9/8/2014 - 12:13 AM

Generate graph structure of a multi-layer perceptron

Generate graph structure of a multi-layer perceptron

generatePerceptron <- function(numLayers, layerWidth){
  # Generates a graphNel structure representing a multi-layer perceptron
  # Starts and ends with single nodes "R" and "T", with multiple "layers" in between.
  # numLayers is the number of Layers, layerWidth is the number of nodes in the layer
  layerNames <- LETTERS[1:numLayers]
  layer <- layerNames[1]
  layerList <- lapply(layerNames, function(layer) {
    paste(rep(layer, each = 2), 1:layerWidth, sep = "")
  edgeMat <- NULL
  for(i in 2:length(layerList)){
    for(j in 1:length(layerList[[i]])){
      for(k in 1:length(layerList[[i - 1]])){
        edgeMat <- rbind(edgeMat, c(layerList[[i -1 ]][j], layerList[[i]][k]))
  edgeMat <- rbind(t(sapply(layerList[[1]], function(nd) c("R", nd))), edgeMat)
  edgeMat <- rbind(edgeMat, t(sapply(layerList[[numLayers]], function(nd) c(nd, "T"))))
  dimnames(edgeMat) <- NULL
g <- generatePerceptron(3, 2)