg = localize.apply (this, args);
var uiMsg = floatDlgCB.msg;
uiMsg.text = msg;
var size = (msg);
if (size.width > floatDlgCB.maxWidth)
floatDlgCB.maxWidth = size.width;
uiMsg.size = size;
floatDlgCB.layout.layout (true);
} (Window.children[0]);;
// Disable the app
app.enabled = false;
else if (floatDlgCB)
floatDlgCB.maxWidth = 0;
// re-enable the app
app.enabled = true;
// ProgressBox
// The ProgressBox displays a progress dialog. The ctor takes a
// text which is localized. The ctor may take additional arguments.
// We have these functions:
// setText (msg) - set text (additional args permitted)
// setProgress (val[, max]) - set progress. Returns false on abort.
// stop() - hide the dialog.
function ProgressBox (msg)
this.dlg = new Window (
"palette { \
msg: StaticText { \
alignment : 'left', \
}, \
bar: Progressbar { \
preferredSize: [200, 20], \
}, \
btn: Button { \
text: '$$$/CT/ExtendScript/UI/Cancel=&Cancel', \
properties: { \
name :'cancel' \
} \
} \
if (msg [0] == "$")
msg = localize.apply (this, arguments);
this.dlg.text = app.title + ' ' + app.version;
this.dlg.btn.self = this;
this.dlg.btn.onClick = function()
this.self.aborted = true;
} = 100;
this.maxWidth = 0;
this.aborted = false;
this.setText (msg); ();;
app.enabled = false;
ProgressBox.prototype.setText = function (msg)
if (this.dlg)
if (msg [0] == "$")
msg = localize.apply (this, arguments);
var uiMsg = this.dlg.msg;
uiMsg.text = msg;
var size = (msg);
if (size.width > this.maxWidth)
this.maxWidth = size.width;
uiMsg.size = size;
this.dlg.layout.layout (true);
ProgressBox.prototype.increment = function (n)
if (!this.dlg || this.aborted)
return false;
if (!n)
n = 1;
return this.setProgress ( + n);
ProgressBox.prototype.getProgress = function()
var n = 0;
if (this.dlg)
n =;
return n;
ProgressBox.prototype.setProgress = function (n, end)
var ok = app.pumpEventLoop (true);
ok &= (!this.aborted && (this.dlg != null));
if (ok)
if (end != undefined) = end; = n;
return ok;
ProgressBox.prototype.getRemainingProgress = function ()
var n = 0;
if (this.dlg)
n = -;
return n;
ProgressBox.prototype.disableCancel = function()
this.dlg.btn.enabled = false;
ProgressBox.prototype.stop = function()
if (this.dlg)
this.dlg = null;
app.enabled = true;
// print()
function print()
if (console && console.print)
var s = "";
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
s += arguments [i];
console.print (s);
function log()
var s = "";
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
s += arguments [i];
_log (s);
// wait for BridgeTalk
function wait( abortFct, timeout )
var ret = false;
if( abortFct )
if( !timeout )
timeout = 50000;
var then = new Date;
while( abortFct() )
var now = new Date;
if( (now - then) > timeout )
return ret;
ret = true;
return ret;
// enable/disable icon buttons
IconButton.prototype.setEnabled = function( state )
if( !this.stateCount )
this.stateCount = 0;
if( state )
if( this.stateCount < 0 )
this.stateCount = 0;
this.enabled = state;//(this.stateCount == 0 );
// this.icon = this.enabled ? this.enabledIcon : this.disabledIcon;
// Error Info class
function ErrorInfo( error )
this.errors = [];
if( error )
this.errors.push( error );
ErrorInfo.prototype.push = function( error )
this.errors.push( error );
ErrorInfo.prototype.pop = function()
ErrorInfo.prototype.length = function()
return this.errors.length;
ErrorInfo.prototype.display = function( inDialog, inStatusbar )
var ret = false;
if( typeof(inDialog) == "undefined" ) inDialog = true;
if( typeof(inStatusbar) == "undefined" ) inStatusbar = true;
if( this.errors.length > 0 )
var main = this.errors[ this.errors.length - 1 ];
if( inStatusbar )
var status = main;
if( this.errors.length > 1 )
status += " : " + this.errors[ this.errors.length - 2 ];
docMgr.setStatusLine( status );
if( inDialog )
var msg = "";
if( this.errors.length > 1 )
for( var i=this.errors.length-2; i>=0; i-- )
if( i > this.errors.length-2 )
msg += "\n";
msg += this.errors[i];
if( app.enableStandardUI )
errorBox( main, msg );
app.writeLog( "NO UI: ErrorInfo.display( '"+main+"\n"+msg+"' )" );
return ret;
function InternalError( errorInfo, inDialog, inStatusbar )
var error = errorInfo;
if( !error )
error = new ErrorInfo();
error.push( localize( "$$$/CT/ExtendScript/Errors/InternalError=InternalError" ) );
error.display( inDialog, inStatusbar );
// Delayed Tasks
// call addDelayedTask (foo) to add a function that is executed
// about 20 msecs after this function has been called. If there
// are multiple delayed functions, the latest function is added
// to the stack of functions to be executed. The function should
// not take long to execute, and it should not alter any visible.
