* @param {number} low
* @param {number} high
* @param {number} zero
* @param {number} one
* @return {number}
var countGoodStrings = function(low, high, zero, one) {
// Define the modulus value to handle large numbers
const MOD = Math.pow(10, 9) + 7;
// Initialize the DP array to store the number of ways to form strings of each length
const dp = new Array(high + 1).fill(0);
dp[0] = 1; // Base case: There is one way to have a string of length 0 (the empty string)
# Definition
LLM Mixture of Experts (MoE) is a technique used to improve the efficiency and capabilities of large language models (LLMs).
Imagine having a team of specialized experts, each with their own area of expertise.
When you have a question, you would consult the expert most qualified to answer it.
This is the basic idea behind MoE in LLMs.
* @param {string[]} words
* @param {string} target
* @return {number}
var numWays = function(words, target) {
const MOD = 1e9 + 7; // Modulo value to handle large numbers
const m = target.length; // Length of the target string
const n = words[0].length; // Length of each string in words
// Step 1: Build the frequency map for characters at each position in words
const charFreq = Array.from({ length: n }, () => ({}));
for (const word of words) {
for (
let mycode:string = "hello world"
OUTPUTS AS -> {division:"72"}
We have the gswm root folder for the structure the basics types are as follows
->The gswm is the root folder of the project. Typically, the name of the root folder matches the name of the generated artifact.
->The src folder contains project-related artifacts such as source code or property files, which you typically would like to manage in a source control management (SCM) system, such as SVN or Git.
->The src/main/java folder contains the Java source code.
->The src/test/java folder contains
Directory Name || Description
Holds resources, such as Spring configuration files and velocity templates, that need to end up in the generated artifact.
Holds configuration files, such as Tomcat context files, James Mail Server configuration files, and so on. These files will not end up in the generated artifact.
Holds any scripts that system administrators and developers need for the application.
Holds configuration file
1. Apache Maven is an open source, standards-based project management framework that simplifies the building, testing, reporting, and packaging of projects.
2. Maven's initial roots were in the Apache Jakarta Alexandria project that took place in early 2000.
Maven has become one of the most widely used open source software programs in enterprises around the world.
for the below reasons
1. Standardized Directory Structure
--------> Maven provides recommendations on where differen
# Go the the desired branch
git checkout <branchname>
# Commit log
git log
# Suggested approach is to step back one by one
git reset --hard <Commit SHA Code>
git status
git --oneline
# Updated the revert changes this will delete the lates commit and take a step back into commit history at the remote
git push origin <branchname> --force
# we have two branches
# 1-> where we are merging -> main
# 2-> where we want to merge -> feature
# go to the main branch
git checkout main
# pull the code from feature branch
git pull origin feature
git status
# Resolve the conflicts file
# add the files
git add .
# unstage the files which are not required
git restore --staged <filename>
# Commit
git commit -m "<Merge commit Message>"
# push the changes into the main branch remote repo
git push origin dev
git clone -b <branchname> "<HTTP URL for the remote code repo>"
# To switch the branch
# Use any of the below 2
git switch <branch name>
git checkout <branch name>
# create and switch the branch simultaneously
git switch -c <new branch name>
git checkout -b <new branch name>
# Add the remote origin for the code
git remote add <shortname> "<URL>"
# List remote repo connections with the shortname
git remote
# List the repo connection with the shortname and URLs
git remote -v
# push the code on the branches
git push <shortname> <branchname>
# Branch Delet
# pull the code from git
git clone -b <branch name> "<HTTP Repo URL>"
# for commit we first check the status
git status
# if we somehow changes any particular file we should not then before adding we can use the restore
# use any of the 2
git restore <filename> <filename>
# for all the files
git restore .
# git status shows us the changes in our work repository
# if we want to add all the files which are showing in the status
# we can use either of the below 2 commands
git add .
git add -A
# git init with the desired name of the master branch
git init -b <branch name>
git init --initial-branch <branch name>
# Special Case
# is we want all our project branches with the specific branch name
# then we can configure this setting in or git config file
git config --global init.defaultbranch "<branchname>"
git init
# TO check the git verisons use any one of the below commands
git -v
git --version
git version
# Config the basic global settings
git config --global username "<name>"
git config --global email "<email>"
# List all the git global settings
git config --global --list