function GetLogStatsForBusinessRelationshipScript {
function NewScriptStatistic{
new-object psobject -property @{
ExecutingBusinessResourceId = $ExecutingBusinessResourceId;
DateTimeNZLocal = $DateTimeNZLocal;
DurationMicroSeconds = $DurationMicroSeconds;
HasSoldTo = $HasSoldTo;
write-host $FileName
sls -path $FileName -pattern " end IsCustomer" -Context 60,20 | % {
$context = $_.Context
$context.PreContext | ? { $_ -match ".*InformationSqlQuery.*" } | select -last 1 | % { $_ -match "(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d),[\d\-]*,InformationSqlQuery,Executing streaming SQL statement on connection [a-zA-Z0-9\-]* \(time to first row (\d+) microseconds\).*" } | out-null
$dateTime = $Matches[1]
$durationMicroseconds = $Matches[2]
$context.PostContext | ? { $_ -match '"executingBusinessResourceId":(\d+)' } | select -first 1 | out-null
$executingBusinessResourceId = $Matches[1]
$matchSoldTo = ( $context.PostContext | ? { $_ -match 'end IsSoldToParty' } )
$hasSoldTo = ($matchSoldTo.Length -gt 0)
NewScriptStatistic $executingBusinessResourceId $dateTime $durationMicroseconds $hasSoldTo
$searchTerm = 'Only one usage of each socket address'
sls -pattern $searchTerm -path *.log -list | % {
$filename = $_.Filename
sls -path $filename -pattern '^Started ' -list | % { $_ -match "(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d)" | out-null ; "$($Matches[1])"}
sls -path $filename -pattern $searchTerm -Context 5,0 | % {
$context = $_.Context
$context.PreContext | ? { $_ -match "\.Given_" } | select -last 1 | % { $_ -match ".*(ECargo.*\.Given_[\w_]*).*" } | out-null
$testName = $Matches[1]
} | add-content -encoding UTF8 .\Report.txt
## sls -Path *.log -pattern 'the database operation timed out' -Context 5,0 | % { Get-TestNameFromBuildLogContext $_ }
function Get-TestNameFromBuildLogContext{
$context = $_.Context
$context.PreContext | ? { $_ -match "\.Given_" } | select -last 1 | % { $_ -match ".*(ECargo.*\.Given_[\w_]*).*" } | out-null
$testName = $Matches[1]
sls '\$ref'
sls "\`$ref"
# Groups[0] is the default group of general matching
# Groups[1] is the first captured group, Groups[2] is the next captured group, etc
gc "C:\Users\ernest.tidalgo\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\[script]" | select-string -Pattern "function ([\w-]+)" | select -ExpandProperty Matches | % { $_.Groups[1] }
gc "C:\Users\ernest.tidalgo\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\[script]" | select-string -Pattern "function ([\w-]+)" | select -ExpandProperty Matches | % { $_.Groups[1].Values }