#! /usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from utils import *
from vocab import *
from rhyme import RhymeDict
from word2vec import get_word_embedding
from data_utils import *
from collections import deque
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib import rnn
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2'
_model_path = os.path.join(save_dir, 'model')
_NUM_UNITS = 128
class Generator:
def __init__(self):
embedding = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.0, shape=[VOCAB_SIZE, _NUM_UNITS]), trainable = False)
self._embed_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [VOCAB_SIZE, _NUM_UNITS])
self._embed_init = embedding.assign(self._embed_ph)
self.encoder_cell = rnn.MultiRNNCell([rnn.BasicLSTMCell(_NUM_UNITS)] * _NUM_LAYERS)
self.encoder_init_state = self.encoder_cell.zero_state(_BATCH_SIZE, dtype = tf.float32)
self.encoder_inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [_BATCH_SIZE, None])
self.encoder_lengths = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [_BATCH_SIZE])
_, self.encoder_final_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(
cell = self.encoder_cell,
initial_state = self.encoder_init_state,
inputs = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, self.encoder_inputs),
sequence_length = self.encoder_lengths,
scope = 'encoder')
self.decoder_cell = rnn.MultiRNNCell([rnn.BasicLSTMCell(_NUM_UNITS)] * _NUM_LAYERS)
self.decoder_init_state = self.decoder_cell.zero_state(_BATCH_SIZE, dtype = tf.float32)
self.decoder_inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [_BATCH_SIZE, None])
self.decoder_lengths = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [_BATCH_SIZE])
outputs, self.decoder_final_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(
cell = self.decoder_cell,
initial_state = self.decoder_init_state,
inputs = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, self.decoder_inputs),
sequence_length = self.decoder_lengths,
scope = 'decoder')
with tf.variable_scope('decoder'):
softmax_w = tf.get_variable('softmax_w', [_NUM_UNITS, VOCAB_SIZE])
softmax_b = tf.get_variable('softmax_b', [VOCAB_SIZE])
logits = tf.nn.bias_add(tf.matmul(tf.reshape(outputs, [-1, _NUM_UNITS]), softmax_w),
bias = softmax_b)
self.probs = tf.nn.softmax(logits)
self.targets = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [_BATCH_SIZE, None])
labels = tf.one_hot(tf.reshape(self.targets, [-1]), depth = VOCAB_SIZE)
loss = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
logits = logits,
labels = labels)
self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss)
self.learn_rate = tf.Variable(0.0, trainable = False)
self.opt_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learn_rate).minimize(self.loss)
self.saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables())
self.int2ch, self.ch2int = get_vocab()
def _init_vars(self, sess):
ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(save_dir)
if not ckpt or not ckpt.model_checkpoint_path:
init_op = tf.group(tf.global_variables_initializer(),
sess.run([self._embed_init], feed_dict = {
self._embed_ph: get_word_embedding(_NUM_UNITS)})
self.saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)
def _train_a_batch(self, sess, kw_mats, kw_lens, s_mats, s_lens):
total_loss = 0
for idx in range(4):
encoder_feed_dict = {self.encoder_inputs: kw_mats[idx],
self.encoder_lengths: kw_lens[idx]}
if idx > 0:
encoder_feed_dict[self.encoder_init_state] = state
state = sess.run(self.encoder_final_state,
feed_dict = encoder_feed_dict)
state, loss, _ = sess.run([self.decoder_final_state, self.loss, self.opt_op], feed_dict = {
self.decoder_init_state: state,
self.decoder_inputs: s_mats[idx][:,:-1],
self.decoder_lengths: s_lens[idx],
self.targets: s_mats[idx][:,1:]})
total_loss += loss
print "loss = %f" %(total_loss/4)
def train(self, n_epochs = 6, learn_rate = 0.002, decay_rate = 0.97):
print "Start training RNN enc-dec model ..." #模型构建的时候多写输出语句来检测程序的问题出在哪里
with tf.Session() as sess:
for epoch in range(n_epochs):
batch_no = 0
sess.run(tf.assign(self.learn_rate, learn_rate * decay_rate ** epoch))
for kw_mats, kw_lens, s_mats, s_lens in batch_train_data(_BATCH_SIZE):
print "[Training Seq2Seq] epoch = %d/%d, line %d to %d ..." \
%(epoch, n_epochs, batch_no*_BATCH_SIZE, (batch_no+1)*_BATCH_SIZE)
self._train_a_batch(sess, kw_mats, kw_lens, s_mats, s_lens)
batch_no += 1
if 0 == batch_no%32:
self.saver.save(sess, _model_path)
print "[Training Seq2Seq] The temporary model has been saved."
self.saver.save(sess, _model_path)
print "Training has finished."
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "\nTraining is interrupted."
def generate(self, keywords):
sentences = []
ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(save_dir)
if not ckpt or not ckpt.model_checkpoint_path:
with tf.Session() as sess:
rdict = RhymeDict()
length = -1
rhyme_ch = None
for idx, keyword in enumerate(keywords):
kw_mat = fill_np_matrix([[self.ch2int[ch] for ch in keyword]], _BATCH_SIZE, VOCAB_SIZE-1)
kw_len = fill_np_array([len(keyword)], _BATCH_SIZE, 0)
encoder_feed_dict = {self.encoder_inputs: kw_mat,
self.encoder_lengths: kw_len}
if idx > 0:
encoder_feed_dict[self.encoder_init_state] = state
state = sess.run(self.encoder_final_state,
feed_dict = encoder_feed_dict)
sentence = u''
decoder_inputs = np.zeros([_BATCH_SIZE, 1], dtype = np.int32)#这里测试的时候decoder_inputs都是0就可以
decoder_lengths = fill_np_array([1], _BATCH_SIZE, 0)
i = 0
while True:
probs, state = sess.run([self.probs, self.decoder_final_state], feed_dict = {
self.decoder_init_state: state,
self.decoder_inputs: decoder_inputs,
self.decoder_lengths: decoder_lengths})
prob_list = probs.tolist()[0]
prob_list[0] = 0.
if length > 0:
if i == length:
prob_list = [.0]*VOCAB_SIZE
prob_list[-1] = 1.
elif i == length-1:
for j, ch in enumerate(self.int2ch):
if 0 == j or VOCAB_SIZE-1 == j:
prob_list[j] = 0.
rhyme = rdict.get_rhyme(ch)
tone = rdict.get_tone(ch)
if (1 == idx and 'p' != tone) or \
(2 == idx and (rdict.get_rhyme(rhyme_ch) == rhyme or 'z' != tone)) or \
(3 == idx and (ch == rhyme_ch or rdict.get_rhyme(rhyme_ch) != rhyme or 'p' != tone)):
prob_list[j] = 0.
prob_list[-1] = 0.
if i != 5 and i != 7:
prob_list[-1] = 0.
prob_sums = np.cumsum(prob_list)
if prob_sums[-1] == 0.:
prob_list = probs.tolist()[0]
prob_sums = np.cumsum(prob_list)
for j in range(VOCAB_SIZE-1, -1, -1):
if random.random() < prob_list[j]/prob_sums[j]:
ch = self.int2ch[j]
#ch = self.int2ch[np.argmax(prob_list)]
if idx == 1 and i == length-1:
rhyme_ch = ch
if ch == self.int2ch[-1]:
length = i
sentence += ch
decoder_inputs[0,0] = self.ch2int[ch]
i += 1
return sentences
if __name__ == '__main__':
generator = Generator()
kw_train_data = get_kw_train_data()
for row in kw_train_data[100:]: