2/18/2017 - 5:31 PM

Fixes references to inline SVG elements when the <base> tag is in use.

Fixes references to inline SVG elements when the tag is in use.

 * SVG Fixer
 * Fixes references to inline SVG elements when the <base> tag is in use.
 * Firefox won't display SVG icons referenced with
 * `<svg><use xlink:href="#id-of-icon-def"></use></svg>` when the <base> tag is on the page.
 * More info:
 * - http://stackoverflow.com/a/18265336/796152
 * - http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/linking.html
 * One would think that setting the `xml:base` attribute fixes things,
 * but that is being removed from the platform: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=341854

(function(document, window) {
	"use strict";

	* Initialize the SVG Fixer after the DOM is ready
	document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {

		 * Current URL, without the hash
		var baseUrl = window.location.href
			.replace(window.location.hash, "");

		*  Find all `use` elements with a namespaced `href` attribute, e.g.
		*  <use xlink:href="#some-id"></use>
		*  See: http://stackoverflow.com/a/23047888/796152

			* Filter out all elements whose namespaced `href` attribute doesn't
			* start with `#` (i.e. all non-relative IRI's)
			* Note: we're assuming the `xlink` prefix for the XLink namespace!
			.filter(function(element) {
				return (element.getAttribute("xlink:href").indexOf("#") === 0);

			* Prepend `window.location` to the namespaced `href` attribute value,
			* in order to make it an absolute IRI
			* Note: we're assuming the `xlink` prefix for the XLink namespace!
			.forEach(function(element) {
				element.setAttribute("xlink:href", baseUrl + element.getAttribute("xlink:href"));

	}, false);

}(document, window));