10/19/2017 - 11:14 AM


' For complete examples and data files, please go to
' Get Configurations
Dim config As ViewerConfig = Utilities.GetConfigurations()

' Create html handler
Dim htmlHandler As New ViewerHtmlHandler(config)

' Guid implies that unique document name 
Dim guid As String = DocumentName

' Instantiate the HtmlOptions object
Dim options As New HtmlOptions()

' Set pdf options to render content without glyphs grouping
options.PdfOptions.PreventGlyphsGrouping = True
' Default value is false
' Get document pages in html form
Dim pages As List(Of PageHtml) = htmlHandler.GetPages(guid, options)

For Each page As PageHtml In pages
    ' Save each page at disk
    Utilities.SaveAsHtml(page.PageNumber + "_" + DocumentName, page.HtmlContent)