8/4/2018 - 11:29 PM

Edmonds Karp (max-flow)

Edmonds Karp - Max Flow algorithm - runs in O(V^3 * E) using adjacency matrix

#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f

// mf: max flow (our solution, eventually)
// f : min f at the time
// s : source
// t : sink
int mf, f, s, t;

// parent, for BFS
vi p;

// max # of vertices we could have
#define MV 1000
int res[MV][MV];

void augment(int v, int lo) {
  if (v == s) {
    // base case: we reach source, and resolve 'f' to the minimum edge
    f = lo;
  } else if (p[v] != -1) {
    // wonder... is this check redundant? ==> no. It is needed because not
    // necessarily have v -> u (back) for all u -> v

    // recursive call
    augment(p[v], min(lo, res[p[v]][v]));

    // NOTE: changing with 'f', not 'lo'... why?
    // because we're doing recursive calls, updating 'f' once we arrive at
    // 's', at which point the global 'f' is updated, 'augment' returns up the
    // stack, and these values need to be updated with that 'f', not just what
    // 'lo' was at the time
    // update forward res edges u -> v (i.e. p[v] -> v) with -f
    // update backwrd res edges v -> u (i.e. v -> p[v]) with +f
    res[p[v]][v] -= f;
    res[v][p[v]] += f;

int main() {

  // for each case, setup res, s, t
  cin >> s >> t;

  // init to 0, need to do this cause using adj matrix
  REP(i, MV)
  REP(j, MV) res[i][j] = 0;

  // of the form:
  // node_u node_v uv_capacity
  int u, v, c;
  while (cin >> u >> v >> c) {
    cin >> u >> v >> c;
    res[u][v] = c;

  // max flow, initially 0
  mf = 0;
  for (;;) {
    // don't forget this.  'f' needs to be reset each time
    // or does it?... don't see why
    // ==> YES: it is needed,
    // ==> See below: <f needs to be 0>
    f = 0;

    // here, dist is the 'hop-count' from s to t
    // but the actual 'weights' (i.e. capacities) of the edges are
    // handled in 'res', initially equal to original values, but
    // change over the course of the algorithm
    vi dist(MV, INF);
    dist[s] = 0;

    // don't forget this part
    p.assign(MV, -1);

    queue<int> q;
    while (!q.empty()) {
      auto u = q.front();
      if (u == t) break;  // Exit condition: reach the sink

      REP(v, MV) {
        // Interpretation
        // 1: res[u][v] > 0
        // ==> v reachable from u
        // 2: dist[v] == INF
        // ==> unvisited
        if (res[u][v] > 0 && dist[v] == INF)
          dist[v] = dist[u] + 1, q.push(u), p[v] = u;
    // BFS path has been created and stored by 'p', now augment.
    // When this completes, we will know the minimum flow 'f' in this path ***IF
    // ANY*** why IF ANY?  ==> because when 'f' == 0, we cannot send any more
    // flow, so we are DONE
    // ==> See above: <f needs to be 0>
    augment(t, INF);
    if (f == 0) break;

    // we increase 'mf' maxflow solution for this case, by 'f' -> the flow that
    // we still have the capacity to send.
    mf += f;

  // print 'mf' the maximum flow.
  cout << mf << endl;

  return 0;