10/29/2018 - 12:34 PM


sigma type

Require Import Omega.

Print sig. (* Σx:A B(x) *)
(* Inductive sig (A : Type) (P : A -> Prop) : Type := *)
(* exist : forall x : A, P x -> {x : A | P x}         *)
(* For sig: Argument A is implicit                    *)
(* For exist: Argument A is implicit                  *)

Check sig (fun x:nat => x < 10).
(* {x : nat | x < 10} *)
(*      : Set         *)

Check {x:nat | x < 10}.
(* {x : nat | x < 10} *)
(*      : Set         *)

Lemma _2_lt_10 : 2 < 10. Proof. omega. Qed.

Check exist (fun n:nat => n < 10) 2 _2_lt_10.
(* exist (fun n : nat => n < 10) 2 _2_lt_10 *)
(*      : {n : nat | n < 10}                *)
(* exist <P of predicate> <x of argument> <proof object of P x>. *)


Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.

Section Stream.
Variable A : Type.

CoInductive Stream : Type :=
  Seq : A -> Stream -> Stream.

Definition hd (x : Stream) :=
  match x with
  | Seq a _ => a

Definition tl (x : Stream) :=
  match x with
  | Seq _ s => s

Fixpoint nth (n : nat) (x : Stream) : A :=
  match n with
  | O => hd x
  | S m => nth m (tl x)

Fixpoint take (n : nat) (x : Stream) : list A :=
  match n with
  | O => nil
  | S m => cons (hd x) (take m (tl x))

Fixpoint drop (n : nat) (s : Stream) : Stream :=
  match n with
  | O => s
  | S m => drop m (tl s)
End Stream.

CoFixpoint from (n : nat) : Stream nat := Seq n (from (S n)).

Eval compute in hd (from 0).
     (* = 0   *)
     (* : nat *)
Eval compute in tl (from 0).
     (* = (cofix from (n : nat) : Stream nat := Seq n (from (S n))) 1 *)
     (* : Stream nat                                                  *)
Eval compute in nth 10 (from 0).
     (* = 10  *)
     (* : nat *)
Eval compute in take 10 (from 0).
     (* = (0 :: 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: 6 :: 7 :: 8 :: 9 :: nil)%list *)
     (* : list nat                                                     *)
Eval compute in drop 10 (from 0).
     (* = (cofix from (n : nat) : Stream nat := Seq n (from (S n))) 10 *)
     (* : Stream nat                                                   *)



Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.

Structure hoge := {
  carrier : Type;
  op : carrier -> carrier

Definition fuga := Build_hoge (plus 1).
Eval simpl in carrier fuga.
     (* = nat  *)
     (* : Type *)

Canonical Structure fuga.
Check op 1.
(* op (h:=fuga) 1      *)
(*      : carrier fuga *)

Definition style

Canonical Structure piyo := Build_hoge (plus 1).
Check op 1.
(* op (h:=piyo) 1      *)
(*      : carrier piyo *)


Record hoge := {
  carrier : Type;
  op : carrier -> carrier

Definition fuga := Build_hoge _ (plus 1).

Check op fuga 1.
(* op fuga 1           *)
(*      : carrier fuga *)

Fail Check op _ 1.
(* The command has indeed failed with message:                                 *)
(* The term "1" has type "nat" while it is expected to have type "carrier ?h". *)

Canonical Structure fuga.

Check op _ 1.
(* op fuga 1           *)
(*      : carrier fuga *)


Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.

Structure Fuga : Type := {
  Carrier_ : Set

Fail Check forall (f : Fuga) (carrier : f), carrier = carrier.
(* The term "f" has type "Fuga" which should be Set, Prop or Type. *)

Structure Hoge : Type := {
  Carrier :> Set

Print Carrier.
(* Carrier = fun h : Hoge => let (Carrier) := h in Carrier *)
(*      : Hoge -> Set                                      *)
(* Carrier is a coercion                                   *)

Check forall (A : Hoge) (carrier : A), carrier = carrier.
(* forall (A : Hoge) (carrier : A), carrier = carrier *)
(*      : Prop                                        *)

Set Printing Coercions.

Check forall (A : Hoge) (carrier : A), carrier = carrier.
(* forall (A : Hoge) (carrier : Carrier A), carrier = carrier *)
(*      : Prop                                                *)


Ltac asdf := reflexivity.

Definition hogge : 1 = 1.


Definition hoge of nat := 19.
Eval compute in hoge 99.
     (* = 19  *)
     (* : nat *)


Definition nat_to_bool (_ : nat) := true.

Coercion nat_to_bool : nat >-> bool.

Check (andb 10 true).
(* (10 && true)%bool *)
(*      : bool       *)

Set Printing Coercions.

Check (andb 10 true).
(* (nat_to_bool 10 && true)%bool *)
(*      : bool                   *)

(* Definition style *)
Coercion foo (_:bool) := 10.
Check plus 10 true.
(* 10 + foo true *)
(*      : nat    *)

Print Graph.
(* [nat_to_bool] : nat >-> bool *)
(* [foo] : bool >-> nat         *)

Coercion path

Inductive hoge := Hoge.
Inductive fuga := Fuga.
Inductive piyo := Piyo.

Coercion fuga_of_hoge (h:hoge) := Fuga.
Coercion piyo_of_fuga (f:fuga) := Piyo.

Print Graph.
(* [fuga_of_hoge] : hoge >-> fuga               *)
(* [fuga_of_hoge; piyo_of_fuga] : hoge >-> piyo *)
(* [piyo_of_fuga] : fuga >-> piyo               *)

Set Printing Coercions.

Check Hoge : piyo.
(* piyo_of_fuga (fuga_of_hoge Hoge) : piyo *)
(*      : piyo                             *)
Eval hnf in (fun p:piyo => p) Hoge.
     (* = Piyo *)
     (* : piyo *)
Eval hnf in (fun p:hoge => p:piyo) Hoge.
     (* = Piyo *)
     (* : piyo *)

Applicative style

Inductive hoge := Hoge.

Definition fun_of_hoge (h:hoge) := fun (h:hoge) => h.
Coercion fun_of_hoge : hoge >-> Funclass.

Set Printing Coercions.

Check Hoge Hoge.
(* fun_of_hoge Hoge Hoge *)
(*      : hoge           *)

Check Hoge Hoge Hoge Hoge Hoge Hoge Hoge Hoge.
(* fun_of_hoge                                                                    *)
(*   (fun_of_hoge                                                                 *)
(*      (fun_of_hoge                                                              *)
(*         (fun_of_hoge                                                           *)
(*            (fun_of_hoge (fun_of_hoge (fun_of_hoge Hoge Hoge) Hoge) Hoge) Hoge) *)
(*         Hoge) Hoge) Hoge                                                       *)
(*      : hoge                                                                    *)
Eval hnf in Hoge Hoge.
     (* = Hoge *)
     (* : hoge *)


Eval compute in let a := 10 in a.
     (* = 10  *)
     (* : nat *)

Inductive hoge :=
| fuga : forall (n:nat), hoge.

Eval simpl in let 'fuga n := fuga 10 in n.
     (* = 10  *)
     (* : nat *)