// Only one instance of a function/argument combo is added. If
// the first argument is not a function, but the second is, the
// first argument is consider to be "this".
function addDelayedTask()
var fn = arguments[0];
var self = $.global;
var arg1 = 1;
if (typeof fn != "function")
self = fn;
fn = arguments [1];
arg1 = 2;
if (typeof self != "object")
self = $.global;
$.bp (typeof fn != "function");
for (var i = 0; i < delayedTasks.length; i++)
var obj = delayedTasks [i];
if( obj.fn == fn && obj.self == self && obj.args.length == arguments.length )
var same = true;
for (var j = 0; same && j < arguments.length; j++)
same = (arguments [j] === obj.args [j]);
if (same)
// foo is there already - remove
delayedTasks.splice (i, 1);
var args = [];
for (i = arg1; i < arguments.length; i++)
args.push (arguments [i]);
delayedTasks.push( {self:self, fn:fn, args:args} );
// app.onStartup sets delayedTaskID to 0 to signal that running
// these tasks is OK now.
if (delayedTasks.length && delayedTaskID == 0)
delayedTaskID = app.scheduleTask ("delayedTaskExec()", 20, true);
// app.onStartup() calls this function at the end to get things going
// that have accumulated during startup.
function startDelayedTasks()
delayedTaskID = 0;
if (delayedTasks.length)
delayedTaskID = app.scheduleTask ("delayedTaskExec()", 20, true);
// Kill all delayed tasks with the given "this" value (if given) and the given function.
function killDelayedTasks()
var fn = arguments[0];
var self = $.global;
if (typeof fn != "function")
self = fn;
fn = arguments [1];
if (typeof self != "object")
self = $.global;
$.bp (typeof fn != "function");
for (var i = 0; i < delayedTasks.length; )
var obj = delayedTasks [i];
if( obj.fn == fn && obj.self == self )
delayedTasks.splice (i, 1);
if (!delayedTasks.length && delayedTaskID)
app.cancelTask (delayedTaskID);
delayedTaskID = 0;
var delayedTasks = [];
var delayedTaskID = -1;
function delayedTaskExec()
var obj = delayedTasks[0];
var fnstr = "";
if( app.logFile )
fnstr = "[" + + "] : ";
var fo = obj.fn.toString().split("\n");
for( var i=0; i<6; i++ )
if( fo[i] )
fnstr += fo[i];
fnstr += " ...";
app.writeLog( "Start DELAYED TASK: " + fnstr );
obj.fn.apply (obj.self, obj.args);
if( app.logFile )
app.writeLog( "Finished DELAYED TASK: " + fnstr );
if (!delayedTasks.length && delayedTaskID)
app.cancelTask (delayedTaskID);
delayedTaskID = 0;
// Scheduled Tasks
// call addScheduledTask (time,foo) to add a function that is executed
// after the passed time (msec) elapsed.
// If the first argument is not a function, but the second is, the
// first argument is consider to be "this".
function addScheduledTask()
var time = arguments[0];
var fn = arguments[1];
var self = $.global;
var arg1 = 2;
if( typeof fn != "function" )
self = fn;
fn = arguments [2];
arg1 = 3;
if( typeof self != "object" )
self = $.global;
$.bp( typeof fn != "function" );
var args = [];
for (i = arg1; i < arguments.length; i++)
args.push (arguments [i]);
var taskData = { self:self, fn:fn, args:args, id:nextScheduledTaskID, tid:-1 };
scheduledTasks[nextScheduledTaskID] = taskData;
scheduledTasks[nextScheduledTaskID].tid = app.scheduleTask( "scheduledTaskExec(" + + " )", time );
function cancelScheduledTask( id, exe )
if( scheduledTasks[id] )
var taskID = scheduledTasks[id].tid;
if( taskID > -1 )
app.cancelTask( taskID );
if( exe )
scheduledTaskExec( id );
delete scheduledTasks[id];
var scheduledTasks = {};
var nextScheduledTaskID = 1;
function scheduledTaskExec( id )
var taskData = scheduledTasks[id];
if( taskData )
var fnstr = "";
if( app.logFile )
fnstr = "[" + + "] : ";
var fo = taskData.fn.toString().split("\n");
for( var i=0; i<6; i++ )
if( fo[i] )
fnstr += fo[i];
fnstr += " ...";
app.writeLog( "Start SCHEDULED TASK: " + fnstr );
taskData.fn.apply( taskData.self, taskData.args );
delete scheduledTasks[id];
if( app.logFile )
app.writeLog( "Finished SCHEDULED TASK: " + fnstr );
// string utils
function stripWS( str )
var tmp = stripLeadingWS( str );
tmp = stripTrailingWS( tmp );
return tmp;
function stripLeadingWS( str )
for( var i=0; i<str.length; i++ )
var ch = str.charAt(i);
if( ch != ' ' && ch != '\t' && ch != '\n' )
if( i+1 >= str.length )
return '';
return str.substring( i+1 );
return str;
function stripTrailingWS( str )
for( var i=str.length-1; i>=0; i-- )
var ch = str.charAt(i);
if( ch != ' ' && ch != '\t' && ch != '\n' )
if( i+1 >= str.length )
return str;
return str.substr( 0, i+1 );
return str;
function switchDbgLog( enable )
for( var i in cdicMgr.cdic )
cdicMgr.cdic[i].customCall( 'dbgLog', false, enable ).submit();