Beginners Dart - Classes
class TheClass { //Here I have created the class.
//This function prints the word hello and if passed a string.
void sayWord(String name) => print("Hello ${name}");
//This is a basic function that returns the sum of 5 times five.
int calculate() => 5 * 5;
//A quick thing to note is that a fat arrow in the code (=>) is a quick way of creating a line function, it is just the same as a regular function except uses an extra symbol and takes up less space.
void main() {
//We now create the class for our use.
TheClass myClass = new TheClass();
//Here we pass a value to a funtion within the class and have it print the words "Hello Bob".
//Finally in the class it returns a value of 25 when this function is called, so we run the function and print the value returned.