11/15/2014 - 5:57 AM


 * Example usage (In view)
 * <div class="welcome">
    <?php echo Form::open(array('route'=>'process','class'=>'form-horizontal'))?>
    <?php echo Form::textField('first_name')?>
    <?php echo Form::textField('last_name')?>
    <?php echo Form::emailField('email')?>
    <?php echo Form::passwordField('password')?>
    <?php echo Form::selectField('select_one', array('1'=>'abc', '2'=>'def'))?>
    <?php echo Form::selectMultipleField('select_many', array('1'=>'abc', '2'=>'def'))?>    
    <?php echo Form::checkboxGroup('enter name', array(
                array('name'=>'sal_gt_20k', 'display'=>'GT 20K', 'value'=>'1', 'checked'=>false),
                array('name'=>'sal_lt_3k', 'display'=>'Blah', 'value'=>'1', 'checked'=>false)
    <?php echo Form::checkboxGroupTable('Languages known Please Check all that apply', 2,4,array(
                array('name'=>'lang_c', 'display'=>'C', 'value'=>'1', 'checked'=>false),
                array('name'=>'langc_plus', 'display'=>'C++', 'value'=>'1', 'checked'=>false),
                array('name'=>'lang_java', 'display'=>'Java', 'value'=>'1', 'checked'=>false),
                array('name'=>'lang_php', 'display'=>'PHP', 'value'=>'1', 'checked'=>false),
                array('name'=>'lang_sql', 'display'=>'SQL', 'value'=>'1', 'checked'=>false),
    <?php echo Form::radioGroup('Sex',array(
            array('name'=>'sex', 'display'=>'Male','value'=>'m', 'checked'=>false),
            array('name'=>'sex', 'display'=>'Female','value'=>'f', 'checked'=>false)
    <?php echo Form::radioGroupTable('Pick an option',2,4,array(
            array('name'=>'option', 'display'=>'a','value'=>'a', 'checked'=>false),
            array('name'=>'option', 'display'=>'b','value'=>'b', 'checked'=>false),
            array('name'=>'option', 'display'=>'c','value'=>'c', 'checked'=>false),
            array('name'=>'option', 'display'=>'d','value'=>'d', 'checked'=>false),
            array('name'=>'option', 'display'=>'e','value'=>'e', 'checked'=>false),
            array('name'=>'option', 'display'=>'f','value'=>'f', 'checked'=>false),
            array('name'=>'option', 'display'=>'g','value'=>'g', 'checked'=>false),
    <?php echo Form::textareaField('comments')?>
    <?php echo Form::submit('Submit', array('class'=>'col-sm-offset-2 btn btn-primary'))?>
    <?php echo Form::star('rating_field',3)?>
    <?php echo Form::radioScale(array(

    <?php echo Form::radioScale(array(
		), 'asc')?>

    <?php echo Form::slider(array(
        'leftAnchor'=>'Too little',
        'rightAnchor'=>'Too much',
    <?php echo Form::progress(5,10)?>
    ****HTML MACROS ******************
    <?php echo HTML::progress(5,10)?>
    <?php echo HTML::swfobject('filename')?>
 * ********************************************************************************************/
Form::macro ( 'textField', function ($name, $label = null, $value = null, $attributes = array()) {
	$element = Form::text ( $name, $value, fieldAttributes ( $name, $attributes ) );
	return fieldWrapper ( $name, $element, $label );
} );
Form::macro ( 'emailField', function ($name, $label = null, $value = null, $attributes = array()) {
	$element = Form::email ( $name, $value, fieldAttributes ( $name, $attributes ) );
	return fieldWrapper ( $name, $element, $label );
} );
Form::macro ( 'passwordField', function ($name, $label = null, $value = null, $attributes = array()) {
	$element = Form::password ( $name, fieldAttributes ( $name, $attributes ) );
	return fieldWrapper ( $name, $element, $label );
} );

Form::macro ( 'textareaField', function ($name, $label = null, $value = null, $attributes = array()) {
	if (! isset ( $attributes ['rows'] )) {
		$attributes = array_merge ( $attributes, array (
				'rows' => 3 
		) );
	$element = Form::textarea ( $name, $value, fieldAttributes ( $name, $attributes ) );
	return fieldWrapper ( $name, $element, $label );
} );

Form::macro ( 'selectField', function ($name, $options, $label = null, $value = null, $attributes = array()) {
    $options = array('' => 'Select')+$options;
	$element = Form::select ( $name, $options, $value, fieldAttributes ( $name, $attributes ) );
	return fieldWrapper ( $name, $element, $label );
} );

Form::macro ( 'selectMultipleField', function ($name, $options, $label = null, $value = null, $attributes = array()) {
	$attributes = array_merge ( $attributes, array (
			'multiple' => true 
	) );	
	$element = Form::select ( $name . '[]', $options, $value, fieldAttributes ( $name, $attributes ) );
	return fieldWrapper ( $name, $element, $label );
} );

