Rocket.Chat: Reset User Details
Connect to MongoDB
sudo /snap/rocketchat-server/current/bin/mongo
Select Rocket.Chat Database
use parties
Display all usesrs
Get User's ID
Grab the _id
to be use in next step.
Update Selected User's Password to 12345
db.getCollection('users').update({_id:"admin"}, { $set: {"services" : { "password" : {"bcrypt" : "$2a$10$n9CM8OgInDlwpvjLKLPML.eizXIzLlRtgCh3GRLafOdR9ldAUh/KG" } } } })
Now you should be ready with new password.
Update User's Role to Admin
You may want to update user's role to admin. Do the following:
db.users.update({username:'admin'}, {$set: {'roles' : [ "admin" ]}})