Bitbucket Cloud - Add an existing, unversioned code to an empty repository
# From your terminal, change to the root directory of your existing code.
# Initialize the directory under source control from the following command:
git init
# Add the existing files to the repository you have initialized:
git add .
# Commit the files:
git commit -m 'initial commit of full repository'
# From the Overview page of the repository you created in Bitbucket, choose I
# have an existing project. Connect your new local repository to the remote repository on Bitbucket. To
# do that, copy the git remote path that you see under I have an existing
# project and enter it in the command line.
git remote add origin
# Push all the code in your local repo to Bitbucket with the following command
git push -u origin --all
# Push up any tags if needed
git push origin --tags