// fieldName, text, value, checked, attribs for each entry
// checkboxGroup('enter name', array(
// array(name=>'sal_gt_20k', display=>'GT 20K', value=>'1', checked=>true)
// ));
Form::macro ( 'checkboxGroup', function ($label, $options = array()) {
	$grp = '';
	$class = '';
	$field = '';
	foreach ( $options as $option ) {
		$grp .= checkbox ( $option ['name'], $option ['display'], $option ['value'], $option ['checked'], $option ['attribs'] = array () );
		$grp .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
		if (fieldError ( $option ['name'] )) {
			$class = 'has-error';
			$field = $option ['name'];
	return '<div class="' . $class . '">' . fieldWrapper ( $field, $grp, $label ) . '</div>';
} );
// fieldName, text, value, checked, attribs for each entry
// radioGroup('enter name', array(
// array(name=>'sal_gt_20k', display=>'GT 20K', value=>'1', checked=>true)
// ));
Form::macro ( 'radioGroup', function ($label, $options = array()) {
	$grp = '';
	foreach ( $options as $option ) {
		$fieldName = $option ['name'];
		$grp .= radio ( $option ['name'], $option ['display'], $option ['value'], $option ['checked'], $option ['attribs'] = array () );
		$grp .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
	return '<div class="' . fieldError ( $fieldName ) . '">' . fieldWrapper ( $fieldName, $grp, $label ) . '</div>';
} );
Form::macro ( 'checkboxGroupTable', function ($label, $rows, $columns, $options = array()) {
	$getData = renderTabular ( $rows, $columns, $options );
	return '<div class="' . $getData->error . '">' . fieldWrapper ( $getData->field, $getData->html, $label ) . '</div>';
} );
Form::macro ( 'radioGroupTable', function ($label, $rows, $columns, $options = array()) {
	$getData = renderTabular ( $rows, $columns, $options, 'radio' );
	return '<div class="' . fieldError ( $getData->field ) . '">' . fieldWrapper ( $getData->field, $getData->html, $label ) . '</div>';
} );
Form::macro ( 'checkboxField', function ($name, $value = 1, $checked = null, $attributes = array()) {
	return checkBox ( $name, $displayName, $value, $checked, $attributes );
} );
Form::macro ( 'radioField', function ($name, $displayName, $value = 1, $checked = null, $attributes = array()) {
	return radio ( $name, $displayName, $value, $checked, $attributes );
} );
 * Helper function to handle tabulating radios and checkbox
 * @param int $rows
 *        	- number of rows (horizontal) in array
 * @param int $columns
 *        	- number of columns (vertical) in array
 * @param array $options
 *        	- options array entered by the user for this set of radios/checkboxes
 * @param string $type
 *        	- checkbox or radio.. default to checkbox
 * @return \stdClass - return an stdclass object with fields error, field and html
if (! function_exists ( 'renderTabular' )) {
	function renderTabular($rows, $cols, $options, $type = "checkbox") {
		$grp = '<table class="table table-condensed">';
		$offset = 0;
		$retObj = new \stdClass ();
		$retObj->error = '';
		$retObj->field = '';
		for($r = 0; $r < $rows; $r ++) {
			$grp .= "<tr>";
			for($c = 0; $c < $cols; $c ++) {
				$offset = $r * $cols + $c;
				if (isset ( $options [$offset] )) {
					$grp .= "<td>";
					if ($type == 'checkbox') {
						$grp .= checkbox ( $options [$offset] ['name'], $options [$offset] ['display'], $options [$offset] ['value'], $options [$offset] ['checked'], $options [$offset] ['attribs'] = array () );
						if (fieldError ( $options [$offset] ['name'] )) {
							$retObj->error = 'has-error';
							$retObj->field = $options [$offset] ['name'];
					} else if ($type == 'radio') {
						$retObj->field = $options [$offset] ['name'];
						$grp .= radio ( $options [$offset] ['name'], $options [$offset] ['display'], $options [$offset] ['value'], $options [$offset] ['checked'], $options [$offset] ['attribs'] = array () );
					$grp .= "</td>";
				} else {
					// empty cell to maintain symmetry
					$grp .= "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
			$grp .= '</tr>';
		$grp .= '</table>';
		$retObj->html = $grp;
		return $retObj;
 * display a star rating (jquery plugin)
 * RATY (
 * Make sure you include the jquery and raty js files.
 * Note that the big png files are stored in js/img path
Form::macro ( 'star', function ($name, $value = '') {
	$markup = '<div class="col-xs-3">';
	$markup .= '<div id="' . $name . '"></div>' . errorMessage ( $name );
	// scoreName does not help with storing data between submits.. so use another hidden
	$markup .= Form::hidden ( $name, $value, array (
			'id' => "$name-field" 
	) );
	$markup .= "</div>";
	$markup .= "<script type='text/javascript'>
    $(function() {
    score: $('#$name-field').val(),    
    path: 'js/img',
    click: function(score, evt) {        
    cancelOff: 'cancel-off-big.png',
    cancelOn : 'cancel-on-big.png',
    half     : true,
    size     : 24,
    starHalf : 'star-half-big.png',
    starOff  : 'star-off-big.png',
    starOn   : 'star-on-big.png'
	return $markup;
} );
 * render a linear scale using radio buttons
 * the data array must contain the following keys
 * leftAnchor : text to be displayed on left
 * rightAnchor: text to be displayed on right
 * count : the number of radio buttons to be displayed
 * name : the name of the control
 * The default order is descending.. passing in 'asc' as the second parameter
 * displays radios in ascending order
Form::macro ( 'radioScale', function ($data, $value = 0, $order = 'desc') {
	$leftAnchor = $data ['leftAnchor'];
	$rightAnchor = $data ['rightAnchor'];
	$count = $data ['count'];
	$name = $data ['name'];
	// generate the scale class='.fieldError($name).
	$str = '<div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-1"><h4><span class="label label-success">' . $leftAnchor . '</span></h4></div>                
        <div class="col-xs-3">';
	if ($order == 'desc') {
		for($index = $count; $index >= 1; $index --) {
			$str .= radio ( $name, $index, $index, $index == $value ? true : false );
	} else if ($order = 'asc') {
		for($index = 1; $index <= $count; $index ++) {
			$str .= radio ( $name, $index, $index, $index == $value ? true : false );
	$str .= '</div>
    <div class="col-xs-1"><h4><span class="label label-success">' . $rightAnchor . '</span></h4></div>
