6/23/2019 - 3:09 AM

Deploying WordPress with Deployer 4

Deploying WordPress with Deployer 4

namespace Deployer;

require 'recipe/common.php';

set('ssh_type', 'native');
set('ssh_multiplexing', true);

// Set configurations
set('repository', '');
set('shared_files', ['public/wp-config.php']);
set('shared_dirs', ['public/wp-content/uploads']);
set('writable_dirs', []);
set('keep_releases', 3);
set('composer_command', 'composer');

//Defaults for all servers
set('timezone', 'Europe/Stockholm');
set('branch', 'master');

// Configure servers
server('production', '')
  ->set('deploy_path', '/var/www/')
  ->set('environment', 'production');

 * Chown files to correct user
task('deploy:chown', function () {
  run('chown -R www-data:www-data ' . get('deploy_path'));

 * Restart php-fpm
task('deploy:restart-php', function () {
  run('ee stack restart --php7');

 * Restart Memcached
task('deploy:restart-memcached', function () {
  run('service memcached restart');

 * Write current Git commit hash to version.txt of current release
task('deploy:write_version', function () {
  cd(get('deploy_path') . '/current/public/');
  run('git rev-parse HEAD > version.txt');

 * Display current Git commit hash
task('info:version', function() {

  cd(get('deploy_path') . '/current');
  $version = run('git rev-parse HEAD')->getOutput();

  write("Currently deployed commit: <info>$version</info>");

 * Main task
task('deploy', [
])->desc('Deploy your project');

after('deploy', 'success');