Export MySQL to CSV (php script)
/* vars for export */
// database record to be exported
$db_record = 'XXXXXXXXX';
// optional where query
$where = 'WHERE 1 ORDER BY 1';
// filename for export
$csv_filename = 'db_export_'.$db_record.'_'.date('Y-m-d').'.csv';
// database variables
$hostname = "localhost";
$user = "XXXXXXXXX";
$password = "XXXXXXXXX";
$database = "XXXXXXXXX";
// Database connecten voor alle services
mysql_connect($hostname, $user, $password)
or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
or die ('Could not select database ' . mysql_error());
// create empty variable to be filled with export data
$csv_export = '';
// query to get data from database
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$db_record." ".$where);
$field = mysql_num_fields($query);
// create line with field names
for($i = 0; $i < $field; $i++) {
$csv_export.= mysql_field_name($query,$i).';';
// newline (seems to work both on Linux & Windows servers)
$csv_export.= '
// loop through database query and fill export variable
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
// create line with field values
for($i = 0; $i < $field; $i++) {
$csv_export.= '"'.$row[mysql_field_name($query,$i)].'";';
$csv_export.= '
// Export the data and prompt a csv file for download
header("Content-type: text/x-csv");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$csv_filename."");