10/31/2017 - 5:13 PM

The Events Calendar: One way to remove Organizers from the wp-admin event edit screen. May have other unintended consequences; requires test

The Events Calendar: One way to remove Organizers from the wp-admin event edit screen. May have other unintended consequences; requires testing.


 * The Events Calendar: One way to remove Organizers from the wp-admin event
 * edit screen. May have other unintended consequences; requires testing.
 * @link
 * @link
 * @param array $default_post_types
 * @return array
add_filter( 'tribe_events_register_default_linked_post_types', function ( $default_post_types ) {
	foreach ( $default_post_types as $key => $value ) {
		if ( Tribe__Events__Main::ORGANIZER_POST_TYPE == $value ) {
			unset( $default_post_types[ $key ] );

	return $default_post_types;
} );