Try to be RESTful. This was helpful with project organization. I now know where everything is and what everything is named.
Use Spatie packages, I use roles and permissions, Laravel queries, and their media library. They are all really well thought out. (This rewrite isn't in production yet, but I bought my postcard last weekend Freek!)
Use a separate Vue frontend. I wouldn't recommend this for every project, but that hot reload while developing the UI is so, so nice.
Plan everything out before you write. Actually, sit down and map out user journeys. Then list out the database tables (and columns), models w/ relationships, controllers, resources, requests, routes, services, whatever... and build them in batches. Then scaffold them all before writing any code. Of course, there will be changes and additions but when you get ready to write it will be much smoother because most of the project structure is in place. // laravel schema designer :: to design code project