2/8/2017 - 5:44 PM

Wordpress Backups with Akeeba Backup Plugin for Hostings at one.com - From https://www.akeebabackup.com/documentation/troubleshooter/abbacku

Wordpress Backups with Akeeba Backup Plugin for Hostings at one.com - From https://www.akeebabackup.com/documentation/troubleshooter/abbackup.html

###Special notes for one.com customers
If your site is hosted on one.com please follow these instructions if the above doesn't work:

  1. Run the Configuration Wizard but do not take a backup yet
  2. Go to Akeeba Backup's Configuration page and set the following parameters:
  • Logging Level: Only errors (however, if you want to ask for support in our ticket system you must switch it back to All Information and Debug and try taking a new backup before posting us your log file)
  • Click the Configure button in the Archiver Engine and set the "Part size for split archives" to 127Mb or less.
  • Minimum execution time: 10 seconds
  • Maximum execution time: 7 seconds
  • Execution time bias: 50%

Please note that the above settings do cause the backup to run at half speed, but this is required for your backup to run under smoothly on one.com.

We'd like to thank one.com's tech support for testing and providing these safe settings.