    </div>' . errorMessage ( $name );
	return $str;
} );
 * Displays a slider using Jquery ui
 * the data array must contain the following keys
 * leftAnchor : text to be displayed on left
 * rightAnchor: text to be displayed on right
 * min : minimum value of slider
 * max: maximum value of slider
 * name : the name of the control
Form::macro ( 'slider', function ($data, $value = '') {
	$leftAnchor = $data ['leftAnchor'];
	$rightAnchor = $data ['rightAnchor'];
	$min = $data ['min'];
	$max = $data ['max'];
	$name = $data ['name'];
	$sliderid = $name . '-slider';
	// generate the slider
	$str = '<div class="row">
            <div class="col-xs-1">' . $leftAnchor . '</div>
            <div class="col-xs-5" id="' . $sliderid . '"></div>
            <div class="col-xs-1">' . $rightAnchor . '</div>';
	$str .= Form::hidden ( $name, $value, array (
			'id' => $name 
	) );
	$str .= '</div>' . errorMessage ( $name );
	$str .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">$('document').ready(function(){
    animate: true ,
    range: \"min\",
    value: $(\"#$name\").val(),
    min: $min,
    max: $max,
    slide: function(event, ui) {\$(\"#$name\").val(ui.value)}
	$str .= "\$(\"#$sliderid\").css('cursor', 'pointer');";
	$str .= "</script>";
	return $str;
} );
 * Return the html to render an individual radio control
 * @param string $name
 *        	- name of the radio
 * @param string $displayName
 *        	- display name of the radio
 * @param string $value
 *        	- value of control if selected
 * @param string $checked
 *        	- is the radio selected?
 * @param array $attributes
 *        	- other attributes (class, id etc)
 * @return string - The html rendering of the radio control
if (! function_exists ( 'radio' )) {
	function radio($name, $displayName, $value, $checked = null, $attributes = array()) {
		$out = '';
		$attributes = array_merge ( array (
				'id' => 'id-field-' . $name.'-'.$displayName 
		), $attributes );
		$out .= '<label for="' . 'id-field-' . $name.'-'.$displayName . '" class="radio-inline">';
		$out .= Form::radio ( $name, $value, $checked, $attributes ) . ' ' . $displayName;
		$out .= '</label>';
		return $out;
 * Return the html to render an individual checkbox control
 * @param string $name
 *        	- Name of the checkbox
 * @param string $displayName
 *        	- Display name of the checkbox
 * @param string $value
 *        	- Value if control is checked
 * @param string $checked
 *        	- Is the checkbox checked by default
 * @param array $attributes
 *        	- other attributes (class, id etc)
 * @return string - html rendering of the checkbox control. Note that
 *         it includes a hidden field. This simplifies form processing when checkbox is unchecked
if (! function_exists ( 'checkBox' )) {
	function checkBox($name, $displayName, $value = 1, $checked = null, $attributes = array()) {
		$out = '';
		$attributes = array_merge ( array (
				'id' => 'id-field-' . $name 
		), $attributes );
		$out .= '<label for="' . 'id-field-' . $name . '" class="checkbox-inline">';
		$out .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" value="0" />'; // spl handling for checkbox that is not checked
		                                                                  // $out .= Form::hidden($name, 0); //note that this does NOT work well!
		$out .= Form::checkbox ( $name, $value, $checked, $attributes ) . ' ' . $displayName;
		$out .= '</label>';
		return $out;
 * Wrap an element with twitter bootstrap 3.0 specific code for proper rendering
 * @param string $field
 *        	- field name
 * @param string $element
 *        	- html rendering of internal form element to be output
 * @param string $label
 *        	- label that is displayed to the left
 * @return string - formatted html with all divs etc for final display on screen
if (! function_exists ( 'fieldWrapper' )) {
	function fieldWrapper($field, $element, $label = null) {
		$out = '<div class="form-group';
		$out .= fieldError ( $field ) . '">'; // set error class
		$out .= fieldLabel ( $field, $label ); // gen label
		$out .= '<div class="col-sm-7">';
		$out .= $element;
		$out .= errorMessage ( $field ); // display error message
		$out .= '</div>';
		$out .= '</div>';
		return $out;
 * return formatted error message associated with a field
 * @param string $field
 *        	- name of the field to be checked for errors
 * @return string - TBS 3.0 formatted span tag that is to be displayed alongside the field
if (! function_exists ( 'errorMessage' )) {
	function errorMessage($field) {
		if ($errors = Session::get ( 'errors' )) {
			return '<span class="label label-danger">' . $errors->first ( $field ) . '</span>';
 * Return string 'has-error' that can be tagged to element div to signal erroneous entry
 * @param string $field
 *        	- the field name
 * @return string - 'has-error' in case the field has a validation error
if (! function_exists ( 'fieldError' )) {
	function fieldError($field) {
		$error = '';
		if ($errors = Session::get ( 'errors' )) {
			$error = $errors->first ( $field ) ? ' has-error' : '';
		return $error;
 * html required for displaying the field label.
 * In case an explicit label is not passed,
 * generate one
 * @param unknown $name
 *        	- field name
 * @param unknown $label
 *        	- label to be used
 * @return string - html for the label (TBS 3.0 formatted)
if (! function_exists ( 'fieldLabel' )) {
	function fieldLabel($name, $label) {
		$out = '<label for="' . 'id-field-' . $name . '" class="control-label col-sm-3">';
		if ($label === null) {
			// remove _id, [].. replace _ and - with space.
			$out .= ucfirst ( str_replace ( array (
			), ' ', str_replace ( array (
			), '', $name ) ) );
		} else {
			$out .= $label;
		$out .= '</label>';
		return $out;
 * helper function to add required classes (TBS 3.0) for "text input" fields
 * @param string $name
 *        	- field name
 * @param array $attributes
 *        	- control attribs passed by user
 * @return array - attributes array merged with TBS specific classes
if (! function_exists ( 'fieldAttributes' )) {
	function fieldAttributes($name, $attributes = array()) {
		return array_merge ( array (
				'class' => 'form-control',
				'id' => 'id-field-' . $name 
		), $attributes );

 * **************************************************************
 * **************************************************************
 * Display a progressbar using jquery ui
 * $current is the current step of the slider
 * $total is the total number of steps
HTML::macro ( 'progress', function ($current, $total) {
	$pctValue = number_format ( $current / $total * 100, 0 );
	$str = '';
	$str .= '<div class="row">
                <div class="col-xs-3">
                    <div id="progressbar"></div>
                <div class="col-xs-2">' . $pctValue . '% Complete</div>
	$str .= '<script type="text/javascript">
	$str .= '$("#progressbar").progressbar({
            value: ' . $pctValue;
	$str .= '});';
	$str .= '});
	return $str;
} );
 * Generate content required to display swf videos on page
 * It is assumed that an swf encoded file named $name is in public subdir swf/
HTML::macro ( 'swfobject', function ($name) {
	$swfPath = URL::to("/swf/$name");
	$expressInstallPath = URL::to( "js/expressInstall.swf");
	$version = "9.0.0";
	$headScript = <<<HEADSCRIPT
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var flashvars = {};
            var params = {};
   = "true";
            params.loop = "true";
            params.allowfullscreen = "true";
            var attributes = {};
            swfobject.embedSWF("$swfPath", "myAlternativeContent", "640", 
                            "480", "$version", "$expressInstallPath", 
                            flashvars, params, attributes);
        <div id="myAlternativeContent">
            <a href="">
            <img src="" 
                                alt="Get Adobe Flash player" />
	return $headScript;
} );